1.the history and development of the temperature field and residual stress field;焊接温度场与应力场的研究历史与发展
2.Comparisons with History and the current status of Fer- mented Meat Productions at home and abroad;国内外发酵肉制品历史及发展现状比较

1.great man theory of history历史伟人论 历史伟人论
2.History of humankind in the period before recorded history.史前史有历史记载之前的人类历史
3.The city has a long history. It has many historic sites, which are of historical importance.这城市历史悠久,有很多历史古迹,具有历史意义。
4.Historical explanation and Historicism--Popper s Criticism on Historicism;历史解释与历史规律——波普对历史决定论的批评
5.From Historical Explanation to Historical Narrative:A Review of Translations of Historical Philosophy;从历史解释到历史叙事——评《历史哲学译丛》
6.History Is Not History Only--On QIAN Zhong-shu s Historical Rhetoric Thought;历史不仅仅是历史——钱钟书历史修辞思想札论
7.History written and history significance united as a wholel;历史叙述与历史意义的统一——评希罗多德的《历史
8.a historian who writes annals.著述编年史的历史学家。
9.History records the march of events.历史记录史事的演变。
10."History will absolve me"“历史会为我平反”
11.Monumenta Germaniae Historica《日耳曼历史文献》
12.historical tenses历史时态(与相对)
13.historical records, research历史记载、 研究.
14.History, English, and math.历史,英语和数学。
15.The Historical Atlas of China《中国历史地图集》
16.The Nature of Historical Explanation The Difference between Speculative Philosophy of History and Analytical Philosophy of History on Historical Explanation;历史解释的性质——思辨历史哲学和分析历史哲学不同的历史解释
17.Human, Global and Regional History--A Contemplation of Globalization in Terms of Marx s "View of Macro-history;地域历史·世界历史·人类历史——用马克思的"大历史观"审视全球化问题
18.The history of nursing is as old as the history of man.护理的历史跟人类历史一样悠久。

1.Reconstruction and Truth on The Historical Value of The Autobiographical Writing建构与真实——对自传回忆式作品历史价值的思考
2.These hames are closely related to family names,construction of city,historical remains,religious belief,commerce,handicraft industry,terrain,landform and elegant expressions.太原历史悠久,现在的街巷名称能反映出不同时期的文化特征。
3.ideological contents angle, historical angle and practical angle.针对马克思主义哲学课教学的现状,提出了教师在教学中要选择合适的角度,即思想境界角度、历史角度和实践角度,并从这些角度出发,探讨马克思主义哲学课教学的新思路、新方法。
1.The Shi as:the past, present and reconstruction in lraq;什叶派:历史、现状与伊拉克重建
2.The article reviews the past of soda ash industry and its present state of production, application and technology.本文简要回顾了纯碱工业的发展历史 ,介绍了纯碱的应用、生产及技术现状 ,预测了纯碱工业的发展趋势。
1.History:the Unity of Pursuing the Truth and Social Function;《历史》:求真与经世的统一
2.On the End of Heroduts History and the Goal of his Wring;评希罗多德《历史》的结尾——兼论希罗多德的写作目的

《地理学:它的历史、性质和方法》  见A.赫特纳。