
1.an artist who adheres to the principles of cubism.遵循立体派原则的画家。
2.his style of painting was a reaction against cubism.他的绘画风格是对立体派的一种反对。
3.But art is valued is creating;塞尚 to impressionist school disaffection, thus has created the cubismbeginning of a matter.而艺术贵在创作;塞尚对印象派的不满,从而创造了立体派的先河。
4.It was in about 1923 that Dalífirst started to experiment with cubism3, often locked away in the seclusion4 of his own room.大约在1923年,达利开始尝试立体派艺术,经常独自锁在屋中。
5.Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism.帕勃洛·毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的推动作用。
6.Even the zig-zag camouflage used in modern warfare was suggested by Cubist art.甚至现代战争中使用的“之”字形伪装也受到了立体派艺术的启发。
7.The static, aesthetic searchings of the Cubists were quite alien to them.立体派的静止的、美学的探求是同他们格格不入的。
8.French painter who was a leading exponent and theorist of the cubist movement.布拉克,乔治斯1882-1963法国画家,是立体派的主要倡导者和理论家
9.On evolution of figure pattern and spirit from the view of ancient Egyptian frontispiece to cubism;从古埃及“正面律”到立体派风格看图式与精神的演进
10.He was one of the recognized masters of20 th century art, probably most famous as the founder, along with Georges Braque, of Cubism.他被认为是二十世纪最为著名的艺术大师,和乔治·拉克并成为立体派的创始人。
11.Klein s Contributions to the Foundation and Development of Object-Relation School;克莱因与客体关系学派的创立与发展
12.Alvey, Mark. "The Independents: Rethinking the Television Studio System," pp. 34-52.独立派:对电视工作室体系的再思考〉,第34-52页。
13.United Nations Joint Collaborative Mission to the Commonwealth of Independent States联合国合办独立国家联合体合作特派团
14.Cubism was equally the creation of Picasso and Braque.立体画派是由毕加索和布拉克共同创造的。
15.Mormons are a religious group founded in USA in 1830.摩门教派是1830年在美国成立的一个宗教团体。
16.This slogan won an immediate warm response from the democratic parties, people's organizations and democrats without party affiliation in the Kuomintang areas.这个口号立即得到各民主党派、人民团体和无党派民主人士的热烈响应。
17.A body of persons sent to conduct negotiations or establish relations with a foreign country.外交使团,代表团一个被派往它国进行谈判或建立关系的团体
18.the inner logic of Cubism; the internal contradictions of the theory; the intimate structure of matter.立体画派的内在逻辑性;理论的内部矛盾;物质的内部结构。

4)cunist painting立体派绘画
5)cubist designs立体派图案
6)cubic poetry立体派诗歌

正统派与非正统派  对古代和中世纪印度各派哲学体系传统的分类方法。一般相信吠陀拥有至高权威的哲学派别为正统派,怀疑或反对吠陀权威的哲学派别则为非正统派。根据摩陀婆所著《摄一切见论》,属于正统派的有前弥曼差派(见弥曼差派)、后弥曼差派(也称吠檀多派)、数论派(见数论)、胜论派(见胜论)、正理派和瑜伽派;属于非正统派的有顺世派(见顺世论)、佛教(见印度佛教哲学)和耆那教(见耆那教哲学)。所谓的非正统派,并不承认这种划分法。这种分法虽然有一定的历史根据,但是掩饰了印度哲学派别的唯心主义与唯物主义、辩证法与形而上学的斗争。在正统派的发展过程中,数论、正理论、胜论、弥曼差派常常冲破婆罗门教和印度教神学的束缚,寻求神以外的创世根据,把理性思维、逻辑论证等等放在重要的地位。例如数论认为"原初物质"是世界演变的主要原因,此外,他们还公开批判《吠陀》的错误;胜论认为,整个世界包摄在六个范畴之中,自然界是由多种原素组成的,原子是万物的始基;弥曼差派认为,人们在举行吠陀祭祀仪式时,所获得的果报不是由于神力而是由于业力的原因,从而否定了婆罗门教神的创世说。非正统派中也有着不同的世界观和道德伦理学说,内部之间也进行着剧烈的斗争。