1.This paper reviews this campaign and discusses the awareness of the feminism.本文阐述了学潮的起因、经过,并且对民国时代直隶知识女性所展现的的女权意识加以评述。
2.He makes a comprehensive argumentation about the rationality of feminism on the theoretical basis.严复的女权思想是其自由主义思想的重要组成部分,他提出保障妇女的基本人权:生命权、身 体权、婚恋自主权、男女平等权、受教育权。
3.Do males not have the thoughts of feminism? Are feminism and fern ales or males definitely equal to each other女权主义者关注着女性在男权窠臼下的生存境况,出于对男权的本能拒斥而排斥男性。

1.International Women's Rights Action Watch国际妇女权利行动观察(妇女权利观察)
2.Feminism and Ecofeminism:A Common Battleground;女权主义与生态女权主义:共同的阵地
3.From Feminism to Post-Feminism: The Theoretical Transformation of Western Feminism;从女权主义到后女权主义——西方女性主义/女权主义的理论转型
4.Women Rights,Human Right and Legal Rights--Raping in the Marriage in Feminine Doctrine Respect;女权、人权、法定权益——从女性主义视角看婚内强奸
5.Monarchial Power, Human Rights And Rights Of Woman--Another Explanation About The Iliad And The Han Gong Qiu;君权·人权·女权——《伊利亚特》、《汉宫秋》别解
6.Women s Rights Seen from the Perspective of National Rights,Human Rights and Class Rights -A Study of the Change of CHEN Du-xiu s Ideas of Women;国权、人权、阶级权视野下的“女权”——陈独秀女性观演变的解读
7.were in disagreement on the question of women's rights.在女权问题意见不一致。
8.Women's Rights: the Responsibility of All妇女权利:共同责任
9.Defensoria de la Mujer Indigena土著妇女权利监察处
10.Ombudsman for Indigenous Women's Rights土著妇女权利监察专员
11.a soldier on the cause of women's rights维护妇女权益的斗士
12.National Commission for Women's Rights全国妇女权利委员会
13.Japanese Association of International Women's Rights日本国际妇女权利协会
14.M<p>"A woman's civil right"“妇女的公民权利”
15.The Rights of Woman Under Paternity Culture and the Development of Female Rights in New China父权文化下的女性权利及新中国女性权利发展
16.World Women's Party for Equal Rights世界妇女平等权利党
17.Human rights in relation to women's health有关妇女健康的人权
18.Liberi in potestate处在家父权下的子女

feminist movement女权运动
1.This paper analyses such phenomenon in old English and the changes brought about by the feminist movement in modern English and proposes ways to deal with this problem in the English teaching.本文分析了传统英语中的性别歧视现象,阐述了在女权运动影响下现代英语发生的变革,并对大学英语教学应该如何应对传统英语和当代英语的冲突这一问题进行了探讨。
2.Political emancipation is necessary for women emancipation which has been proved by the practice of western feminist movement.对于女性解放来说,政治解放是必须的,西方女权运动的实践充分证明了这一点。
3.Moreover, the big waves of feminist movements have accelerated the process of awakening women\'s awareness to fight for their own rights.另一方面,一浪高过一浪的女权运动所掀起的维权热潮,也加速唤醒了澳大利亚女性的自我意识。
1.Sade is one of the earliest feminism writer in history.然而其女权思想又体现出一种似是而非的矛盾性。
4)women rights妇女权利
1.This article aims to discuss the evolution of the thoughts of the Chinese and western women rights. 本文从历史的角度谈中西方妇女权利思想的演进。
5)Vision of woman's Rights女权视觉
6)feminist consciousness女权意识
1.This paper aims to discuss the reconstruction of Lawrence s feminist consciousness on the rereading and interpreting of his essay Cocksure Women and Hensure Men.本文通过对劳伦斯《自信的女人和温驯的男人》一文的文本解读,分析了劳伦斯对女权运动的理性思考,探讨了劳伦斯女权意识的重构。
2.Anne s religious ideology and activities show clearly her feminist consciousness which advocates women s right of participating in Church and secular affairs and enjoying education and equality between different sexes.其宗教思想及活动表现了安妮的女权意识。
