江河源头,Yangtze and Yellow river headwaters
1)Yangtze and Yellow river headwaters江河源头
1.Fencing experiment had been conducted on a Kobrecia parva alpine meadow pasture of different degrading degrees in Dari county in Yangtze and Yellow river headwaters for three years.通过对位于江河源头达日县的不同退化程度小嵩草Kobrecia parva高寒草甸3年的封育研究,结果表明:围栏封育对不同退化程度小嵩草高寒苹甸草场的总盖度及不同经济类群植物的益度、总地上生物量、不同经济类群植物的地上生物量及其组成、退化群落对未退化群落(原生植被)的相似性系数均有显著的影响。

1.In that day the LORD will whistle for flies from the distant streams of Egypt and for bees from the land of Assyria.那时,耶和华要发丝声,使埃及江河源头的苍蝇,和亚述地的蜂子飞来。
2.Tracing Back to the origin of “Wutu”(a chinese slang meaning “ting cub”) --A research into the “Tiger Cub”dance of the natives in tongren county of Quinghai Province;江河源头话“於菟”──青海同仁年都乎土族“於菟”舞考析
3.An Environmental Economics Explanation of River Source Ecological Compensation Mechanism and Related Policy Enlightenment建立江河源头生态补偿机制的环境经济学解释与政策启示
4.The headwaters and wetlands along the railway line are to be specially protected to avoid desertification in the headwaters areas, shrinkage of wetlands, deterioration of grasslands and water pollution that might be caused by the construction.保护江河源头水源和沿线湿地,避免因施工引起水源区沙化、湿地萎缩、草场退化和水质污染。
5.NIV] In that day the Lord will whistle for flies from the distant streams of Egypt and for bees from the land of Assyria.[和合]“那时,耶和华要发15咝声,使埃及江河源头的苍蝇和亚述地的蜂子飞来。
6.Qinghai is the source of both the Yellow and Yangtze rivers.青海既是黄河的源头,也是长江的源头。
7.The source of Lancangjiang (Mekong) River澜沧江(湄公河)正源及其源头的再确定
8.Lichuan locates along the Yi River, headstream of Qingjiang River.夷水河畔、清江源头、龙船古韵、风情种种。
9."Fame, like a river, is narrowest at its source"名声如江河,开头最狭窄
10.Species Diversity of Soil Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes from Yangtse River and Yellow River Source Area of China长江、黄河源头地区土壤中暗色丝孢菌物种多样性研究
11.Primary Talking on Idea to Promote the Sound and Sustainable Development of River Crab,(Eriocheir sisensis H) Aquaculture in Jiangsu Province from Its-Headstream从河蟹产业源头浅谈推动江苏河蟹产业健康可持续发展的对策思考
12.Fame like a river is narrow at its source and broad afar off .名声像条河,远宽源头窄。
13.A stream can not rise higher than its source .河流不会高过源头。
14.Where is the source of the River Thames?泰晤士河的源头在哪里?
15.The fiver springs from a lake.这条河的源头是一个湖。
16.If the source of the stream is muddy, the whole course will be muddy.源头水浑,整河水浊。
17.The point of origin, such as a spring, of a stream or river.源头起源的那一点,如泉水、小溪或河流的源头
18.Where does the river rise?Does it rise among the mountains?这条河起源于哪里?它的源头在山里吗?

Riverhead counties江河源头县
3)Yangtse River and Yellow River source area长江、黄河源头地区
1.The Yangtse River and Yellow River source area lie in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.长江、黄河源头地区地处青藏高原腹地,自然环境极其严酷,主要表现在两个方面:一是高海拔,低气温,干旱;二是低植被,生态效能低。
4)source region of Changjiang-Yellow Rivers江河源区
1.Widely spread grassland, specific alpine wetland and endemic biodiversity are main natural biological resources in the source region of Changjiang-Yellow Rivers.广袤的草地、特有的高寒湿地以及丰富而有又独特的生物多样性是江河源区重要的自然生物资源。
5)source region江河源区
1.The authors monitored dynamic changes of land cover in the source region of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers by using 1986 TM and 2000 ETM datum based RS and GIS technology.利用1986年TM和2000年ETM卫星遥感数据,在GIS的支持下对江河源区土地覆盖变化进行了监测,14年来该区草地、林地等地表自然植被面积减少,湖泊、湿地萎缩,沙地、裸地面积扩张,荒漠化程度加剧;气候变异引起冻土退化,叠加上不合理的人类活动,是导致研究区土地覆盖变化的主要原因。
2.Based on the grassland survey and remote sensing technology, the ecological types and their spatial distribution of grassland, the features of grassland resources and their utilization statues in the source regions of Yangtze and Yellow rivers were studied.通过对江河源区草地生态类型与分布、草地资源特征及其利用现状的研究和生产力的评价,并根据70年代以来3期遥感资料和区域调查结果,分析了江河源区草地生态变化态势。
6)the source regions of Yangtse River and Yellow River江河源
1.The change characteristics of grassland vegetation and the assessment of grassland function on water and soil conservation in the source regions of Yangtse River and Yellow River;江河源地区草地植被变化特征及水土保持功能评价
