1.On application of respiration and breath in blowing instrument;浅谈气鸣乐器呼吸与气息的应用
2.The breath is the drive in singing and the techniques of breathing is the key point,which is the indispensable part in the combination of breathing and singing.气息是歌唱发音的动力,气息技巧是歌唱的关键,气息与歌声是有机结合而不可分割的整体关系。
3.At first,The article elaborates the importance of breath in singing.文章首先阐述歌唱气息在歌唱中的重要性,再引出胸腹式联合呼吸法,及掌握这一呼吸法的相关训练方法(从无声训练到有声训练,到结合音乐进行训练),另外,再附带引出相关的注意事项。

1.There' s a tang of autumn in the air.空气中有秋天的气息.
2.give out, as of breath or an odor.发出某种气味或气息
3.The air scents of spring.空气中飘着春天的气息
4.The dogs picked up the fox's smell.狗捕捉到狐狸的气息
5.The chilly wind had a taste of rain in it.那寒风带着雨的气息
6.He smelled spring coming.它闻到了春天的气息。”
7.It fair takes one's breath away.这使人完全屏住气息
8.John almost stopped breathing.约翰几乎屏住了气息
9.his sour breath offended her.他酸臭的气息使她不悦。
10.quite a countrified area乡野气息十足的地区.
11.The fields give forth an odour of spring.田野散发出春天的气息
12.letters pervaded with gloom;充满阴郁气息的信件;
13.the bracing mountain air.振奋精神的山野气息
14.the vernal freshness of a young girl少女的青春气息[活力]
15.a college saturated with tradition传统气息浓厚的大学
16.To draw in the breath sharply, as from shock.喘息,喘气猛烈地吸入气息,就象受到惊吓一样
17.He waited for the news with bated breath.他屏息静气地等候消息。
18.The unexpected bad news flattened him.意外的坏消息使他泄气。

breath tone气息气韵
1.With exploring the sbills、breath tone and stage shape required in the dulcimer performance,this paper states that the combination and setting of performance laws and charcuteristies forms the unique glamour of the dulcimer.文章通过对扬琴演奏中所应具备的技术技巧、气息气韵以及舞台形态等方面的分析后,指出扬琴演奏中动作要协调。
3)hydrocarbon information油气信息
4)meteorological data气象信息
1.Getting refractive index section by using historical effective meteorological data of needed sea-area and slot is described.本文研究了海洋蒸发波导条件下如何利用船舶报数据对雷达的探测距离进行计算,通过所需海区和时间段有效的历年船舶报气象信息得到大气折射率剖面,再利用抛物型方程计算出电磁波传播单程损耗,接着利用雷达方程得到目标的传播损耗门限,最后得到所需海区和时间段的雷达对目标的最远作用距离。
2.A probe is made into the way for efficient upgoing transmission of meteorological data after the implementation of 9210 Project.探讨9210工程业务化后,如何做好上行气象信息传输工作。
5)meteorological information气象信息
1.Application of meteorological information on property insurance management;气象信息在财产保险经营中的应用
2.Application of the Internet Technology in Management And Service of Meteorological Information;Internet技术在气象信息管理和服务工作中的应用
3.The meteorological information decision-making service system in Xinzhou;忻州市气象信息决策服务系统
6)weather information气象信息
1.Facility agriculture weather information Monitoring and alerting System Based on Web谈基于Web的设施农业气象信息监测与预警系统
2.According to the current condition of weather information issuance,and taking into account of the universal Web Services object′s encapsulation technique,this paper brings forward a solution to supporting multi-platform and seamless integration.根据气象信息发布的现状,结合统一的W eb服务对象封装技术,提出了一种跨平台、无缝集成的方案:采用XM L W eb服务发布气象信息。
3.To collect and transmit the weather information data by means of it can make comparatively accurate prediction to the meteoroiogical situation in near future and offer convenience to people s daily life and support to the prevention of flood.利用其来采集、传输气象信息数据,可以对将来一段时期内的气象形势做出较为准确的预报,对人们的日常生活给予方便,为防洪抗汛提供决策支持。
