投资机制,Investment mechanism
1)Investment mechanism投资机制
1.Strategy of innovating investment mechanism in Fujian;创新福建投资机制的对策与建议
2.A Study of investment mechanism and policy based on scientific concept of development;基于科学发展观的投资机制与政策研究
3.On China s Investment Mechanism for Agricultural Integrated Development in New Period;转型时期我国农业综合开发投资机制研究

1.Optimizing the Mechanism of Equipment Investment to Improve Its Efficiency;优化设备投资机制提高设备投资效益
2.Investment Feasibility Study Facility投资可行性研究机制
3.New investor compensation scheme新的投资者赔偿机制。
4.Research into Fund Investor s Assets Protect System of Our Country;我国证券投资基金投资者资产保护机制研究
5.FDI, Domestic Capital and Investor s Discriminating Mechanism;外国直接投资、国内资本与投资者甄别机制
6.On the System of Manpower Investment and the Mechanism of Development;论人力资本投资体制及开发利用机制
7.Study of the Operation Mechanism of the Venture Capital and the Investment of the Container Port;风险投资运行机制及集装箱码头风险投资分析
8.Establishing the Investment’s Soft Environment Evaluation System and Optimizing the Construction of Investment’s Soft Environment;建立投资软环境测评机制 优化投资软环境建设
9.Investment Control and Utilization Efficiency for Civil Airport;民用机场投资控制和投资利用率的分析方法
10.Origins of Formation Mechanism of Investment Behavior of Home Bias投资者本土偏差投资行为的生成机制探源
11.Governmental Control,Stock Holding of Institutional Investors and Protection of Investors' Rights政府控制、机构投资者持股与投资者权益保护
12.A Research on University Human Capital Investment Cost-sharing System;大学人力资本投资成本分担机制研究
13.On Credit ABS Investor Protection System;信贷资产证券化投资者保护机制探讨
14.Establishing Profit Insuring Mechanism of Social Security Investment;建立社会保障资金投资收益保障机制
15.Multi-Visual Analysis about Choice of Raising Funds Mechanism Of Public Investment;公共投资筹资机制选择的多角度分析
16.On the Viable Mechanism of Human Capital Investment in Western Areas of China西部地区人力资本投资自生机制探讨
17.Analysis of HR Investment Risk and Its Effective Governance Mechanism人力资源投资风险及其有效治理机制
18.A Study of Incentive and Constraint Mechanism of Venture Capital Investment Institutions in China;我国风险投资机构激励约束机制研究

mechanism of investment and financing投融资机制
1.An Analysis of the Effects of the Public Financial System Reform on the Mechanism of Investment and Financing;公共财政体制改革对上海投融资机制的影响
3)investment and financing mechanism投融资机制
1.Urban management and innovations in investment and financing mechanism of city construction;“城市经营”与城市建设投融资机制创新
2.Study on the Investment and Financing Mechanism of Environmental Protection Industry in China;中国环保产业投融资机制研究
3.This study gets the basic information of energy efficient retrofit and investment and financing mechanism of public building in southwest region through the following ways including questionnaire investigation, deeply visiting and spot investigation.本项研究通过问卷调查、深入访谈和实地考察的形式了解西南地区公共建筑节能改造及投融资现状,分析西南地区公共建筑节能改造投融资机制存在的问题,结合国家政策发展方向、公共建筑节能改造特点和西南地区经济技术发展水平,根据不同公共建筑类型,设计了政府融资、政策性融资和市场融资相结合的投融资机制。
4)new investment mechanism投资新机制
1.To build a new investment mechanism of the rural compulsory education on the current financial base of our country will provide a secure financial guarantee for the popularization.在国家现有财力基础上建立农村义务教育投资新机制,将为农村义务教育的普及提供可靠的财政保障。
5)venture investment mechanism风险投资机制
1.The paper proposes measures that should be taken in establishing a venture investment mechanism of the rapid development of chinese IT industry.提出了在我国建立风险投资机制以促进我国信息产业快速发展的对策。
6)investment sharing mechanism投资分摊机制

磁耦合机制和沙兹曼机制  解释太阳系角动量特殊分布的两种理论。太阳质量占太阳系总质量的99.8%以上,但其角动量(动量矩)却只占太阳系总角动量的1%左右,而质量仅占0.2%的行星和卫星等天体,它们的角动量却占99%左右。太阳系角动量的这种特殊分布,是太阳系起源研究中的一个重要问题。1942年,阿尔文提出一种"磁耦合机制"。他认为,太阳通过它的磁场的作用,把角动量转移给周围的电离云,从而使由后者凝聚成的行星具有很大的角动量。他假定原始太阳有很强的偶极磁场,其磁力线延伸到电离云并随太阳转动。电离质点只能绕磁力线作螺旋运动,并且被磁力线带动着随太阳转动,因而从太阳获得角动量。太阳因把角动量转移给电离云,自转遂变慢了。    1962年,沙兹曼提出另一种通过磁场作用转移角动量的机制,称为沙兹曼机制。他认为,太阳(恒星)演化早期经历一个金牛座T型变星的时期,由于内部对流很强和自转较快,出现局部强磁场和比现今太阳耀斑强得多的磁活动,大规模地抛出带电粒子。这些粒子也随太阳磁场一起转动,直到抵达科里奥利力开始超过磁张力的临界距离处,它们一直从太阳获得角动量。由于临界距离达到恒星距离的量级,虽然抛出的物质只占太阳质量的很小一部分,但足以有效地把太阳的角动量转移走。沙兹曼也用此机制解释晚于F5型的恒星比早型星自转慢的观测事实。晚于F5型的恒星,都有很厚的对流区和很强的磁活动,通过抛出带电粒子转移掉角动量,自转因而变慢。然而早于F5型的恒星,没有很厚的对流区,没有损失角动量,因而自转较快。