共生共荣,Intergrowth and co-prosperity
1)Intergrowth and co-prosperity共生共荣

1.The motto is,"Live and let live."座右铭是“共生共荣”。
2.The Development of Aesthetics in the New Century Seen from the Discussions of Aesthetics in the 20th Century和而不同 共生共荣——从20世纪美学讨论展望新世纪美学的发展
3.The Development of Aesthetics in the New Century Seen from the Discussions of Aesthetics in the 20th Century;和而不同 共生共荣——从20世纪美学讨论展望新世纪美学的发展
4.During the process, gold shop, overseas remittance, silverware shop and bank industry with the honor altogether of the traditional and modern intergrowth have achieved great succession, which is closely related to the efforts of overseas Chinese.在这一变迁过程中,传统与近代共生共荣的金店、水客业、侨批业的兴盛与华侨的作用密切相关.
5.The Common Prosperity and Symbiotic Road of Blog and Newspaper--on the feasibility and necessity of opening blog column in newspaper;博客与报纸的共生共荣之道——浅议报纸开设博客专栏的可行性和必要性
6.The Bathing Beach may quickly make you cherish the forthright idea of sharing honour and disgrace together in the face of the storm.海滨浴场让您顿生风口浪尖荣辱与共的豪爽感。
7.Kyoei Shoji Co, Ltd, Japan日本共荣商事株式会社
8.We treat each other with all sincerity, and share weal and woe.我们肝胆相照荣辱与共。
9.treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe肝胆相照,荣辱与共
10." long - term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe"长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共
11."Long-tern coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe"长期共存,互相监督,肝胆相照,荣辱与共
12.The integration is not "abandon" but coexistence and co-glory.整合不是“抛弃”,而是共存共荣。
13.Having been stripped of all his titles, he disappeared from public life.他被剥夺一切荣誉之后,就从公共生活中消声匿迹了。
14.I am honored indeed to speak before the National Defense University of the People's Republic of China.我深感荣幸能给中华人民共和国国防大学全体师生做演讲。
15.It is the honor of my lifetime to sit in the same room with you and partake of this feast of kings.能与您共处一室并分享这个帝王般的飨宴是我一生的荣幸。”
16.States the diversified economy ingredient paragenesis shallowly prosperously in Anshun pilot area practice significance;多种经济成分共生繁荣在安顺试验区的实践意义
17.Sharing Living and Prosperity: An Approach to the Relationship Between the Faith in Town Gods and the Economy of Ancient Chinese Towns;共生互荣:城隍信仰与中国古代城市经济关系研究
18.We must constantly remind ourselves that we are part of China.我们必须时常提醒自己香港是中国不可分离的一部份,同生同根,共荣共益。

1.With experience of Huangqin s compatible application historically accumulated, the realistic sense of " Formula and herbs co-flourishing" was discussed.本文搜集整理了中医药古籍文献中有关黄芩配伍运用的大量资料,研究了历史上黄芩配伍运用经验的积累过程,探讨了中医药发展过程中方药共荣、医药共荣现象的现实意义;同时根据采方广博、选方严谨、影响广泛的《中华医方精选辞典》(《中医方剂大辞典》之精华本),从中筛选了有关黄芩配伍运用的大量方剂,再经整理分类和数理统计,最终获取了黄芩配伍运用中的主要组方药类和主要配伍结构;然后运用中医药理论,对配伍关系相对固定、历代医家广泛认同的配伍结构,进行了综合分析,探讨了黄芩运用中多种配伍的作用机理。
3)coexistence and mutual prosperity共存共荣
4)Man shares prosperity with nature天人共荣
1."Harmony of man with nature" and "Man shares prosperity with nature" are traditional idea of Chinese national culture.中华民族文化传统的理念是人与天调,天人共荣。
5)f16urshing together of"Man and Earth"人地共荣
6)mutual glorious expectation共荣向往
1.Nowadays,there exist five kinds of expectation in vocational education,those are teaching expectation,cultural expectation,social expectation,patriotism expectation and mutual glorious expectation.目前我国职业教育主要有五方面的向往,即教学向往、文化向往、社会向往、爱国向往和共荣向往。

荣高堂荣高棠1912年出生于河北省霸县,是中国体育界德高望重的老前辈,曾任中华全国体育总会副主席、体育运动委员会秘书长、国家体育运动委员会副主任,协助贺龙同志具体负责全国体育事业的建设和发展,在文革后恢复工作,担任国家体委副主任、国家体育运动委员会顾问等职务。 中国高尔夫协会的创始人、亚洲顶高级体育官员之一荣高堂曾任中国全国体育总会副主席,并曾率中国代表团参加1952年赫尔辛基奥运会。荣高堂在那届奥运会之后当选为中央体育运动委员会秘书长,他因对中国体育事业的杰出贡献在1983年获得时任国际奥委会主席的萨马兰奇颁发的银质奥运勋章。霸州堂二里人,于2006年11月15日在北京逝世,享年94岁