联大决议,decisions of The United Nations Congress
1)decisions of The United Nations Congress联大决议

1.Legal Effects of the United Nations Congress Decisions to Reconstruct International Economic Order;论联大决议在调整国际经济秩序领域中的法律效力
2.Ensure that the General Assembly adopt a resolution not less strong than those passed at the previous sessions.争取联大通过的决议基调不低于去年。
3.The resolution was approved in the un general assembly by an overwhelming majority这一决议已在联合国大会上以压倒性多数通过
4.And even the resolutions of the United Nations have to be approved by a majority before they come into force.联合国的决议还要大多数同意才能生效,
5.Security Council Decides to Suggest UN Assembly to Accept Switzerland as New Member安理会决定建议联大接纳瑞士为新会员国
6.United Nations Security Council Resolutio联合国安全理事会决议(安理会决议)
7.In accordance with a resolution by the UN General Assembly, China participates in the United Nations register of conventional arms transfers.按照联合国大会决议,中国参加了联合国常规武器转让登记。
8.The General Assembly decided to place the disputed territory under UN surveillance.联合国大会决定将该争议领土置于联合国的监督管理之下。
9.The UN resolution required Iraq to surrender any weapons of mass destruction.联合国决议要求伊拉克交出全部大规模杀伤性武器。
10.Any attempt to distort or even deny resolution2758( XXVI) is futile.任何旨在歪曲、至否定联大第2758(XVI)决议的企图都完全是徒劳的。
11.The United Nations General Assembly votes to partition Palestine.1947年,联合国大会全体会议投票决定划分巴勒斯坦。
12.United Nations General Assembly Special Session联合国大会特别会议(联大特别会议)
13.The Settlement of Related Problem on Administrative Dispute and Civil Dispute;浅议行政争议与民事争议关联问题之解决
14.Bearing in mind the Broad objectives in the resolutions adopted by the sixth special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the establishment of a New International Economic Order.铭记联合国大会第六届特别会议通过的关于建立新的国际经济秩序的各项决议的广泛目标。
15.Scale down JPEG images to max twice screen resolution when loading the image.依比例决定下来对最大的联合图象专家组格式图像两次审查决议当载入图像的时候。
16.They are not the United Nations. And even the resolutions of the United Nations have to be approved by a majority before they come into force. What grounds have they for interfering in the internal affairs of China?他们不是联合国,联合国的决议还要大多数同意才能生效,他们凭什么干涉中国的内政?
17.British Policy towards the UN Assemb ly Resolution 181(Ⅱ):A Political Analysis;从英国对联大181(II)号决议的政策选择看英国战后初期的联合国政策
18.The Secretariat pla the conferences where countries negotiate and develop resolutio that are then pa ed on to the UN General A embly for further debate.秘书处设计大会让各国讨论和发展决议,再交由联合国大会作进一步的讨论。

the UN General Assembly Resolution 181(II)联大181(II)号决议
3)The assemBly resolved that ...大会决议...。
4)United Nations resolutions联合国决议
5)interconnection dispute settlement mechanism互联争议解决
6)resolution of the general meeting of shareholders股东大会决议
1.The resolution of the general meeting of shareholders is characterized with formality and solidity, whose existence and effectiveness is based on the factors of the form and substance.股东大会决议兼有程序性和实体性的特征,其成立和生效需要具备形式和实质要件。
