1.It is the future of bioethics to keep its tension between universality and diversity.然而,东西方文化之间,以及同一文化内部各派别之间也并非完全不可通约,未来生命伦理学的发展必须保持其普世性和多元性之间的张力。
2.Under the discussion of the possibility of universal value,the paper focuses on the fundemental spirits,basic features,core value and its universality of Confucianism and its new modern form—democratic humanism.在探讨"普世性价值观"是否可能的前提下,着重探讨了儒学的根本精神、基本特性、核心价值观念及其普世性的问题,在此基础上阐述了当代儒学新形态——民主仁学的新思维。
3.In this paper, we discuss English breviary form in Chinese with the principle of economy , interprete the principle of economy and summarize its universality.从语言经济原则的视角探讨汉语中的英语简省形式,对语言经济原则进行了理论阐释,对它的普世性予以概括。

1.An Prototypical Interpretation of Steinbeck's Flight论斯坦贝克的《逃亡》原型及其普世性
2.A Summary on the Nativity and Unirersality of Chinese Philosophy at a Seminar;中国哲学的地域性与普世性学术研讨会综述
3.Universal Monarchy in Earthbound China: Form and Function of Administration;乡土社会普世性王权的行政权形态与功能
4.The Overage-Account and Present-Echo of the Universal Museums;普世性博物馆的历史陈账与现实的回声
5.Universality of Confucian Core Value and New Form of Modern Confucianism;论儒学核心价值观的普世性与当代儒学的新形态
6.Universality and Specificity of Culture--From Universal Culture;文化的普遍性和特殊性——从普世文化谈起
7.The Possibility and the Historical Mission of Constructing Universal Ethic;构建普世伦理的可能性及其历史使命
8.Impossibility of Universal Culture under the Background of Global Communication;全球传播背景下普世文化的不可能性
9.K.Popper Falls into the Possible World without logic from the Necessity;从必然性退却——波普的无逻辑可能世界
10.Universal Humanistic Care Behind the Ritual宗教仪式下“普世”性质的人文关怀
11.How to Realize Universal Ethic--On the Relationships between Moral Universality and Moral Particularity;如何认识普世伦理——论道德的普遍性与特殊性之关系
12.A Study of the Gypsy Female Images in the Western Literature of the 19th Century;十九世纪西方文学中吉普赛女性形象研究
13.Toward the Real World Culture: The Multi-Universality in the Era of Globalization;走向真正的世界文化——全球化时代的多元普遍性
14.Global Modernity,Culture and the Problem of Universalism;全球化的现代性、文化及普世主义的问题
15.Analyzing of Intersubjectivity between the Teacher and the Student from the Viewpoint of Porper s Theory of Three Worlds;从波普三世界理论分析大学师生主体间性
16.On Ethical Justice As An Universal Principle and its Priority Utility;普世伦理的正义及其对功利价值的优先性
17.Study of Ecological Rationality Based on Popper's Three Worlds Theory基于波普尔“三个世界”理论的生态理性探析
18.The Context of Globalization of the "Universal Values" Critical Analysis全球化背景下的“普世价值观”批判性分析

1.The Overage-Account and Present-Echo of the Universal Museums;普世性博物馆的历史陈账与现实的回声
2.It is national and universal.犹太律法具有民族性,同时又对普世性价值予以强调。
3.Tolstoy is a Christian and his humanistic concern is universal and ultimate.本文认为路遥儒家思想影响下的阶层性人文关怀与托尔斯泰基督教思想影响下的普世性人文关怀,存在着很大的差异。
3)global phenomena普世性现象
4)Universalness of Law法律普世性
5)General world factors普世性元素
6)Social Class and Universal Width阶层性与普世性
