1.Pentachlorophenol degradation in heterogeneous photo-maghemite-carboxylic acids system磁赤铁矿/多羧基有机酸体系中五氯酚的异相光化学降解
2.Maghemite is secondary mineral formed in the process of pedogenesis.通过对石英岩及发育于石英岩之上表土的磁化率(χ)、频率磁化率(χfd)、等温剩磁(IRM)、非磁滞剩磁(ARM)、κ-T曲线等磁学参数测定和石英岩显微镜下观察,结果表明,石英岩中磁性矿物含量极少;表土中含磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿、铁的氢氧化物等磁性矿物,磁性矿物主要以稳定单畴(SSD)和超顺磁性颗粒(SP)形式存在,磁赤铁矿是石英岩在成土过程中形成的次生矿物。

1.Pentachlorophenol degradation in heterogeneous photo-maghemite-carboxylic acids system磁赤铁矿/多羧基有机酸体系中五氯酚的异相光化学降解
2.Iron ores of greatest economic interest contain magnetite and hematite.最具有经济价值的铁矿包括磁铁矿和赤铁矿。
3.Research on the Magnetizing Roasting and Magnetic Separation of an Oolitic Hematite Ore某鲕状赤铁矿磁化焙烧—磁选试验研究
4.a variety of chert containing magnetite and hematite; mined as a low-grade iron ore.一种含磁铁矿和赤铁矿的燧石,作为一种低等的铁矿石被开采。
5.Magnetic Roasting of an Oolitic Hematite and Limonite Ore in a Fluidized Bed Reactor某鲕状赤褐铁矿流化床磁化焙烧-磁选工艺
6.At pegmatite contacts the composition changes to chalcopyrite, millerite, pyrite, and violarite accompanied by magnetite and hematite.在伟晶岩接触带,硫化物成分变为黄铜矿、针镍矿、黄铁矿及硫镍铁矿,伴生有磁铁矿和赤铁矿。
7.Roasting-Magnetic Separation and Direct Reduction of a Refractory Oolitic-Hematite Ore;难选鲕状赤铁矿焙烧—磁选和直接还原的研究
8.An Experimental Research on Roasting-magnetic Separation-Reverse Flotation of Oolite Hematite from Exi Iron Ore高磷鲕状赤铁矿焙烧-磁选-反浮选试验研究
9.Test Research on the Direct Reduction by Fluidized Bed-Magnetic Separation of Hematite Ore from Zhaokua,Yunnan云南召夸赤铁矿流化床直接还原—磁选试验
10.The pyrite and siderite associated with the ores have been oxidized into limonite, hemitite and goethite.黄铁矿、菱铁矿变为褐铁矿、赤铁矿和针铁矿。
11.a hard gary-black mineral consisting of corundum and either hematite or magnetite; used as an abrasive (especially as a coating on paper).一种坚硬的灰黑色矿物,由刚玉和赤铁矿或磁铁矿构成,用作研磨剂(尤其用在砂纸外表)。
12.Test research on roasting-low intensity magnetic separation of oolitic hematite ore in Zhangjiakou area张家口地区鲕状赤铁矿还原焙烧-弱磁选试验研究
13.a widely occurring iron oxide ore; a mixture of goethite and hematite and lepidocrocite.一种常见的氧化铁矿石,是针铁矿、赤铁矿和纤铁矿的混合物。
14.Hematite is the dominate ctystalline ferric oxide in latosol and laterictic red soil, then goethite.砖红壤和赤红壤中的晶质氧化铁以赤铁矿为主.其次为针铁矿;
15.Experimental study on the mineral processing of a certain low grade hematite in the East Hebei province冀东地区某低贫赤铁矿选矿实验研究
16.Beneficiation Research on a Mongolian Refractory Iron Ore蒙古某难选赤、褐铁矿选矿试验研究
17.Beneficiation Test on Iron Increase and Phosphorous Reduction of a High-phosphorus Oolitic Hematite in Western Hubei鄂西某高磷鲕状赤铁矿提铁降磷选矿试验研究
18.Research on Iron Increase and Dephosphorization of Refractory High-phosphorus Hematite-limonite Ore某难选高磷赤褐铁矿提铁降磷选矿试验研究

Magnetite or hematite磁铁矿或赤铁矿
1.Study on the preparation of polysilicate ferric chloride by hematite;用赤铁矿制备聚硅氯化铁的研究
2.Beneficiation Test on Hematite Ore of Certain Mine in Yili,Xinjiang;新疆伊犁某矿山赤铁矿选矿试验研究
3.Preparation of Polysilicate Ferrite Flocculant with Hematite and Its Application;用赤铁矿制备聚硅酸铁絮凝剂及应用研究
5)Lean hematite贫赤铁矿
6)hematite ore fines赤铁粉矿
