1.Treatment of chemical warfare reagent——sarin contained water by adsorption of activated carbon;活性炭吸附化学战剂——沙林染毒水的试验研究
2.Analysis of Detoxication Products of Sarin and Soman by Gas Chromatography -Mass Spectrometry;沙林和梭曼消毒产物的气相色谱-质谱法分析
3.Kinetic study of the inhibition of duck serum butyrylcholinesterase by soman and sarin;梭曼、沙林对鸭血清丁酰胆碱酯酶的动力学研究

1.Tenasserim had a very sparse population.丹那沙林人口密度不大。
2.The Role of Shelterbelt along the Mongolia-Liaoning Border in Sand Control辽蒙边界阻沙林带在防沙治沙的作用浅析
3.Soil Quality Evolvement Mechanism of Sand-Fixing Forests in the Area of Yulin in Maowusu Sandland;榆林毛乌素沙地固沙林地土壤质量演变机制
4.Soil Chemical Properties of Sand-fixing Forests in Maowusu Sandland毛乌素沙地固沙林土壤化学性质差异
5.Stability of Hedysarum laeve Plantation for Wind Protection and Sand Fixation in Horqin Sandy Land科尔沁沙地防风固沙林踏郎稳定性研究
6.Soil Nutrient, Microorganism and Enzyme Activities under Different Artificial Sand-Fixing Forests in the Yulin Sand Area;榆林沙区人工固沙林土壤养分、微生物数量和酶活性研究
7.The leaves rustled in the trees.林中树叶沙沙作响。
8.The breeze murmured in the pines.松林里微风沙沙作响。
9.huge tracts of forest, desert, farmland, etc大片森林、 沙漠、 耕地等.
10.The shelterbelt kept the sand in check.防护林带挡住了风沙。
11.Bahrain Saudi Aluminium Marketing Company巴林沙特铝业销售公司
12.The forest will act as a defense against desert dust.森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
13.Study on Strategy of Sandy Land Industry Development in Maowusu Sandy Land;毛乌素榆林沙区沙产业发展战略研究
14.Desertification Control Techniques and Practice in Sandy Area of Yulin榆林沙区沙漠化防治技术研究与实践
15.We will carry forward projects to restore cultivated land to forests, to protect natural forests, to build the northwest-north-northeast China networks of shelterbelts, and to prevent and control desertification.继续实施退耕还林、天然林保护、三北"防护林和防沙治沙工程。
16.A Study on the Species Selection of Calligonum and Its Forestation in the Drift-sand Area of Cele County策勒县流动性沙地沙拐枣属的引选和造林研究
17.The Shelterbelt on the Reduction Sand-dust Storm in the Ulan Buh Desert;乌兰布和沙漠防护林体系对沙尘暴的降解作用
18.A Study on Tax Policies of Combating Desertification and Replacing Plough by Forest (Grass);退耕还林(草)与防沙治沙的税收政策研究

sand-fixation forest;dune-fixing forest;plantation for sand fixation固沙林<林>
3)Hippophae rhamnoides forest沙棘林
1.The function orientation,conservation,eco-system construction of Hippophae rhamnoides forest are analyzed.本文系统分析了西藏自治区边坝金岭沙棘林的功能定位、沙棘林保护与生态建设思路和目标,并从生态环境功能分区与保护的角度,提出了冰川湖堰—灌木沙棘林水源涵养保护区、觉昂河滩—碎屑流控制与沙棘禁伐区、金岭乡府—河滩护岸与乔木沙棘核心保护区三个重点功能区的生态建设方向与措施。
2.Based on the study on Hippophae rhamnoides forest physiological characteristics and ecological function.本文通过对沙棘的生理特性及生态功能研究,分析了树龄与沙棘林生物量及各生长因子的关系。
1.Spectroscopic analysis on the interaction of clinafloxacin with calf thymus DNA;克林沙星与小牛胸腺DNA相互作用的光谱研究
2.Determination of clinafloxacin in clinafloxacin hydrochloride tablets by RP-HPLC;反相高效液相色谱法测定盐酸克林沙星片中克林沙星的含量
3.AIM To study the pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of clinafloxacin in rats.目的 研究克林沙星在大鼠体内的药动学和生物利用度。
1.Effects of Sapylin in the Treatment of Maxillofacial Lymphangiomas:A Report of 208 Cases;沙培林治疗颌面部淋巴管瘤208例临床分析
2.Clinical Study of Kanlaite Combined with Sapylin Infusing Peritoneal in Treatment of Malignant Peritoneal Effusion with Pancreatic Cancer;康莱特联合沙培林腹腔灌注治疗胰腺癌所致恶性腹水疗效观察
3.Study on the enhanced anti-tumoral immune function of human peritoneal macrophages by Sapylin;沙培林预防和治疗胃癌细胞腹腔内种植及其机理
1.Intravesical instillation of picibanil in prophylaxis of local recurrance after resection of bladder cancer and its mechanism;膀胱癌患者术后沙培林膀胱灌注预防复发的机制初探(英文)
2.To evaluate the effects of systematic chemotherapy combined with picibanil intracavity in the treatment for hydrothorax and ascites.[目的]评价全身化疗联合腔内注射沙培林治疗恶性胸腹腔积液的疗效、副作用及对病人全身状况的改善作用。
