1.On the Political Reform of the Ming Dynasty from the Reign of Jiajing to the Reign of Wanli;明代嘉靖至万历时期政治变革的走向
2.Research about the Compilation of Wanli's Da Ming Hui Dian万历《大明会典》纂修成书考析
3.The Viewment to the Oringnal of Party Struggle in WanLi Period of Ming Dynasty再论明万历朝党争的起源

1.Daming underglaze bule pot with handle大明万历青花提梁壶
2.The development of this folk art can be divided into the following four periods: Pre-Wanli period, from Wanli to the end of Ming Dynasty, from Shunzhi to Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty and after Jiaqing period.它的发展经历了万历前、万历至明末、顺治至乾隆、嘉庆以后四个时期。
3.the art reached a development peak in the Ming Dynasty.版画在明代万历年间达到了高峰。
4.In April in the 20th year after the emperor of Ming Dynasty Wan Li began to be in authority (1592 ), Japan invaded Korea on a large scale.万历二十年(1592)四月,日本大举入侵朝鲜。
5.On the Authors of Some Poems from JiuYiShanZhi in WanLi Period, Ming Dynasty;明万历《九疑山志》中若干诗作者归属考
6.On the Political Reform of the Ming Dynasty from the Reign of Jiajing to the Reign of Wanli;明代嘉靖至万历时期政治变革的走向
7.Stories about Bozhou Battle and Bo Zhou Battle during Wan-li Regime of Ming Dynasty;《征播奏捷传》与万历“播州之役”
8.On the Spreading of Chuanqi Anthologies during the Wan Li Era of the Ming Dynasty;试论明万历年间传奇选本的文本传播
9."Qi Feng"and "Qi Qi" --Shangdong Poetry World in Wanli Dynasty;“齐风”与“齐气”——万历朝山东诗坛
10.The Features of Compilation and Questions of Wan Li Hui Dian;万历《会典》的编纂特色及其存在的问题
11.A Criticism on the Classification of the Drafted Drama Lotus in the Bowl in the Era Wanli of the Ming Dynasty;明万历抄本《钵中莲》剧种归属考辨
12.A Comparative Study on Wanli Qijuzhu of Ming Dynasty s transcript preserved in Tianjin and Transcript preserved in Japan;天津明抄本和日本藏抄本《万历起居注》
13.The Characteristics of the Accounts of Personages in the Hangzhou Prefectural Gazetteer of the Wanli Reign Period[万历]《杭州府志》人物记述之特点
14.As a result of this textual criticism,the exact starting time should be June,24th year in the Wanli era,and the ending time be July,48th year in the same era.经本文考证 ,开始的具体时间应为万历二十四年六月 ,罢除时间则是万历四十八年七月
15.Everything undergoes the process of change in the tide of times.随着时间的流逝,万事万物经历着变化。
16.The moon is millions of years old!月球有数百万年的历史了!
17.A record amount of 640,000 MDMA was seized.缴获“摇头丸”64万粒,创历史最高纪录;
18.The American History Museum cares for and protects more than eighteen-million objects.美国历史博物馆珍藏了1800多万件展品。

Emperor Wanli万历皇帝
1.Most scholars hold that the downfall of eunuch Feng Bao is due to the great greed of Emperor Wanli(Ming Dynasty).长期以来,学者多认为太监冯保的败亡是万历皇帝贪财好货所致。
1.This article introduces the designing method and developing situation of System On Chip(SOC),and discusses intensively the design of calendar circuit with DW8051 IP core.重点讨论了以DW 8051单片机为内核的SOC中的万年历电路的设计。
4)Wanli version万历本
5)at the beginning of Wanli of the Ming Dynasty万历初年
6)Wan Li Hui Dian万历《会典》
1.The Features of Compilation and Questions of Wan Li Hui Dian;万历《会典》的编纂特色及其存在的问题
