1.The effects of heavy metal ions Cu~(2+),Cd~(2+),and Zn~(2+) on nitrosification and nitrification in sea water were studied by changes in concentration of NO~-_2-N from ammonia-oxidizing bacteria.0 mg/L时,NO2--N浓度的增加量与对照组相比明显缓慢,随着3种重金属离子浓度的增加,此现象不断加强;重金属离子对亚硝化作用抑制程度的顺序为Cu2+>Cd2+>Zn2+,这与3种金属硫化物的稳定性是一致的。
2)NO-2-N inhibitionNO2-N抑制
1.In Yufa of Beijing,the pollutants including O_3,NO_2,SO_2 in atmospheric boundary layer were monitored in August and September of 2006 under different weather conditions.介绍了自行研制的车载差分激光雷达AML-2探测原理及技术参数,于2006-08、2006-09在不同天气因素条件下对北京西南郊榆垡地区大气边界层污染物O3、NO2、SO2进行了实时监测,对比分析了3种污染物浓度垂直分布及日变化特征。
2.This paper introduces this harm to plant leaves done by SO_2,Cl_2 and NO_2.主要针对大气污染物中的SO2、Cl2、NO2等气体对植物叶的危害作以常识介绍并给予验证。
3.The adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of heptene on(TiO_2/SiO_2) photocatalyst under the irradiation of UV light were investigated carefully in the presence of NO_2.以TiO2/SiO2为光催化剂,在紫外光作用下,讨论了NO2存在时,庚烯在TiO2/SiO2上的吸附和光催化降解作用。

1.Study on Insoluble Dietary Fibre from Oat Residue Adsorption to NO_2~-燕麦渣中的不溶性膳食纤维对NO2-吸附作用研究
2.Temporal-Spatial Distribution of Tropospheric NO_2 in China Using OMI Satellite Remote Sensing Data基于OMI卫星遥感数据的中国对流层NO2时空分布
3.A yellow crystalline compound, (NO2)3C6H(CH3)OH, used in high explosives.三硝基甲酚一种黄色的结晶状化合物,(NO2)3C6H(CH3)OH,用于烈性炸药中
4.Nitro compound: Any of a class of chemical compounds in which the nitro group (-NO2) forms part of the molecular structure.硝基化合物:分子结构中含有硝基(-NO2)的任何一类化合物。
5.The rate of N0 oxidation also increases proportionately with the square of the hydrocarbon concentration but inversely with the NO2 concentration.NO氧化速率与烃浓度的平方成正比增加,而与NO2浓度成反比。
6.It was suspected that NO2- ions, formed at the cathode by reduction, may have an adverse effect on the oxygen content of the sample.人们曾经怀疑,在阴极通过还原作用而形成的NO2-离子可能对样品的氧含量有不利的影响。
7.Abstract: Phthalocyanine and oxide semiconductor sensitive mate rials used for NO2 sensors in recent ten year are described.文摘:描述了近十年来用作NO2气体传感器的酞菁类和氧化物半导体敏感材料。
8.The univalent radical NO2 or a compound containing it, such as a salt or an ester of nitrous acid.亚硝酸根,亚硝酸盐或酯以一价的根NO2为特征或含有此根的化合物,如亚硝酸盐或酯
9."TNT (trinitrotoluene):Pale yellow, solid organic compound made by adding nitrate (-NO2) groups to toluene. "三硝基甲苯:浅黄色固态有机化合物,在甲苯中逐步添加硝酸盐(-NO2)制成。

