1.Take the sand-asphalt cushion displacement of # 1 floating roof tank in Linyi Initial Station as an example, this paper introduces the lifting process of pontoon's center stand, lifting step, calculation of lifting force and method of material selection.以临邑首站1号浮顶罐罐底板和沥青砂垫层全部更换为例,介绍了浮船中央立柱提升技术的施工工艺、施工步骤及提升力计算和材料选用的方法。
2.And the combination of pontoon support and large segments cutting is more suitable for the projects.结合沪宁高速公路改扩建工程中无锡段锡北运河大桥的拆除方法研究,提出3种拆除方案,其中,浮船支架配合大节段切割法更加适应于该桥的拆除工程。

1.admiralty floating dock海军浮船坞海军浮船
2.Reconstruction of floating dock based on russia criteria基于俄罗斯浮船坞规范的浮船坞改造
3.Ship: Large floating vessel capable of crossing open waters.船舶: 能在大洋中航行的大型漂浮船只。
4.float onfloat off ship浮上浮下船浮装式集装箱船浮上浮下型船
5.The dark hull broke the surface.深色的船身浮出海面。
6.The tide floated the ship.潮水将船漂浮起来。
7.The boat is not afloat yet.船还没浮在水上 [下水] 。
8.curve of floatation船横倾时浮心移动轨迹
9.double span moorings双跨底链的系船浮筒
10.a few boats are floating on the lake.湖面上漂浮着几只小船。
11.carousel buoy-floating barge storage转盘式浮标驳船贮舱
12.A small boat is just floating on or above water.一只小船正飘浮在水上。
13.There wasn't enough water to float the ship.水不够深, 船浮不起来.
14.The divers tried to float the sunken ship.潜水员想使沉船浮起。
15.We are trying to float the sunken ship.我们试图把沉船浮起。
16.They tried to float a sunken ship.他们想使沉船浮起。
17.He buoyed the wreck.他用浮标指示沉船处。
18.not always afloat不担保船舶经常浮泊

floating dock浮船坞;浮坞
3)pontoon type floating roof浮船式浮顶
5)Pontoon pump station浮船泵站
6)floating dock浮船坞
1.Practice and consideration on control of pollution from operation of floating dock;防止和降低修船浮船坞作业污染水域的管理实践与思考

浮船式取水泵站(德兴铜矿)浮船式取水泵站(德兴铜矿) 睡 浮船式取水泵站(德兴铜矿)