政治集权,Political Centralization
1)Political Centralization政治集权
1.Some scholars insist that the conditions required by market-preserving federalism don\'t match the reality,and others maintain that it is political centralization that plays an important role,and that empirical tests indicate no definite relationship between china\'s economic development and decentralization.学者们或者认为维护市场型联邦主义的条件不符合现实,或者认为恰恰是政治集权起着重要作用,经验性的检验则表明中国经济增长与分权的关系并不确定。

1.Combining Centralization of Politics with Decentralization of Economy--The New Mode of Relations among the Central and Local Governments of China;政治集权与经济分权相结合——中国中央与地方关系的新模式
2.a political theory favoring unlimited authority by a single individual.主张个人集权的政治理论。
3.The Effect of Ching Dynasty Autocratic Monarchy on Science and Technology清代君主集权政治对科学技术的影响
4."Controllable democracy" is in essence relative concentration of political power.“可控的民主”的实质是政治上相对集权。
5.An Analysis on the Change of Interest Groups Politics and the Transformation of the American Hegemony;利益集团政治变迁与美国霸权的转型
6.Concentration of power and authority in a central organization, as in a political system.中央集权制权力与权威集中于一个中央组织,如在政治制度上
7.The tropism of administration in universities is the centralization of political or power and bureaucrat management.政治中心、度集权、僚治校是大学行政权力的价值取向。
8.What did he see as the political effects of administrative decentralization in America?他认为什么乃是美国去除行政集权的政治结果?
9.Simple Remark on the Evolution of the South Political Group in? the Power Structure in the Period of Sui Dynasty略论隋代南方政治集团在政权结构中的嬗变
10.Political Cliques and Their Conflicts in Wei State;曹魏政权内两大政治集团的产生与竞争
11.characterized by a government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control.以行使绝对的和中央集权控制的政治权力的政府为特点。
12.Hegemonism, bloc politics and treaty organizations no longer work.霸权主义、集团政治或条约组织是行不通了,
13.A group of military officers ruling a country after seizing power.军人集团掌握政权后统治国家的一群军官
14.The Optimates and the Concentration of the State Power in Florentine Republic;权力的集中:城市显贵控制佛罗伦萨政治的方式
15.Collective Security and the Balance of Power --Also on the Evolution of the International Political System;集体安全与权力均势——兼析国际政治体系的演变
16.Contemporary Chinese Political Power System Model of Knowledge Acquisition Analysis当代中国政治权力系统采集知识的模式分析
17.II. Highly-collectible political system weakened people's democratic rights of participation;二是高度集权的政治体制削弱了人们的民主参与权利 ;
18.Women s Political and Economic Rights in Rural Collective Economic Organization;农村集体经济组织中女性成员的政治权利和经济权利

centralized politics集权政治
1.As a result, many people have thought that ZhanGuoCe school standed for centralized politics and they were typical authoritarians.由于时代的特点和战国策派学人认识的局限性,战国策派学人的政治选择与他们的政治理念有其不一致的地方,因此,世人大多认为战国策派的政治理念是主张集权政治,认为战国策派学人是典型的权威主义者。
2.It was the demonstration of the Clique\'s centralized politics in administration.它是新桂系集权政治在行政运作上的表现,虽然在实施中也存在缺陷和弊端,但成效是明显的,对维护新桂系的割据政权发挥了重要作用。
1.The Relation of Centralism and the Modern Democracy;集权制政治与现代法制之关系研究
4)highly centralized politics高度集权政治
1.That led to a highly centralized politics and bureaucracy.192 1年春季以后 ,苏俄逐步实施了主要由列宁倡导的新经济政策 ,国家的经济、思想、文化及其它社会生活都呈现一种多元化发展的良好景象 ,但以列宁为首的俄共 (布 )党在当时却普遍认为这是一种充满危险和屈辱的无奈退却和短暂过渡 ,因而在党和政权的建设上实行了一种与新经济政策不相适应的强硬过激政策 ,导致了高度集权政治的产生及由此形成的极权官僚体制的僵化与腐败 ,从而也导致了新经济政策的夭折和后来“斯大林模式”的全面又强制性的推行。
5)Economic Decentralization and Political Centralization经济分权与政治集权
6)Centralized Political System中央集权政治制度

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。