湿地萎缩,shrinking of wetland
1)shrinking of wetland湿地萎缩

1.Quantitative Identification of Driving Force on Wetland Shrinkage over the Source Region of the Yellow River黄河源区湿地萎缩驱动力的定量辨识
2.Cause Analysis of Shrinkage and Protection Countermeasure of Huihe Wetland in Hulunbeier City呼伦贝尔辉河湿地萎缩成因分析及保护对策
3.The headwaters and wetlands along the railway line are to be specially protected to avoid desertification in the headwaters areas, shrinkage of wetlands, deterioration of grasslands and water pollution that might be caused by the construction.保护江河源头水源和沿线湿地,避免因施工引起水源区沙化、湿地萎缩、草场退化和水质污染。
4.Clinic Study of Liu Jun Ping Wei Tang Treating CAG of the Type of Spleen Difficiency and Dampness Toxin;六君平萎汤治疗脾虚湿毒型慢性萎缩性胃炎的临床研究
5.His passion died as if a blight had shrivelled it up.他的怒火象害了枯萎病萎缩了似地消失了。
6.Blighted, withered, or shriveled.枯萎的,萎缩的,皱缩的
7.Atrophic Gastritis in Chongqing an Observation of Clinical Patterns in 100 cases重庆地区萎缩性胃炎100例临床分型
8.The Observation of Clinical Effect by Fu Fang Bai He Jian Ji in Treatment of CAG (Damp-heat and Deficiency of Yin);复方百合煎剂治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎(湿热阴伤型)50例临床疗效观察
9.Clinic and Experimental Study of Weining Granule on Chronic Atropic Gastritis and Precancerosis of Damp-heat in Spleen and Stomach;胃宁颗粒治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎脾胃湿热证的临床与实验研究
10.atrophied limbs, muscles萎缩的肢体、 肌肉.
11.curly dwarf【植】卷叶病, 萎缩病
12.To wither or shrivel or mature imperfectly.枯萎枯萎,萎缩或发育不良
13.There were wet hats and wet shoulders, a cold, shrunken, disgruntled mass, pouring in between bleak walls.只看见那些湿帽子和湿肩膀,一群冰冷、萎缩、不满的家伙,涌进凄凉的墙壁之间。
14.Locals worry about the precious, dwindling cowboy culture.]当地人对宝贵的牛仔文化日渐萎缩感到担忧。
15.A lie is plump in private but lean in public.谎言在背地里很猖獗,在公众场合就萎缩。
16.Sequence Structure and Depositional Filling of Northern Songliao Basin During Shrinkage Stage松辽盆地北部湖盆萎缩期层序结构与沉积充填
17.relating to or characterized by atrophy.关于萎缩的,或有萎缩特征的。
18.The economy shrank in the third quarter, too, and is forecast to contract further.经济以四分之三的速率萎缩,也预示着会更进一步地收缩。

rheumatic atrophy风湿性肌萎缩
3)blighted area(1)萎缩地区,(2)枯萎区
4)Wet land degenerating湿地退缩
1.Advances of studies on denervated skeletal muscle atrophy;失神经骨骼肌萎缩的研究进展
2.Protective effects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract 761 on atrophy of skeletal muscles in rat with limbs fixed;银杏叶提取物EGB761对肢体制动大鼠骨骼肌萎缩的防护效应
3.An Experimental Study on Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells in Vivo and Vitro and Transplantation of Neural Stem Cells Delaying Denervated Muscle Atrophy;神经干细胞体内外分化与体内移植延缓失神经肌肉萎缩的实验研究
1.Comparative Study between Endoscopic morphology and Histologic Mucosal Changes in Chronic Atrophic Gastritis;慢性萎缩性胃炎内镜下形态与组织学改变的比较研究
2.Cell Apoptosis in Atrophic Skeletal Muscle Induced by Immoblization in Rabbits——An Experimental Study Using TUNEL;不同制动时相兔骨骼肌萎缩与细胞凋亡的实验研究—原位缺口末端标记法(TUNEL)的观察检测
3.Study the mechanism of Liweininglu about improving the senile and atrophic vagina.研究目的研究酸甘中药组方制剂丽维凝露改善去卵巢后雌性Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠阴道组织萎缩、衰老状况的作用效果。

英福美 ,丁地去炎松,布地缩松,布地奈德药物名称:布地奈德英文名:Budesonide别名: 普米克;英福美 ,丁地去炎松,布地缩松,布地奈德外文名: pulmicort ,budesonide成分: 布地奈德 药理作用: 具有强糖皮质激素作用。局部应用于支气管,其抗炎作用较可的松约强1000倍。 适用于局部对抗非特异炎症和抗过敏,如支气管哮喘和气道高反应性状态。 适应症: 支气管哮喘 用量用法: 气雾剂成人 初始剂量400-1600ug/日,分二次吸入,维持剂量200-400ug。儿童100-200ug,分2-4次吸入,干粉吸入剂成人 轻症400-800ug/日,重症800-1600ug/日,分2-4次用。 不良反应: ①轻微的喉部刺激感及声嘶,偶见口咽部念珠菌感染。 ②喷吸本品后应漱洗口腔和咽部,不然容易导致白色念珠菌滋生。 ③孕妇一般忌用。 注意事项: 肺结核患者及气道真菌、病毒感染者慎用。 规格: 气雾剂 50ugx 200喷。200ugx 100喷。干粉吸入剂 100ug x 200吸。200ugx 100吸,200吸。 类别:平喘药\肾上腺皮质激素