湿地公约,Ramsar convention
1)Ramsar convention湿地公约
1.In order to understand the impact of integrated measures on Bird's diversity of freshwater lake ecosystem, a study was carried out to compare the Endangered Bird's diversity of East Dongting lake about 5 years since this area joined Ramsar convention in 1992.为了探讨湿地自然保护区综合措施的实施对鸟类多类性的影响,本文分析比较了东洞庭湖自1992年加入国际《湿地公约》后,在1992-1996年间世界濒危鸟类多样性的动态变化。

1.Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl habitat,Ramsar,1971关于特别是作为水禽栖息地的国际重要湿地公约(1971年2月2日)
2.Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat关于特别是作为水禽栖息地的国际重要湿地公约
3.There are about 40 million hectares of artificial wetlands, including about 2 million hectares of reservoirs and about 38 million hectares of rice paddy fields.人工湿地约4000万公顷,包括水库面积约200万公顷,稻田约3800万公顷。
4.There are about 101 families of wetland vegetation and about 8200 kinds of wetland bio-species.湿地植被约有101科,湿地生物种类约有8200种。
5.Ecology,Thrift and Legacy--Application of Earthy Landscape Elements in Urban Wetland Park Planning and Design生态、节约与传承——城市湿地公园规划设计中的乡土景观元素
6.The Conceptional Source of Wetland,Urban Wetland and Urban Wetland Park湿地、城市湿地与城市湿地公园概念释源
7.Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park大圣卢西亚湿地公园
8.On Constructing Urban Wetland Park--A Case Study of Zhengdong New District Wetland Park论城市湿地公园建设——以郑东新区湿地公园为例
9.LiDAR Detection Model of Tidal Wetland Microrelief Based on Ground Constraint Conditions基于地面约束的滨岸湿地微地貌LiDAR检测研究
10.Poyang Lake Wetland Landscape Ecological Construction鄱阳湖地区生态湿地公园的景观营造
11.Brief Discussion on Constructing Urban Wetland Park--A Case Study of Zhengdong New District Wetland Park浅议城市湿地公园建设——以郑东新区湿地公园为例
12.A STUDY ON THE TRAIL DESIGN OF WETLAND PARK--A Case Study of Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou湿地公园游步道设计的探讨——以杭州西溪国家湿地公园为例
13.Landscape Plants Planning Design of Wetland Park--Take Shanghai's Chongming Xisha Wetland Park as an Example湿地公园的植物景观设计——以上海崇明岛西沙湿地公园为例
14.Analysis of Loss of Highway Building in Marshy Ecology and Study of Design Principle for Marshy Highway公路建设对湿地的生态损失分析及湿地公路设计原则研究
15.Design of Experience Tourism Activities in Wetland Park--A Case Study of Wujiatang Wetland Park,Dianchi in Kunming City湿地公园体验型旅游活动设计——以昆明滇池五甲塘湿地公园为例
16.Development of Artificial Filtering System for Urban Wetland Parks - A Case Study of Changguangxi Wetland Park城市湿地公园人工过滤系统的构建——以长广溪湿地公园为例
17.Studies on the Industrial Plantation Technology of Silviculture and Management of Pinus Elliottii;湿地松工业用材林集约栽培和经营技术研究
18.Analysis of the Ultimate Problems Restricting Zhalong-Swamp to Survive and Development Continually;制约扎龙湿地生存发展的问题与对策分析

wetland park湿地公园
1.Thinking of the construction of Minjiang estuary wetland park;构建闽江河口湿地公园的若干思考
2.Present situations of wetland in the estuary of Yellow River and construction of wetland park;黄河河口湿地的现状及湿地公园的建设
3.Service Functions and Values of the Resources (Assets) of Dongjiang-Lake National Wetland Park in Hunan Province;湖南东江湖湿地公园的资源(产)服务功能与价值研究
3)park wetland公园湿地
1.Based on remote sensing and Geographic Information System technologies, the landscape ecology and water evaluated theories, the evaluated factors system for eco-environment quality of park wetland in Beijing is built.公园湿地是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,对改善城市生态环境质量有着不可替代的作用。
2.Park wetland is an important part of ecosystem in urban area.城市公园湿地是城市生态系统重要的组成部分,城市公园湿地生态系统一旦破坏,直接影响城市的区域生态环境,影响城市旅游与居民的休闲娱乐活动,从而一定程度上制约着地区经济的持续、稳定、健康发展。
4)Mediterranean Pact《地中海公约》
1.The main way is that Turkey signed the Mediterranean Pact, including the U.于是土耳其就开始试探获取美国的安全保证,主要方式是土耳其欲与美国签订《地中海公约》,或是土耳其加入筹建中的北约,美国对此一一拒绝。
5)constructed wetland park人工湿地公园
1.This paper points out that constructed wetland parks are effective mode for Chongqing to apply water resources .人工湿地公园是利用生物自净功能,低投入、低运行费、低能耗的环保型的污水处理技术。
6)Urban wetland park城市湿地公园
1.Holistic design thinking of urban wetland park;城市湿地公园的整体设计
2.A new type water supplement mode of urban wetland park and its effects in purification and ecology;城市湿地公园的生态补水模式及其净化效果与生态效益
3.Studies on Wetland Landscape of Urban Wetland Park;城市湿地公园湿地景观研究

英福美 ,丁地去炎松,布地缩松,布地奈德药物名称:布地奈德英文名:Budesonide别名: 普米克;英福美 ,丁地去炎松,布地缩松,布地奈德外文名: pulmicort ,budesonide成分: 布地奈德 药理作用: 具有强糖皮质激素作用。局部应用于支气管,其抗炎作用较可的松约强1000倍。 适用于局部对抗非特异炎症和抗过敏,如支气管哮喘和气道高反应性状态。 适应症: 支气管哮喘 用量用法: 气雾剂成人 初始剂量400-1600ug/日,分二次吸入,维持剂量200-400ug。儿童100-200ug,分2-4次吸入,干粉吸入剂成人 轻症400-800ug/日,重症800-1600ug/日,分2-4次用。 不良反应: ①轻微的喉部刺激感及声嘶,偶见口咽部念珠菌感染。 ②喷吸本品后应漱洗口腔和咽部,不然容易导致白色念珠菌滋生。 ③孕妇一般忌用。 注意事项: 肺结核患者及气道真菌、病毒感染者慎用。 规格: 气雾剂 50ugx 200喷。200ugx 100喷。干粉吸入剂 100ug x 200吸。200ugx 100吸,200吸。 类别:平喘药\肾上腺皮质激素