中国港口,Chinese port
1)Chinese port中国港口
1.Exploration in choosing pilots organizational mode of Chinese ports;中国港口引航组织机构模式的选择

1.The Study of Port Privatization and Management of China;港口民营化与中国港口管理问题研究
2.From U.S.A. main ports to port, China. Transhipments allowed.由美国主要港口至中国港口(具体港口有客户指定),允许转运。
3.Development of port logistics of our country from perspective of development of world s key ports;从世界主要港口的发展看中国港口物流的发展
4.Empirical studies of effects on port of China's port management system reform中国港口管理体制改革对港口影响的实证分析
5.China Port Industry Corporations(Equity)Valuation Research;中国港口行业上市公司(股权)价值评估
6.Privatization of China's Ports:Progress,Problems and Policy Alternatives中国港口民营化改革:进展、问题与对策
7.Chinese Port Formality and Laytime Commencing to Run;中国港口口岸手续对于装卸时间起算的影响
8.Exceptional natural port advantages have gradually formed the Beilun port in Ningbo's large industrial economic belt, which ranks the third in throughput among China's ports.得天独厚的港口优势,使居中国港口吞吐量第三位的宁波北仑港口大工业经济带逐步形成。
9.Are you F. O. B. China or F. O. B. United States port?你们是以中国还是美国港口为起运港?
10.Establishing An International Port of the West-Xi an Inland Port;建立中国西部国际港口——“西安陆港”的设想
11.International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries发展中国家沿海和港口工程国际会议
12.Hong Kong is the most important entrepot for trade between the EU and the Mainland.香港是欧盟和中国内地之间最重要的转口港。
13.Its port has grown along with its own economy and that of the mainland of China.香港的港口与本港及中国内地经济一起发展,息息相关。
14.More than 64 per cent of cargo passing through Hong Kong is entrep2? trade with the mainland of China.经香港转口的货物,逾64%运往中国内地。
15.Entrepot Trade of Hong Kong Toward China during the Late Qing Period (1869-1911);晚清时期香港对中国的转口贸易(1869—1911)
16.Study on the Port Physical Distribution Center and Its Delivery Network in Our Country;我国港口物流中心及其配送网络研究
17.The Study on the Mode of International Shipping Center s Port Cluster;国际航运中心架构下港口群模式研究
18.The Legal Status of Port Operator under the Maritime Law of China;中国海商法下港口经营人的法律地位

China/world port世界/中国港口
3)China Seaport中国沿海港口
1.The Study of China Seaport Development Strategy in the 21st Century;21世纪中国沿海港口发展战略研究
4)China Harbour Engineering Company中国港口工程公司
5)port in China国内港口
6)port state港口国
1.This paper explains the origin and basis of the port state control, briefly introduces IMO“Procedures for Port State Control”and “Procedures for the Control of Operational Requirements Related to the Safety of Ship and Pollution Prevention”,and then discusses the measures and situations that face the Chinese ships in port state control abroad.阐述了港口国监控的由来和依据,并简要介绍了IMO中的“港口国监控程序”和“关于船舶安全与防污染操作要求的监控程序”,最后,分析了中国籍船舶在国外港口国监控中面临的形势,并提出相应的对策。
