1.Therefore“incarnation”has the close relationship with the aesthetic activities.“道成肉身”是基督教的核心教义,主要是指上帝之子肉身化为耶稣其人,在人世间实施对人类的救赎。

1.Mary OF THE INCARNATION玛丽(道成肉身的)
2.On Our Master s Comparing Himself to the Creator and Jesus Looking Himself as the Incarnation of the Word;论孔子之“以天自比”与耶稣之“道成肉身
3.3b. He truly became man, being begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.?确实是道成肉身,因圣灵成孕,为童女马利亚所生。
4.This gospel shows that Jesus is God– the Son of God come in human flesh.本书显示耶稣就是上帝——神子道成肉身来到人间。
5.Speech,Culture and Incarnation--the Paradox Between Literature and Publicness;言辞、文化然后道成肉身——文学与公共性的悖论
6.The Body Contains Tao--The Body and the Life-Subject Spirit in Moyan' Fiction“道成肉身”的艺术证悟——莫言小说中的身体与生命主体精神
7.This book profiles a unique God, revealed in the person of Jesus– God in Human flesh.本书勾勒了这位独一无二的上帝,他以道成肉身的耶稣形象出现。
8.The Word Became Flesh" and "Noumenon and Appearance Is One": A Comparative Study of Ontology Between Christianity and Confucianism;道成肉身与体用一如——基督教与儒家本体论之比较
9.The Christian doctrine that the Son of God was conceived in the womb of Mary and that Jesus is true God and true man.道成肉身上帝之子耶稣由玛丽亚孕育并且耶稣是真正的神和真正的人的基督教教义
10.If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know!但我在肉身活着,若成就我工夫的果子,我就不知道该挑选什么。
11.The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.道成了肉身住在我们中间,充充满满的有恩典有真理。
12.Jesus, triumphant over death and the body, became the way, laying down the ego of the will, accepting the crucifixion, and returning to God.耶稣战胜了死亡和肉身,成就了这种道,他放弃了意志的自我,接受在十字架上受难,并回归上帝。
13.Seeing "Philosophy in the Flesh" and "Conceptual Blending Theory" from Xiehouyu;从歇后语看肉身哲学和概念合成理论
14.A dish or an order of thin slices of fried or broiled bacon.薰肉菜由烤的或煮的咸肉做成的菜肴或一道菜
15.Preserved meat tastes good but it is bad for health, you'd better eat less.腌肉的味道不错, 就是对身体不好, 最好少吃点。
16.well-seasoned stew of meat and vegetables.肉和蔬菜炖成的味道极好的菜。
17.The bones are the framework of the body, but the muscles fill out the body shape.骨骼是身体的支架,而肌肉则构成了人的体形。
18.The coming of Jesus at the Incarnation.基督降临,基督复活耶稣成为肉身降临人世

unification of body and soul肉身成道
3)the Incarnation神下凡化身为基督; 道成肉身
1.This article examines Merleau-Ponty’s reflections on the concept of the flesh.本文侧重考察了后期梅洛-庞蒂关于肉身概念的思考。
1.The scholars,studying the classical work Faust,usually pay attention to the hero s insistent pursuing,but,in fact,Faust s ideal spirit is built on the base of human body.经典文本《浮士德》的研究者们往往把视线抬得过高,着重于主人公上天入地表现出的永不餍足的追求精神,但实际上浮士德的理想精神必须建筑在理想肉身的基础之上。
2.To Kierkegaard, the finitude, understood as the body of the self in this paper, and the infinitude,the so-called inward imagination in Kierkegaard s text, is in absolute contradiction.克尔恺郭尔认为人的有限性(即本文称为肉身的方面)与人的无限性(一种纵深扩张的想象力)是不可调和的,在具体的生存过程中,这不可调和的两方面转化为必然性与可能性之间的对立。
3.But in fact,this tragedy event also make clear the road walking out the aficionado of metaphysics:come back to human\' body.但是,苏格拉底悲剧般的"事件"昭示出走出形而上学迷局的道路:回归肉身。
6)Flesh-Self Love肉身·自爱
