社会经济环境,Social economic environment
1)Social economic environment社会经济环境
1.Relationship between sports requirements levels in China and social economic environment during transformation period;转型期我国体育需求水平与社会经济环境的关系
2.Applied the integrated standpoint under guidance of the theory of systems science, the characteristics of natural and social economic environment and the assessment for their effects on the forests, ecological econoimc divisions and macroscop.以乌江和川江流域为研究范围,以系统理论为指导,从综合观点出发,对自然和社会经济环境特征及其对森林影响的评价、生态经济分区与生态经济防护林体系宏观布局,以及不同生态经济区防护林体系建设前景的定量预测这三个层次开展了研究工作。
2)social and economic environment社会经济环境
1.Based on the detail analysis of the history, the general fire situation, the law of fire occurrence and cause as well as the present social and economic environment, the paper puts forward the successful experience of adhering to the "four combinations" and carrying out the "five reforms", so as to improve the fire service in the countrys.通过分析人文历史状况、火灾概况、规律特征、原因以及当前社会经济环境 ,提出推进贵州农村消防工作 ,必须坚持“四个结合”、实施“五大改造”的成功经验。
3)economic & social development经济社会环境

1.Studies On The Economics,Environment And Society Sustainble Development of YuLin;榆林市经济社会环境可持续发展研究
2.Using the Idea of Circular Economy to Construct Environmental-Friendly Society;用循环经济理念构建环境友好型社会
3.Assessment of Harmonious Development among Environment,Society and Economy in Jinan City;济南市环境、社会、经济协调发展评价
4.This will entail: ensuring an enabling social and economic environment;其中包括:确保有利的社会和经济环境;
5.Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment全球环境的社会与经济研究中心
6.Environmentally Sound Socio-Economic Development in the Humid Tropics湿热带地区无害环境的社会经济发展
7.On the Sustainable Development of Population,Resources,Environm ent and Social Economy人口、资源、环境与社会经济可持续发展
8.Socialist Market Economy and New Ethics;社会主义市场经济与新道德环境建构
9.The Resource Environment Management and the Sustainable Development of the Society and Economy;资源环境管理与社会经济可持续发展
10.Inquiry into and Analysis of the problems of Social humane Environment in the Northeast Economic Zone;东北经济区的社会人文环境问题探析
12.Analysis of Social-economic Influence on Water Pollution in Taihu Basin;太湖水环境污染的社会经济因子分析
13.On the Harmonious Relationship between Environmental Protection and Social Economic Development试论社会经济与环境保护的和谐发展
14.Soil Environmental Geochemical Response to Social and Economic Development in Shantou City,Guangdong Province;汕头经济特区土壤环境对经济、社会快速发展的环境地球化学响应
15.Circular Economy and Constructing Environmental Society--From the Perspective of Environmental Sociology循环经济与构建环保型社会——基于环境社会学的视野
16.The Road of Constructing Good Environmental Society is to Develop the Ecological Environment;发展循环经济 构建环境友好型社会的路径选择
17.Thinking about Developing Circular Economy and an Environment-Friendly Society in Liaoning;辽宁发展循环经济建立环境友好型社会的思考
18.Agricultural Cycle Economy and Socialist New Countryside Environment Protection;试论农业循环经济与社会主义新农村环境保护

social and economic environment社会经济环境
1.Based on the detail analysis of the history, the general fire situation, the law of fire occurrence and cause as well as the present social and economic environment, the paper puts forward the successful experience of adhering to the "four combinations" and carrying out the "five reforms", so as to improve the fire service in the countrys.通过分析人文历史状况、火灾概况、规律特征、原因以及当前社会经济环境 ,提出推进贵州农村消防工作 ,必须坚持“四个结合”、实施“五大改造”的成功经验。
3)economic & social development经济社会环境
5)social economy-water environment system社会经济-水环境系统
6)compound system of Environment-Socio-economy环境-社会经济复合系统

环境保护社会效益和社会成本环境保护社会效益和社会成本 环境保护社会效益和社会成本环境保护活动对全社会造成的有益影响和社会收益的总和以及相应付出的代价的总和。环境保护活动往往由一部分人进行而使全社会受益。例如,河流上游的人进行水土保持工作而使全流域的人受益;营造防风林带或绿化荒山,不仅使局部地区的人受益,而且其造氧功能、吸收二氧化碳等作用甚至可使全人类受益。相反,许多对环境有害的活动也造成广泛的社会成本。因此,环境领域既存在着外部不经济性,也存在着外部经济性。当一项活动的社会效益大于当事人的经济收益时,则为外部经济性,或谓有益于环境;当一项活动的社会成本大于当事人的生产成本时,则为外部不经济性,或谓此活动有害于环境。评价环境保护的社会效益和社会成本时,常用效益费用分析方法。中国建设项目环境影响评价中常要求进行环保对策措施的效益费用分析,目的是优选费用最小、效益最高的环保措施方案,或通过选择必需的环保措施以确定环保投资。