1.An image ought to be supported by its social foundation, yet, in a deeper sense, its formation directly depends on the image builder s approaches to observation (as restricted by time, distance, frequency, visual angles, prejudice, etc.形象应有社会基础的支撑 ,可在深层意义上 ,却与形塑者观看异国的方式 (如时间、距离、频次、视角、成见等 )直接相关。

1.The act of seeing, watching, or examining carefully.观看,察看看、观察或仔细检查的行为
2.To view or exhibit in advance.预看预先观看或展览
3.the act of looking out.观看、观察的行为动作。
4.One that views, especially an onlooker or spectator.观察者观看者,特指旁观者或者观众
5.The stands were tightly packed for the important match.看台上观众满座,观看这场重要的比赛。
6.You can watch the sunrise at dawn and the sunset at dusk.你可以在清晨观看日出,黄昏观看日落。
7."It is watched by 5.3 million ticket-paying viewers, as well as a television audience of 4 billion."全球将有530万观众赴现场观看,还有40亿观众通过电视观看比赛。
8.Watched the heavy outflow of the tide.观看汹涌奔出的潮水
9.Every night they watched the stars.他们每晚观看星星。
10.People crowded to see the performance.人们蜂拥而来观看演出。
11.Device for viewing photographic transparencies幻灯式摄影正片观看
12.someone who attends concerts.参加观看音乐会的人。
13.We watched the sailors hauling in anchors我们观看了水手们起锚。
14.watch from a distance through binoculars用双筒望远镜观看远处.
15.looking up and trying to see the tops of these huge trees.并观看巨大的树的顶部。
16.but just listening and watching aside.站在一旁聆听、观看
17.They were watching the football game.他们在观看足球比赛。
18.Go outside to watch a beautiful sunset.出去观看美丽的日出。

Look on观看,旁观
3)watching operation观看手术
4)television viewing电视观看
5)objectively looking upon客观看待
6)viewing position观看位置
1.Based on experiments, research some characteristics of stereoscopic display with parallax barrier, Calculate the best viewing position of display from the result of objective measurement, validate the existence of crosstalk, explain the erect stripe which perceived from some viewing angle.通过实验研究了视差栅栏式立体显示器的某些特性,根据客观测量结果计算了显示器的最佳观看位置,验证了串扰现象的存在,解释了在某些位置观看显示器时看到的竖状条纹现象。
