绿色生产,green production
1)green production绿色生产
1.Realization of green production in architectural decoration industry in China;试论绿色生产在中国建筑装饰产业的实现
2.On "Green Trade Barrier" and green production;“绿色贸易壁垒”与绿色生产
3.The paper describes that the important meaning of green production in PCB enterprise.文章评述了PCB企业推行"绿色生产"的重要意义。

1.Green Production-China Enterprise Copes with the Strategy of Green Trade Barriers;绿色生产——我国企业应对绿色贸易壁垒的策略
2.Township Enterprises Have Become Main Obstacles for No-pollution Production and Marketing;乡镇企业:绿色生产和绿色营销的主要障碍
3.Green Productive Forces" is the Productive Forces Restrained by System;“绿色生产力”是制度约束的生产力
4.Green Productivity in Small and Medium Enterprises [seminar]中小型企业的绿色生产力〔研讨会〕
5.Green Productive Forces:Inevitable Road for Sustainable Development;绿色生产力:可持续发展的必由之路
6.The Green GDP:Green Revolution of the Measurement of Productive Achievements;绿色GDP:生产成果计量的绿色革命
7.Green Brand from Green Ecology--Reflection on the Development of Green Mango Industry in Chang Jiang County;绿色生态孕育绿色品牌——关于昌江县发展芒果绿色产业的思考
8.(color) inducing the impression of coolness; used especially of greens and blues and violets.(颜色)产生清凉的感觉;尤指绿色、蓝色和紫罗兰色。
9.The state or process of becoming green, especially the abnormal development of green coloration in plant parts normally not green.绿色,异常变绿变绿的状态或过程,尤指在植物通常不为绿色的部位产生不正常的绿色
10.Green and red light mix to produce yellow, red and blue light mix to produce magenta, green and blue mix to produce cyan.绿光和红光叠加可产生黄色,红光与蓝光叠加可产生品红色,绿光与蓝光叠加可产生青绿色。
11.A Study on the Industrialization of Production of Green Husked Rice in Poyang Lake Region;鄱阳湖区绿色大米生产的产业化研究
12.The Reproduction of Ecological Productivity and the Compensation of Artificial Ecology and Green GNP;生态生产力再生产与人工生态补偿及绿色GNP
13.Study on the Operational Effect of Fertilizer in the Production of Organic Cucumber;绿色食品黄瓜生产肥料运筹效应研究
14.Green Degree Assessment of ICI(China)Production Logistic;ICI(中国)生产物流绿色度评价
15.The Study of Industry Green Development Based on the Eco-City Construction;基于生态城市建设的产业绿色化研究
16.Piloting the Trend of Car-making Technology:Green Manufacturing;绿色制造引领未来汽车生产技术潮流
17.Traceable production system research of green safe pork;可追溯的绿色安全猪肉生产系统研究
18.Production Process of MMA and Green characteristics;甲基丙烯酸甲酯生产工艺及绿色属性

manufacturing green attribute生产绿色性
1.Construction of forewarning system for enterprise manufacturing green attribute;企业生产绿色性预警系统的构建
3)green productivity绿色生产力
1.So the economic plan of green productivity is a matter of necessity in the current provincial ecomonic development.绿色生产力是生产力经济学为解决资源、环境危机而提出的概念。
2.This article analyses and researches the economic policy of Heilongjiang province focusing on the word "green productivity".本文紧紧围绕“绿色生产力”这一概念进行分析研究,在合理阐述“绿色生产力”概念之后,考察了黑龙江省的环境、资源状况,并在此基础上,对黑龙江省资源环境恶化的原因进行分析,最终发现我省资源环境问题的主要原因在于政府政策失灵。
4)green manufacturing line绿色生产链
1.Recently,EU has in- corporated EPR into the environmental directives so as to establish a "green manufacturing line"."生产者延伸责任"是循环经济时代的一种新兴环保理念,它是指生产者不仅要对生产过程中产生的环境污染负责,还必须对其产品废弃后的处置承担一定责任;欧盟新近在环保领域出台的一系列指令引入了"生产者延伸责任",旨在打造一条"绿色生产链"。
5)green agriculture production绿色农产品生产
6)green (ecology) productivity绿色(生态)生产力
