1.Establishment of environmental accounting assumption system;环境会计假设体系的构建
2.On the Cultivating Aims and Patterns in Chinese Higher Accounting Education;我国会计高等教育培养目标及培养模式的探讨

1.accumulated profit [accounting]累计利润 [会计]
2.progressive average累计平均(会计学)
4.Principles of Accountancy & Foreign Trade Accountancy会计原理及外贸会计
5.Principles of Accountancy & Industrial Accountancy会计原理与工业会计
6.principle of accounting会计原理,会计原则
7.Financial Accounting and Management Accounting.财务会计和管理会计
8.IASA (Insurance Accounting and Statistical Association)保险会计与统计协会
9.accounting practices会计业务,会计实务,
10.Exploring Accounting Essence and Accounting Disciplinary Characteristics -"accounting is accounting" theory;会计本质和会计学学科性质探索——会计会计
11.International Accounting Standards Committee国际会计标准委员会(会计标准委员会)
12.ACA (Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants)特许会计师学会准会员
13.Associate of the Institution of Chartered Accountants租船人会计学会协会
14.On the Influence of the Changes in Accounting Policy and Accounting Estimates on Accounting Computerization会计政策、会计估计变更对会计电算化的影响
15.Understand how accrual accounting differs from a cash basis.理解应计制会计与现金制会计的区别。
16.The Impact of EDP on General Counting and Auditing会计电算化对传统会计及审计的冲击
17.Audit responsibility Analysis Between Registered Accountants and Accountants;注册会计师审计责任与会计责任辨析
18.On Accounting Computerizations impact on Accounting and Auditing;浅析会计电算化对会计和审计的冲击

1.Considering Reformation about Hospital’s Accountant System;对医院会计制度改革的思考
2.View on the accountant accreditation system in enterprise;正确认识企业会计委派制
3.On the construction of the professional morality of accountants;谈如何搞好会计职业道德建设
1.On the accountancy business process reengineering in the network environment;网络环境下的会计业务流程重建研究
2.Analysis of the Reason and the Countermeasure of the Distortion to the Country Accountancy s Information;农村会计信息失真的原因及对策分析
3.Research on the Accountancy Information Fault and Countermeasure;论会计信息失真及对策研究
1.Causes analysis of the infidelity of accounting information in enterprises and countermeasures;试论企业会计信息失真的成因及对策
2.Causes and controlling countermeasures of accounting frauds;浅谈会计造假的成因与对策
1.However, the present vocational morality of accountants cannot cause people glad.会计人员在工作中应当遵守新《会计法》中有关会计职业道德的要求,注重培养良好的职业品质和严谨的工作作风。
2.College accountancy practical and circular teaching system includes the simulated experiments of accountants and typically simulated design of accountants practice, and on the basis this paper suggests the designing strategy should consistent with teaching and practical work as in a company.高等院校会计专业实践教学环节系统性的设计包括会计模拟实习过程的设计、会计模拟实习资料的仿真性设计、会计模拟实习主体典型性设计等内容,其设计策略要注意与教学同步,并模拟企业的实际进行设计。
3.The accountant appointment system is a trial to the reform of the management system of accountants and the direct control of accountants by the financial departments or its special institutions on all levels.会计委派制是对会计人员管理体制进行的一种尝试,是各级财政部门或建立的专门机构对会计人员实行的直接管理。
6)accounting is accounting theory会计会计论