NO-2-N inhibitionNO2-N抑制
1.In Yufa of Beijing,the pollutants including O_3,NO_2,SO_2 in atmospheric boundary layer were monitored in August and September of 2006 under different weather conditions.介绍了自行研制的车载差分激光雷达AML-2探测原理及技术参数,于2006-08、2006-09在不同天气因素条件下对北京西南郊榆垡地区大气边界层污染物O3、NO2、SO2进行了实时监测,对比分析了3种污染物浓度垂直分布及日变化特征。
2.This paper introduces this harm to plant leaves done by SO_2,Cl_2 and NO_2.主要针对大气污染物中的SO2、Cl2、NO2等气体对植物叶的危害作以常识介绍并给予验证。
3.The adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of heptene on(TiO_2/SiO_2) photocatalyst under the irradiation of UV light were investigated carefully in the presence of NO_2.以TiO2/SiO2为光催化剂,在紫外光作用下,讨论了NO2存在时,庚烯在TiO2/SiO2上的吸附和光催化降解作用。
4)nitrogen dioxideNO2
1.The chemical sampling analysis and chemiluminescence and physical analysis of auto monitoring system are used to detect nitrogen dioxide.根据化学采样分析和环境空气自动监测化学发光物理法测得的NO2浓度结果,进行F检验、T检验,结果无显著性差异。
2.However,nitrogen dioxide(NO_2), as a byproduct,is also generated,which is harmful even at very low concentration.在干燥空气中进行脉冲放电可以产生满足临床要求的NO,但同时也会产生对人体有很大伤害的NO2。
3.Ozone mediated nitration of chlorobenzene with nitrogen dioxide over solid acid catalysts is expected to be a green process.近年来 NO2 硝化芳烃的研究已引起人们的关注 [1~ 5] ,作为一种新的芳烃清洁合成方法 ,与传统硝酸 -硫酸混合酸硝化相比 ,该方法具有较好的硝化产物选择性、特殊的定位效应以及反应的环境友好等优点 。
1.Nitrite was diazotized with neutral red,then the product coupled with 8-hydroxyquinoline in weak base solution to produced coupling compound.NO2-与中性红在HCl介质中发生重氮化反应,生成的重氮盐在弱碱性溶液中与8-羟基喹啉发生偶联反应,偶联产物使得位于588 nm的共振散射光强度明显增强。
2.The adsorptive ability of the water-insoluble dietary fibre for nitrite is studied in this paper.测定了白果壳水不溶性膳食纤维对NO2-的吸附作用。
3.The adsorption property of nitrite on cross-linked chitosan was studied through 8-Hydroxyquinoline as a coupling reagent with the spectrophotometry was used to determine the density of the adsorbed nitrite.壳聚糖交联壳聚糖对亚硝酸根离子的吸附机理,既有固体表面的物理吸附,也有溶液中离子之间的静电吸附,即质子化的阳离子CCTS-NH3+与阴离子NO2-的静电引力吸附。
1.An accelerated solvent extraction-ion chromatographic(ASE-IC) method was developed for the extraction and determination of NO~-_3 and NO~-_2 in meat.在所建立的色谱条件下,NO3-、NO2-的质量浓度与峰面积或峰高具有很好的线性和重复性。
2.The effect of the NO~-_2 on denitrifying dephosphatation is discussed in details in this paper.并重点探讨了NO2-对反硝化除磷的影响,以期为传统脱氮除磷工艺的研究、改进提供新思路。

2-Pyrrolidinone, 1-ethenyl-, homopolymer poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) hueper's polymer no.1 poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) hueper's polymer no.2 poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) hueper's polymer no.3 poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) hueper's polymer no.4 poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) hueper's polymer no.5CAS:9003-39-8分子式:C6H9NO分子质量:111.14中文名称:聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮;1-乙烯基-2-吡咯烷酮均聚物;聚乙烯吡咯烷酮;皮维碘;聚乙烯吡咯烷酮碘;碘络酮;聚维酮碘英文名称:Polyvinyl pyrrolidone;2-Pyrrolidinone, 1-ethenyl-, homopolymer poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) hueper's polymer no.1 poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) hueper's polymer no.2 poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) hueper's polymer no.3 poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) hueper's polymer no.4 poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) hueper's polymer no.5用途:医用;水产养殖;畜牧消毒剂。用于皮肤;粘膜的消毒。