1.On The Theory Of Imitation In Poetics;浅论《诗学》中的“摹仿”理论
2.Liu Xie s theory of the inspiration from things and expression of feelings and Plato s theory of imitation lie in different cultural distraction and civilization tradition.刘勰"感物吟志"说和柏拉图"摹仿"说处在不同的文化区域和文明传统中,对它们的异同比较能看出中西文论的基本差异和共同趋向。
3.Literature is the imitation of existence.文学是主体对生活的的摹仿

1.Two Kinds of Mimesis and Two Mirrors: Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Theories of Mimesis;两样摹仿,两面镜子——中西“摹仿”理论比较
2.(trying the gauge-cocks).(摹仿着汽门排气的声音。)
3.The young artist made a replica of the famous painting.那位年轻的画家照着名画摹仿了一幅。
4.take out of a literary work in order to cite or copy.从文献中摘出一段以供引用或摹仿
5.Examination of Imitative Signatures Based on Characteristics;从摹仿签名笔迹特征探究检验及鉴定
6.A Statistical Analysis of the Experimental Data of Practicing Imitating signature;对练习摹仿签名实验数据的统计分析
7.On The Inspiring Madness Theory、The Mimetic Theory and The God-Perception Theory;论“迷狂说”、“摹仿说”与“神感说”
8.The Comparison Between Two kinds of “ImitationTheory”Of Ancient Greece;古希腊两种不同的“摹仿说”之比较
9."Emotion-Oriented Writing Theory" and "Nature-Oriented Writing Theory"--A Comparative Study Between Chinese and Western Literary Criticism;“心动”与“摹仿”——中西文论的一个比较
10.The Analysis of the Reason to Mistake the Copy Signs and Handwritings in Civil Case;民事案件中摹仿笔迹误检原因的剖析
11.From Imitation to Construction--the Transformation of Symbolism in the Poems of W.B.Yeats从摹仿到构建——叶芝诗歌中的象征转向
12.The Analysis for the Identification of Practice Signatures and its Testing Techniques浅析练习摹仿签名的识别及检验技巧
13.The impressionist was marvelous at taking off film stars and politicians.那个摹仿演员极其擅长模仿影星和政治家。
14.Language learning usually necessitates conscious mimicry.一般地说,学习语言就要进行有意识的摹仿
15.mimics literary or musical style for comic effect.为喜剧效果而摹仿写作作品或喜剧文章。
16.The Comparison Between The Inspiration from Things and Expression of Feeling of Liu Xie and Imitation of Plato;刘勰“感物吟志”说与柏拉图“摹仿”说的比较
17.Harmony:Aristotelian Narrative Mimesis and Narrative Aesthetics;和谐:亚里士多德的叙事摹仿与叙事审美
18.Primary study on professional exercising imitating signature handwriting;专业性练习摹仿签名笔迹鉴定的实验研究

1.It is a prevailing idea that the classical Chinese poetics emphasized only lyricism and representation while neglecting mimesis; mimesis seems to be the patent owned by the Western.流行的观念认为中国古代文论重抒情重表现,似乎不讲"摹仿",摹仿说仿佛只是西方的专利。
4)imitation transformation摹仿转变
5)Imitation nature摹仿自然
6)narrative mimesis叙事摹仿
1.In this article the author tries to reveal the fact that Aristotle classifies and demonstrates narrative mimesis in three categories as media,object and manner.亚里士多德的叙事摹仿体现为他对摹仿的媒介、对象和方式的三类区分和论证,而这样的区分和论证才有可能合理阐释叙事摹仿与叙事审美理想之间的内在联系,从而确保摹仿内容与叙事形式之间的和谐统一,进而决定着和谐叙事美的生成,即具体表现为完整一致、对立统一和大小有序的和谐叙事审美特征。
