1.Investigation on the dietary pattern in Xinxiang rural are and the relative factor of hypertension;新乡县农村居民高血压患者膳食结构及相关因素调查
2.New Study of Nitrate Contents about Vegetables in Xinxiang;新乡市蔬菜硝酸盐含量现状研究

1.new rural housing standard block新乡村式标准型大厦
2.Xinxiang City Tianfeng Vibration Machinery Factory新乡市天丰振动机械厂
3." New Constructional Movements of the Countryside " in the process of "The integration of city and country"in Zhejiang Province;浙江“城乡一体化”进程中的“新乡村建设运动”
4.Chinese Cabbage 'Xinzao 56','Xinxiang Xiaobao 23' and 'Xinzao 58'大白菜新品种‘新早56’、‘新乡小包23’和‘新早58’
5.Xinxiang Xinhui Industry Co., Ltd.新乡市新辉工业有限责任公司
6.An Interpretation of the Rural China in the Transformation Period: Review of Mr. HE Xufeng s New Rural China;转型期中国乡村的解读——评贺雪峰先生新著《新乡土中国》
7.The air is fresher in countryside than in city.乡下比城里空气新鲜。
8.He travelled from his birthplace to his new home.他从故乡旅行到新居。
9.From "County Center Village Conduct" to "Town Center County Conduct"--Study on the New Model of Town and County Selfcontrol in the New County Construction;从“乡政村治”到“县政乡治”——新农村建设中乡村治理模式再探讨
10.Rural ecotourism tourism is a new form of rural tourism.乡村生态旅游是一种新型的乡村旅游形式。
11.The Reorientation of the Relation between Township Enterprise and Township Government in China;论我国乡镇企业与乡镇政府关系的重新定位
12.From Villager Self-government to Township Government:the Second Institutional Innovation of Rural China Administration;从村治到乡政:乡村管理的第二次制度创新
13.New Learning" Education System:A reason for Elites to Leave from Rural Community in the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China;清末民初乡村精英离乡的“新学”教育原因
14."Out of Focus" Native Narrative--Of the Native Novels by Taiwan's New Generation“失焦”的乡土叙事——台湾新世代乡土小说论
15.Institutional System Innovation Another Way to Coordinate City and Countryside Development;制度体系创新——统筹城乡发展的新思路
16.The New Starting Point and New Subject of Interaction between the City and Countryside and Inter-Promotion between Workers and Farmers城乡互动、工农互促的新起点和新课题
17.Opening innovation:township enterprise technology innovation management s new route;开放式创新:乡镇企业技术创新管理的新路径
18.When I have free time, I often go to the country for fresh air.我一有空就到乡下去呼吸新鲜空气。

Xinxiang city新乡
1.The cultural construction of the enterprises has attain ed some achievements in Xinxiang city.新乡市企业文化建设取得了一定成绩,文中分析了 该市企业文化建设的一些特点和存在的问题,并针对问题提出了建设性意见。
3)Xinxiang city新乡市
1.Analysis and comparison on nutritional compositions of ten species edible fishes in Xinxiang city;新乡市10种常见食用鱼类营养成分比较分析
2.Research on Intensive Land Use in Xinxiang City;新乡市土地集约利用探讨
4)Xinxiang county新乡县
1.Prevalence study on chronic diseases of urban residents in Xinxiang county of Henan province;河南省新乡县农村居民慢性病现状调查
5)Xinxiang region新乡地区
6)New Countryside新乡村
