新写实,new realism
1)new realism新写实
1.On “New Realism” and the Fiction Writing of Fang Fang;反拨·复归·创新——论“新写实”与方方的小说创作
2.Therefore, new realism is a regression of original realism, a betrayal to revolutionary realism.新写实是上个世纪80年代中后期小说创作低谷中出现的一种新的文学创作倾向,它以写实为主要特征,摒弃革命现实主义作品中那种强烈的政治色彩、理想主义色彩,真诚直面现实,直面人生,展示生活本相,还给人们一个真实的处境,表现出世俗化的倾向。

1.neorealism,Italian neorealism新写实主义,意大利新写实主义
2.On Modernity Underlying Realism: Re-reading "Neo-realistic Fiction";写实精神下的现代性——重读“新写实小说”
3.Nature of Neo-Literalism A Concurrent Study of relation between Neo-Literalism and Realism;“新写实”主义文学之本质──兼论“新写实”与现实主义之关系
4.Neo-Realism: Another Possible Trend of the New Chivalry Novels in Mainland China;新写实:大陆新武侠走向的另一种可能
5.Comments on Literature Movement of Regression to Original Realism of New Realism Novel;谈“新写实”小说对“原初现实主义”的回归
6.Realism,neo-truthfulness and neo-realism--The three transformations of realism in contemporary times;现实·新写实·新现实——新时期现实主义文学的三次流变
7.On New Realistic Novel Esthetic Orientation and Artistic Exploration;论新写实小说的审美取向及艺术探索
8.Comparative Research on the Original Ecology Writing between Alai and New Realistic Novelists;阿来与新写实小说原生态创作之比较
9.Interpretions and Reflections on the New Realism:A View from Literary History;阐释与反思:文学史视野中的新写实
10.General Analysis on New Factual Novel Show of Zhongshan Magazine;浅析《钟山》杂志“新写实小说大联展”
11.Understanding Neo-realistic Novels from the Perspective of Cultural Esthetic Narratology;审美文化叙述学视野中的新写实小说
12.The Significance Re-estimated of Neo-realism: the Surmounting of Life Philosophy;生活观的超越:"新写实"意义重估
13.Analysis of Nervous Language of the New Realistic Novels;浅析“新写实”小说语言文字的“紧张感”
14.Plain Language of Common Customs --On"New Realistical Writing Novels" Folk language;民间话语:对“新写实”小说的一种观照
15.The Background, Current Situation and Future of Neo-realism Novels;“新写实”小说:历史、现状与未来
16.The New Realistic Novel s Aesthetic Characteristic of Naturalism;“新写实小说”的自然主义美学特征
17.A New Means of Teaching English Writing--Online Writing Lab;英语写作教学新手段——网上写作实验室
18.Comparison of Realism Technique between Lu Xun and Hu Shi s New Poetries;平淡的写实与写实中的深曲——鲁迅与胡适新诗写实主义手法比较

1.Two Different Types of the Neo-Realism Novels;两种不同的新写实小说文本
2.Neo-realism has large influence on neo-realistic fiction and movie.虚幻与真实并非绝对二元对立,新写实具有强大的辐射力,以新写实小说和电影的影响最大。
3.As representative works of Neo-realism, Chi-li s novels have arisen the ideal colour.作为新写实小说的代表,池莉小说中出现了理想化色彩。
3)new realistic新写实
1.The misunderstanding results in a disagreement of the value evaluation in the new realistic novel.评论界将“零度情感”作为新写实小说的话语目的是一种误读,这种误读导致了对新写实小说价值判断的分歧。
1.CHI Li,a female writer,stands out among the neo-realistic novelists.在新写实作家群中,池莉有其非常突出的独特性。
5)neo realism新写实
1.On the background information of neo realism novels from social history and literary history, this essay divides neo realism from the mid of 1980s until now into three periods.“新写实”小说曾是八九十年代中国文坛上一道绚烂的风景。
1.This paper dwells on the social responsibility of neo-realism novelists from the perspective of Jean-Paul Sartre "existentialism" by studying the neo-realism literature.本文试用萨特的"存在"一词作视角,切入八十年代未兴起的新写实主义文学,努力探知新写实小说家的社会责任感。
2.There are lots of similarities between French naturalism in the mid and late 19th century and Chinese neo-realism in the 1990s.法国19世纪中后期出现的自然主义和我国20世纪90年代的新写实主义有着许多相似之处,本文试图从它们产生的背景原因、主题与题材选择、人物塑造、语言风格、叙事结构等方面进行比较,重点分析了二者之间的相同或相似之处。
