1.The interregionalism are institutions or organizations,which promote dialogue and cooperation between countries in different regions.地区间主义是促进不同地区内国家之间对话与合作的制度或组织,它作为全球治理的一个层面,通过其自身功能,如制衡、认同构建和议程设定等方面,促进了全球治理的发展。

1.Interregionalism:From Regional Cooperation to Global Governance地区间主义:从地区间合作到全球治理
2.One Phenomenon,Multiple Paths-Analysis of Various Approaches of Interregionalism Participat- ing in Global Governance一个现象 多种进程——地区间主义参与全球治理的多样性分析
3.Study on Regional Protectionism and Trade Barrier of China;地方保护主义和地区间贸易壁垒的检验性分析
4.Regionalization,Regionality,and Regionalism:A Perspective on East Asian Regionalism;地区化、地区性与地区主义——论东亚地区主义
5.The New Regionalism:Bridging the Gap between Nation-States and Globalization;新地区主义——在国家与全球化之间架起桥梁
6.Localism exists to a serious extent in the relations between counties and even between districts and townships within the same county.各县之间地方主义很重,一县内的各区乃至各乡之间也有很深的地方主义。
7.Midwestern Regionalism美国中西部的地区主义
8.Regional and departmental protectionism地区和部门保持主义
9.During the Japanese occupation, no less than 2 million laborers perished from maltreatment and exhaustion in Northeast China.日本帝国主义侵华期间,仅东北地区就有不下200万劳工被折磨致死。
10.On the Folk Beliefs and New Socialist Rural Construction--with Northern Anhui as Center;民间信仰与社会主义新农村建设——以皖北地区为中心
11.An analysis of reasons of unbalanced Development of Soprts among Regions in China at the Socialist Elementary Stage;社会主义初级阶段我国地区间体育发展不平衡成因剖析
12.Regionalism and the Formation of South Pacific Order地区主义与南太平洋地区秩序的构建
13.One is that the socialist country allows certain special regions to retain the capitalist system -- not for just a short period of time, but for decades or even a century.一方面,社会主义国家里允许一些特殊地区搞资本主义,不是搞一段时间,而是搞几十年、成百年。
14.The European Union and Interregionalism:Regional Effects and Global Influences;欧盟与区域间主义:区域效用与全球意义
15.New Regionalism:the New Element of Northeast Asia Regional Cooperation;新地区主义:东北亚区域合作的新要素
16.Regionalism and Establishment of a Cooperative Mechanism for East Asia;地区主义与东亚区域合作机制的建立
17.Regionalism developed typically in the region of Latin America.拉丁美洲地区是区域主义发展较为典型的地区。
18.distinction Between true and pseudo humanism真假人道主义之间的区别

1.Regional Architecture Idea and Critical Regionalism Proposed by Mumfoud;芒福德的地区建筑思想与批判的地区主义
2.Regionalism in Hungarian Architecture;匈牙利建筑的地区主义思潮
3.East Asia s Regionalism and American s Hegemony;东亚地区主义与美国东亚霸权
3)new regionalism新地区主义
1.Practice and Development of the New Regionalism in the Cooperation of East Asia after the Cold War;冷战后新地区主义在东亚合作中的实践与发展
2.On the New Regionalism Perspective, China s Relations with the ASEAN and Its Impact on New Development;论新地区主义视角下中国与东盟关系的新发展及其影响
3.New Regionalism and the Development of the Developing Countries;新地区主义与发展中国家的发展
4)old regionalism旧地区主义
5)Critical regionalism批判的地区主义
1.In the design of high-rise residence in Beijing called "heaven and dwellings" , the architect used "Hutong" and "rectangle courtyard" as prototypes in order to express the idea of critical regionalism in commercial residence.将批判的地区主义建筑思想运用于北京的高层住宅设计,以“胡同”及“四合院”为原型,用异 化的思想在高层住宅建筑中表现胡同及合院的空间概念以增加商品住宅的精神内涵。
2.The important part is the study of Critical Regionalism.本文从现代主义与地区主义的辩证关系出发,综述了地区主义的起源与发展,并以“批判的地区主义”建筑理沦作为沦义的重点研究部分。
3.Fortunately, we have got such theory as“critical regionalism”and the reg.幸好我们已经拥有了像“批判的地区主义”这样的建筑理论作为思想基础,使地区文化可以有了较为恰当的方式在当代建筑的舞台上表演。
6)Architecture with regionalism地区主义建筑
