传教,missionary work
1)missionary work传教
1.The church s success is attributed to the appropriate missionary work method.晚清时期,圣母圣心会传教士在阿拉善旗的传教活动获得很大进展。

1.a preacher of the Christian gospel.基督教福音的传教士。
2.Christian missions基督教国外传教事业
3.Catholic, Anglican, etc missionaries天主教、 圣公会等传教
4.Missionary duty or work.传教工作,布道活动传教工作和活动
5.The district assigned to a mission worker.传教区分配给一个传教者的地区
6.Of or relating to missions or missionaries.传教的或传教会的或与其有关的
7.A Study on Mission Theory and Mission Methods of the Early Order of the Society of Jesus;早期耶稣会传教思想和传教方式探析
8.A building or compound housing a mission.传教机构的房舍,传教传教团的房舍或混合居留地
9.a missionary of the early Christian Church.早期基督教教堂的传教
10.an itinerant preacher(基督教美以美教会的) 巡回传教 [布道] 士
11.Study of the Early Protestants "Medical Mission" in Modern China;基督教新教早期在华“医药传教”剖析
12.On the Influence of Missionaries’ Teacher Roles on Foreign Affairs Education;传教士的教师角色对洋务教育的影响
13.The Initial Inquiry of activities of Industry and Commerce of the Protestant Missionaries Coming to China来华基督教新教传教士实业活动初探
14.San Diego Padres圣地亚哥传教士队(棒球)
15.An account of the life and manner of death of a martyr.殉教者列传殉教者传记及死亡记录
16.a new convert being taught the principles of Christianity by a catechist.被传授教义教规的新入教者。
17.To instruct in a body of doctrine or principles.传授以教条或信条的方式来教授、教导
18.A Comparison of Teaching Process between Traditional Education and Modern Education;传统教育和现代教育的教学过程比较

1.The Narration and Comment on CICM s Missionizing in Huhhot;圣母圣心会呼和浩特传教述论
2.Under the background of foreign powers further invasion,James Greig,a British missionary of Presbyterian church,who had done missionary work in the region of modem JiLin for several decades.英国基督教长老会传教士高积善,在近代吉林地区传教几十年。
1.This paper introduces four periods of CICM s missions in NingXia Province: the beginning,the early period,two cases of anti-Catholicism,the development of missions, systematically summarizing CICM s forty-year missions in the last stage of the Qing Dynasty in NingXia Province.本文以时间为主线索介绍了圣母圣心会在宁夏传教的四个阶段———宁夏开教时期、宁夏传教的初期、宁夏的两起教案、宁夏传教的发展时期 ,较为全面和系统地梳理了该会晚清时期在宁夏 4 0年的传教活动。
2.This paper introduces four periods of CICM s missions in NingXia Province:the beginning,the early period,two cases of anti-Catholicism,the development of missions, systematically summarizing CICM s forty-year missions in the last stage of the Qing Dynasty in NingXia Province.本文以时间为主线索 ,介绍了圣母圣心会在宁夏传教的四个阶段———宁夏开教时期、宁夏传教的初期、在宁夏的两起教案、宁夏传教的发展时期 ,较为全面和系统地梳理了该会晚清时期在宁夏 4 0年的传教
1.Though flexible strategies were adopted by the Catholics who traveled to the Far East,the culture gap between the West and the East led to the sequential failure in their preaching.尽管早期赴远东传教的天主教耶稣会采取了灵活的适应性传教策略,但由于东西文化之间所存在的巨大差异还是导致其在远东的传教事业相继遭到失败。
2.William Charles White, the Canadian preacher, served as a bishop of the Anglican Church in Henan, China.加拿大传教士怀履光是基督教河南圣公会的主教,他1910年到任后,在开封、商丘、洛阳等地建教堂、办学校、开医院,还开展了一些慈善和社会救济工作,着力培养中国高层神职人员,促进了基督教在河南的传播和发展。
1.Missionary Work s Character and Influences of American Methodist Episcopal Church in Suzhou during Late Qing Period;晚清美国监理会在苏州传教活动的若干特点及影响

传教1.掌传教令的郡吏。 2.传布教义。