1.Origin background and reservoir forming condition of lithologic oil pools in Songliao Basin;松辽盆地岩性油藏形成背景与成藏条件分析
2.Background, Current Situation and Prospect of Accu-Roll Mill;Accu Roll轧管机的背景、现状及前景
3.Study on organic pollutant background in aerosols in Pearl River Delta area;珠江三角洲地区大气气溶胶中有机污染物背景研究

1.Background paper背景文件、背景材料
2.a scenic artist(舞台的) 背景画家
3.The background of a shield or one of the divisions of the background.徽章的背景背景的一部分.
4.figure ground segregation图形背景分离形象背景分离
5.figure ground perception图形背景知觉形象背景知觉
6.Click “backdrop”, choose the right backdrop of this story. Then click it.单击“背景”,选择符合故事情节的“背景”。找到合适“背景”后请单击它。
7.a play that is set in Venice.以威尼斯为背景的剧
8.Cosmic Background Explorer“宇宙背景探险者”卫星
9.background radiation背景辐射,本底辐射
10.background limited photodetector背景限制光电检测器
11.Open a background picture打开一个背景图片文件
12.2) its genetic background or its source;(二)遗传背景或其来源;
13.He has a strong political background.他有强大的政治背景
14.Tell me something about your educational background.告诉我你的教育背景
15.all scarlet with blossom set off beautifully by the sunset.它在夕阳的背景下定格。
16.Look into sb.'s background调查某人的背景情况
17.check(up)on sb ;investigate sb's behaviour,background,etc调查某人的行为、背景
18.soft X-ray diffuse background of galactic origin银河软X射线弥漫背景

1.What is Community Health Services in Australia Concept and Context;澳大利亚的“社区卫生服务”:概念和背景
2.Properties and Completeness of Context Lattice;背景格的若干性质及其完备性证明
3.Method for mining weighted association rules based on context基于背景的加权关联规则挖掘方法
1.The Basic Cognitive Structure of Chinese Topic Sentences and Word Order in Chinese and English——From Figure-Ground PerspectiveJiajing Reform;从汉语主题句的图形背景关系看英汉语序的基本认知结构
2.A Study of English and Chinese N+N Compounds Based on Figure/ground Segregation;基于图形背景理论的英汉语名名复合结构研究
3.Cognitive exploring of Harry Potter series from the perspective of figure and ground基于图形背景理论的《哈利·波特》认知解读
1.The Backgrounds and the Measures of Implementing New Course Reform in Rural Middle-Primary Schools in rural areas in China;我国农村中小学实施新课程改革的背景与措施
2.Differences in traditional society backgrounds between Qing Dynasty of China and Warring States of Japan resulted in the deep differences in political.中国明末社会与日本战国末期的社会背景不同,两国深层的社会政治传统也大相其异,迫使远东耶酥会采取了不同的传教策略,这种“因国制宜”的传教策略其实也就是中日两国传统文化相异所催生的结果。
3.The backgrounds of the bureaucratic reform include the Globalization,the political and economical difficulties faced with the public management and the difficulties faced with the bureaucracy itself.当代西方国家官僚制改革是在特定背景下进行的,多种因素的综合作用导致了西方国家的官僚制改革。
1.The paper appreciates literary devices such as conflicts, setting, characterization, symbolism and irony in the "The lottery".本文分析《抽彩》的冲突、背景、人物塑造、象征和讽刺手法。
2.The paper gives a preliminary analysis of the tectonic setting of the South Yollow Sea earthquake of M 6.1级地震的构造背景,强调展布于勿南沙隆起东侧的串珠状次级盆地,如崇明东凹陷对该区中强震空间分布的控制作用。
3.In her masterpiece The Joy Luck Club, Chinese American writer Amy Tan quite frequently employs the device of images of water and wind in narratives of her characters, which play a vital role in creating settings or atmosphere and revealing the themes in this novel.在华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作《喜福会》中,反复出现的风和水的意象对于营造故事背景、渲染氛围和揭示作品的主题意蕴都具有重要的作用。
1.There was a simple presentation on the Wagyu improved progress,and the introductions in detail on the established and the emendatory contents and its backdrop of the Japanese cattle carcass quality-grading standard were subjected.本文简单介绍了日本和牛的改良进程,详细介绍了日本“胴体分级标准”及其制定和修订背景,借以对我国的肉牛胴体品质分级研究有所启发。

背景  美术作品中用以衬托主体物象的景物。又称画面的次要空间,具有标明主体物象所处时空条件和环境气氛的作用。    在人物画中,背景对揭示人物和发生事件的历史环境,渲染时代气氛,反映人物的职业特征、性格,情趣等方面有着不可忽视的地位。    艺术家根据创作主题内容和主体形象表现的需要,运用不同表现手法对次要空间的景物进行取舍调度,叫背景处理。背景处理与主体刻画在一件作品中,是两个不可分割的组成部分。    从绘画构思和构图的角度而言,二者具有同样重要的意义。构图中的背景处理或虚或实,衬托主体或繁或简,或者运用黑白、明暗对比,色调冷暖变化,或调度前后空间关系、动静效果等手段,其目的都在于引导和集中观众的视线,突出主体形象的存在地位,以丰富主题思想,与主体形象相得益彰,使画面产生完整、和谐、统一的效果。    不同时代和地方的画家处理各种题材的背景手法,由于观念不同亦表现为多种的形式,如现实主义绘画主张典型性的人物与典型性的背景和谐统一,自然主义画家对背景则表现为不加取舍的如实描绘,表现主义画家们认为绘画中每一个空间部分都具有同样的表现意义,而抽象主义或构成主义绘画则基本上没有主体和背景的区别。    中国的写意绘画,多以空白为背景,或稍有点染,以虚衬实,计白当黑,使画面留有余地,借观众联念和想像力造成一种特殊的意境效果。从雕塑观赏角度而言,背景则是与之并存的四周建筑环境空间。