1.Philosophy Xujing and the xujing Theory of Middle Ancient Literature;哲学虚静论与中古文学虚静理论
2.On the Origin of Xujing in WenXinDiaoLong;浅析《文心雕龙》中“虚静”的来源

1.On the Role of Zhuangzi s "Void-quiet" Theory in Literary and Artistic Creation;庄子“虚静”论在文艺创作中的作用
2.The Phenomenon of Void and Silent in Modern Chinese Elaborate-style Flower and Bird Painting;谈现代工笔花鸟画语境中的“虚静”现象
3.On "Unreal Quietness" of Tao Yuan-ming s Writing Poetry;试论陶渊明诗歌创作的“虚静”特点
4.On the Origin of Xujing in WenXinDiaoLong;浅析《文心雕龙》中“虚静”的来源
5.On Aesthetic Mechanism “Void and Quietness”and Chinese Aesthetic Spirit;“虚静”的审美机制与中国审美精神
6.An Analysis of Xun Kuang's Aesthetics of Pleasure without External Beauty Source and Void and Quietness荀子无美而乐与虚静的美学思想辨析
7.On the Significance of Emptiness:from the View of Aesthetics;虚静的美学意义——从审美观照的视角出发
8.Try to Discuss Recluse Cultural Connotation and Display of Xujing;试析“虚静”这一文论范畴的隐逸文化内涵及表现
9.An Analysis of the Universal Noumenon "Sheng" and the Proposition of "Xujing" in the Chinese Classical Esthetics;宇宙本体“生”与中国古典美学“虚静”命题之思辨
10.Chinese Traditional Culture;虚静:中国传统文化对自由的理解与追求
11.Reflection of Zhuangzi’s Aesthetic View of “Nothingness and Tranquility” on Mountains and Waters Poetry in Jin and Song Dynasties;庄学的“虚静”审美观对晋宋山水诗的内在作用
13.Sincere, Natural, Empty and Quiet : An Approach on South Mountain Personality of Tao Yuanming;自然真率 冲淡虚静——谈陶渊明的南山人格
14.From the State of Calmness to that of Freedom--An Analysis of Zhuangzi s Outlook of Life;由虚静达于自由之境——庄子生命观念解析
15.On the Pre-Qin Dynasty Philosophy of "Xu" Dialectical Development;从庄子的“唯道集虚”到荀子的“虚壹而静”
16.He would be courageous calm and self assured, but neither pompous nor hypercritical.他勇敢、冷静、自信,既不傲慢,也不虚为。
17.Test System of Electrostatic Potential Based on the Virtual Instrument基于虚拟仪器的静电电位的测试系统
18.The ocean make your open-minded, the崂 mountain lets you realize pure falsely with secluded.大海使你的心胸开阔,崂山让你体会清虚与幽静。

1.The meaning of quietness__the analysis to Morandi’s art;虚静的意义——浅析莫兰迪的艺术
1.By connecting the nature of water with that of human being, this paper discusses Laozi s pursuing for the philosophy of life value and describes the virtue of water such as incompetence, soft and weak, downward, tranquility and broad mind, which provide references and give some enlightenment to the shaping of modern personality. 通过水性和人性的结合,论述老子对人生价值哲学的追求,通过对水的不争、柔弱、处下、虚静和胸襟博大之美德的描写,对塑造现代人格提供了借鉴和启迪。
2.Among them “tranquility”is the origin, “freedom of spirit”is the further development; and the “perfect harmony of nature and man”is the summit.虚静是体验的发端,“游”是体验的展开,而物化是由此而达到的高峰体验。
4)Xu Jing虚静
1.Tracing the Origin of “Xu Jing” in Wenxin Diaolong;《文心雕龙》“虚静”探源
1."Void-quietness",the key category in Zhuangzi s thoughts,is a kind of pure,empty and quiet mentality which cannot be interfered by any subjective or objective factors.虚静,是庄子思想中的一个轴心范畴,指一种清虚、空明、宁静,不受任何主客观干扰的心态。
2.One is the formation of the sense of void-quietness, in which material world and ego are required to be neglected and it means a welcomed aesthetic mood.虚静具有两个特定的心理层面:一是虚静之心的形成,要求忘物、忘我,它指称一种倍受推崇的审美心态;一是虚静之心的外射,表现为专注性、内视性、消融性,它意指三种相连的幻化境界:主体物化—客体人化—物我为一。
6)stillness and emptiness静虚
1.Analyzing the stillness and emptiness,mental state,sense and materialization in Chinese ancient artistic conception,the paper reveals the broad and profound theory in artistic creation theory,and discovers the key factors in artistic conception which will have great significance in artistic creation.分析我国古代艺术构思中静虚、神思、感兴和物化等问题,展示出艺术创作构思理论的博大精深,深刻揭示艺术构思过程中的几个关键环节,对指导当今现实中的艺术创作仍具有重大的指导意义。

虚静虚静 虚静   心无旁念。《素问·脉要精微论》:“持脉有道,虚静为保。”