环保规划,environment protection plan
1)environment protection plan环保规划
2)environmental protection plan环境保护规划
1.Two equations useful for drawing up environmental protection plan were recommended.按计划管理模式,编制环境保护规划,在我国可能是完全必要的。
2.This paper takes the environmental protection plan of Wuhan Jiufeng urban forest range as the example,proposed the technical route of the environmental protection plan,the environmental protection goal as well as the conclusion and so on,pointed out the integration treatment plans of the city environment development in atmosphere,water body,solid wast.鉴于城市规划在环境保护方面的局限性,本文以武汉市九峰城市森林保护区环境保护规划为例,提出了环境保护规划的技术路线、环境规划目标以及结论等,指出了城市大气、水体、声、固体废物和生态环境综合整治规划,并探讨环境保护规划与武汉的城市生态建设。
3.The environmental protection plan in sustainable development requires advanced rules as guides.面向可持续发展的环境保护规划要求先进的原则和理念作指导 ,而应用生态优先原则指导环境保护规划对实现城市可持续发展具有重要意义。

1.Study on the Plans of Ecologial Emvironmental Protection of Lianyungang Ocean;连云港市海洋生态环境保护规划研究
2.Research of Environment Protection Plan of the New Centralized-built Area of Changchun Advanced Technical Development Area;长春高新区集中新建区环境保护规划研究
3.Study on Environment Protection Planning on Centralized Water Supply Source in Yangling City;杨凌集中供水水源地环境保护规划研究
4.Accessibility Analysis of Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Planning Targets during "11th Five-Year Plan"江苏省“十一五”环境保护规划指标可达性分析
5.Initial analysis on some problems in the urban and rural ecological environment protection planning浅析城乡生态环境保护规划中的若干问题
6.Research on the Planning of the Atmospheric Environment Protection in Shimian County of Yaan City,Sichuan Province四川省雅安市石棉县大气环境保护规划研究
7.Ecology and Environment Protection Planning in Urban System Planning Taking Chaozhou City as An Example;城镇体系规划中的生态与环境保护规划——以潮州市为例
8.Sub-plan for Environmental Protection生态环境保护专项规划
9.Facilities Planning Group [Environmental Protection Department]废物设施规划组〔环境保护署〕
10.Water Policy and Planning Group [Environmental Protection Department]水质政策及规划组〔环境保护署〕
11.Sewage Infrastructure Planning Group [Environmental Protection Department]污水基础建设规划组〔环境保护署〕
12.Research on Eleventh Five Years Environmental Planning of Lin'an;临安市环境保护“十一五”规划研究
13.Environment Plan and Protection Research on Historical and Cultural Cities;历史文化名城的环境规划与保护研究
14.Study on Problems of Environmental Protection in Urban Traffic Planning;关于城市交通规划中环境保护若干问题的研究
15.The strategy planning of china new country and the choice of entironment protection;论中国新农村战略规划与生态环境保护的选择
16.Generation expansion planning for competitive power markets;结合独立发电商和环境保护的电源规划模型
17.The Multi-object Planning Model Based on the Environmental Protection Input-output Table of Kunming;昆明市环境保护投入产出表的多目标规划模型
18.Research on Environmental Landscape Plan and Design with Safty Action of Linpan in Chengdu Plain川西林盘环境景观保护性规划设计研究

environmental protection plan环境保护规划
1.Two equations useful for drawing up environmental protection plan were recommended.按计划管理模式,编制环境保护规划,在我国可能是完全必要的。
2.This paper takes the environmental protection plan of Wuhan Jiufeng urban forest range as the example,proposed the technical route of the environmental protection plan,the environmental protection goal as well as the conclusion and so on,pointed out the integration treatment plans of the city environment development in atmosphere,water body,solid wast.鉴于城市规划在环境保护方面的局限性,本文以武汉市九峰城市森林保护区环境保护规划为例,提出了环境保护规划的技术路线、环境规划目标以及结论等,指出了城市大气、水体、声、固体废物和生态环境综合整治规划,并探讨环境保护规划与武汉的城市生态建设。
3.The environmental protection plan in sustainable development requires advanced rules as guides.面向可持续发展的环境保护规划要求先进的原则和理念作指导 ,而应用生态优先原则指导环境保护规划对实现城市可持续发展具有重要意义。
3)digital environmental protection planning数字环保规划
1.A series of suggestions,such as digital environmental protection planning,the popularization and utilization of national environmental supervision information systerm,the establishment of Yellow river monitoring and echancement of information staff quality,were drew up.本文对内蒙古自治区和包头市环境保护信息化发展条件、现实状况和不足作了分析 ;提出了制定“数字环保规划”、推广使用国家环境监理信息系统、建立黄河监测和监理信息系统和提高人员信息化素质等建议。
4)environmental protection planning环境保护规划
1.Taking Gansu province as example environmental protection planning in urban system planning at province level is discussed;at the same time practical measures are proposed for environmental protection in order to perfect urban environmental protection planning system.指出了环境保护规划是城镇体系规划中的重要部分,以甘肃省为例,探讨了在省域城镇体系规划中如何进行环境保护规划,并提出了环境保护的措施及对策,从而完善城镇环境保护规划体系。
5)special planning of environmental protection环保专项规划
6)regional envlonment protection plan区域环保规划

城市总体规划与国土规划、区域规划的关系 国土规划、区域规划、城市总体规划是在不同层次、涉及不同地域范围的发展规划。国土规划、区域规划、城市总体规划组成一个完整的规划系列,国土规划和区域规划应当是城市总体规划的重要依据。而全国和区域性的江河流域、土地利用等专业规划则是国土和区域规划的重要组成部分,城市土地利用规划又是城市总体规划的重要组成部分。 我国的国土规划、区域规划以及江河流域规划、区域性土地利用总体规划等工作起步较晚,目前正在有计划、有重点地逐步展开,还没有法定的审批程序和审批成果。而全国绝大多数城市总体规划已经各级政府按法定程序审批,并在不断完善和深化,在实际工作中存在着相互联系和交叉的情况,因此本法原则确定应当相互协调的关系是必要的。