1.Simulation of multi-media transfer and fate of benzo[a]pyrene;苯并(a)芘的环境多介质迁移和归宿模拟
2.Transportation and fate of pesticide in surface water environment case study at Hanjiang River catchment;降雨事件中农药的迁移与归宿——以汉江流域为例
3.Transportation and fate of pesticide in surface water environment;地表水环境中农药迁移与归宿

1.Whither are they going?他们的归宿在哪里?
2."I'll never have a home like that!"“我的归宿绝不是那样
3.How terrible! That kind of a home is no home at all!“真是可怕得很,这样的归宿不是跟没有归宿一样吗?”
4.We'll find our place in time, A place in time beyond the sun.我们终会找到我们的归宿,我们的归宿就在太阳的尽头。
5.When the Eldest Young Miss was still alive she often talked to me about a home of one's own. Who knows where my final home will be.“大小姐在的时候,常常跟我谈起归宿,不晓得我将来的归宿在哪儿?”
6.Natural beautiful and harmony is mankind's real home, the home of the city is walking to naturally.自然的美与和谐,是人类真正的归宿,城市的归宿是走回自然。
7.We'll find our place in time, A place in time to call our own.我们终会找到我们的归宿,一个最终能唤醒自我的归宿
8.Confucius Becomes New Icon of Western Educators;回归孔子——欧美启发式教学发展的终极归宿
9.They say the air is the final home of the soul.人们说空气是灵魂的最后归宿
10.Here, man, is your being, which you think so terrific.人呀,你虽然感到恐怖,这也是你的归宿
11.Every bullet has its billet.每颗子弹都有归宿,命中注定无法逃。
12.I don't think he's yet found his niche in life, ie the occupation that gives him most satisfaction and happiness.我认为他还没找到生活的归宿.
13.I guess it 's time for me to settle down .我想该是有归宿的时候了。
14.What we call experience is the process and the end-result of carrying out a policy.所谓经验,就是实行政策的过程和归宿
15.We are not able to avoid finally heading toward our final resting place.我们不可避免地走向最后的归宿.
16.But who knows what kind of a home I'll have.日后不晓得到底有什么样的归宿?”
17.He's gone the way of all flesh: died last week.他已走上人生必然的归宿:上星期死了。
18."You think you'll be okay after you die?""你认为你死后会有好的归宿吗?

1.Leisure: The Cultural End-result of Aerobics;休闲:健美操的文化归宿
2.Bonanza or End-result:Remark on the World of the Theories of Post-modernism from the Eyes of George Ritzer's“富矿”抑或“归宿”——评乔治·瑞泽尔眼中的后现代社会理论世界
3.The one of perfect end-results is scuttling,rebuilding and transferring when few topic parks can succeed as Disney do.在只有极少数主题公园能圆迪斯尼梦的现实面前,急流勇退、适时改造转型成为困境主题公园的理想归宿之一。
1.When Lu Yao was try- ing to surpass,his Gao Jialin becomes a paradoxical counterpart of Julien in that they experienced the same solitude and the similar striving while they reached an utterly different destinations.当路遥试图有所超越之时,高加林和于连便成为两个"同又不同"的形象:他们拥有同样的孤独、相似的奋斗,却有着完全不同的归宿
2.Yet three theoretical problems are involved in this article:the first is the transferring and destination of social security tax;the second is the fairness of social security tax;the third is its function of adjusting economy.该文则主要分析了社会保障税的三个基本理论问题 :一是社会保障税的转嫁与归宿问题 ;二是社会保障税的公平负担问题 ;三是社会保障税对经济的调节功能问题。
4)Incidence(or tax incidence)归宿,或税赋归宿
5)environmental fate环境归宿
6)spiritual home精神归宿
1.This explanation touches upon the issue of ordenary people s spiritual home in modern China.这两个文本已从池莉以往作品中推崇的两性和谐转化为两性对立,文本中的人物对爱情婚姻彻底失望,试图以逃离的形式重构精神伊甸园,这一诠释触及到现代中国特有的社会背景下渺渺众生的精神归宿问题。
