1.Development Concept for Resource- oriented Citied in the City Circle of Harbin;哈尔滨都市圈资源型城市发展构想

2.Research on Development of Modern Logistics System in Harbin Metropolitan Regions;哈尔滨都市圈现代物流体系发展研究
3.Research on the Dynamic Mechanism and the Development Modes in Harbin Metropolitan Circle;哈尔滨都市圈城市化动力机制及其模式研究
4.Study on the Spatial Development Mechanism and Adjustment-Control in Metropolis Ring Harbin;哈尔滨都市圈空间发展机制与调控研究
5.Theory and Evidence Research on Integration of Urban and Rural Areas in Harbin Metropolitan Circle;哈尔滨都市圈城乡发展布局的理论与实践研究
6.Research on the Industrial Cooperation between Harbin Metropolitan Circle and the "Chanchun,Shenyang and Dalian" Metropolitan Group;哈尔滨都市圈与“长、沈、大”都市群产业合作问题研究
7.On the Hierarchical Structure of the Urban System in Harbin Metropolitan Coordinating Region哈尔滨大都市圈城市体系等级规模结构分析
8.The study on the development of small towns in metropolis circles--the Harbin metropolis circle taken as an example;大都市圈中的小城镇发展研究——以哈尔滨大都市圈为例
9.The city of Harbin is a big city.哈尔滨市是一个大城市。
10.Green Landscape Conceptual Design Near The Lake Bank哈尔滨市金泰·湖滨绿茵景观规划设计
11.Study on Urban Land Intensively Utilizing Appraisal in Harbin;哈尔滨市城市土地集约利用评价研究
12.A Study on the Internal Population Spatial Structure in Harbin Metropolitan;哈尔滨市城市内部人口空间结构研究
13.Construction of the Urban Waterlogging Monitoring and Forecasting System of Harbin City哈尔滨市城市内涝监测预警系统建设
14.Every year there is a famous ice-festival in Harbin in winter.哈尔滨每年冬天都举行著名的冰雪节。
15.Harbin Qiangli Bio-engineering Co., Ltd.哈尔滨强力生物工程有限责任公司(原哈尔滨市福康酒类催化剂厂)
16.Studies on Multilayer Vegetation Quantity in Urban Green Space System in Harbin, China;哈尔滨市绿地系统复层绿色量的研究
17.The Heavy Metal Pollution Estimation of Soils in Harbin Greenbelt;哈尔滨市绿地土壤重金属污染及评价
18.The Evaluation about Traffic Noise of Central Roads in Harbin;哈尔滨市主要道路交通噪声污染评价

the Harbin metropolis circle哈尔滨大都市圈
1.The study on the development of small towns in metropolis circles--the Harbin metropolis circle taken as an example;大都市圈中的小城镇发展研究——以哈尔滨大都市圈为例
3)the Great Metropolitan Region of Harbin哈尔滨市大都市圈
1.based on the theories of urban geography, regional economic geography, urban economics and development economics , and referencing the domestic and overseas theories and experiments of practices about the urban region , this paper synthetically researches the Great Metropolitan Region of Harbin and designs.其次,概括哈尔滨市大都市圈区域社会经济发展和城镇体系演变的历史进程,并分析了区域未来发展的宏观背景和发展条件。
4)Harbin City哈尔滨市
1.Analysis of Trend of Sustainable Development of Harbin City;哈尔滨市可持续发展的趋势分析
2.Investigation on Landfill Leachate Pollution to Soil Nearby Liushulin Landfill Site of Harbin City;哈尔滨市柳树林垃圾场垃圾渗滤液对周边土壤污染状况的调查
3.The Ecological Environment Transformation in the Area between City and Countryside of Harbin City;哈尔滨市城乡结合部生态环境改造问题及对策研究
1.Effects of City Traffic Noises on Teaching Environment of Campus in Harbin;哈尔滨市交通噪声对学校教学环境影响研究
2.The Conditions and Advantages of Developing Green Food Industry in Harbin;哈尔滨市发展绿色食品产业集群的基本条件与优势
3.Research on Environmental Industry in Harbin Economy Technology Development District;哈尔滨市利民经济技术开发区生态工业建设研究
6)Harbin urban area哈尔滨市区
1.It is showed that,several problems do exit in construction land expansion in Harbin urban area:erosion of agricultural land deteriorated ecological services function,and imbalance of construction land expansion,lagging of public building land,traffic land and green land.利用市区近几年土地利用变更数据,分析哈尔滨市区建设用地扩张存在的问题、根源及其解决途径。

广佛都市圈[英]guangzhou - foshan metropolis circle狭义的广佛都市圈范围较小,即广州与佛山相隔的地方,指南海区的黄岐、盐步、大沥、桂城、平洲、罗村这些地方,这些地方位置两个城区之间,得天独厚,经济发展水平高。广义的是:广州市、佛山市、整个南海区、顺德区,三水区.