
1.The art or study of orthography.拼字法,缀字法字法的艺术或研究
2.of or relating to or expressed in orthography.属于、有关正字法的,或以正字法表达的。
3.Of or relating to orthography.正字法的属于或有关正字法
4.A Comparative Study of Directed Forgetting of the Word Method and the List Method;单字法与字表法定向遗忘的比较研究
5.The forming of words with letters in an accepted order;orthography.拼字,拼法以正确顺序将字母拼成字的行为;缀字法
6.We will call this new alphabet 'Braille'.我们称这种新字母表为盲人用点字法
7.teaching method of Chinese literacy识字(汉字)教学法
8.word and sentence method单字整句法单字整句法
9.Strike-on composition: Typesetting with an electric typewriter. Also called Impact composition. Typewriter composition.打字排字:用电动打字机作排字的方法。
10.forbidden character禁用字符,非法字符
11."ten words"method for service保养“十字”作业法
12.Some Remarks on the Vocal Music Techniques of Singing Words of Songs in Western and Chinese Styles;浅谈美声唱法和民族唱法的咬字吐字
13.Unable to convert Multi Byte string to Wide Char String. The script could not be parsed.无法将多字节字符串转换为宽字符字符串。无法分析该脚本。
14.The field name contains an illegal character. The following characters cannot be used: []!%该字段名称包含非法字符。不能使用以下字符: []!%
15.A New Method for Number and Letter Character Recognition of License Plate一种新的车牌数字及字母字符识别方法
16.Kanji characters cannot be inputted with the current font.无法使用当前的字体来输入日文中的汉字字符。
17.Producing Means by a Four Character Chinese glyph code;论四键一字汉字形码的最佳汉字部件产生办法
18.The Impact of Chinese Input Method on the Processing of Chinese Characters;汉字输入法对汉字字词加工的影响研究

Teaching Chinese character by analyzing the method of making Chinese character字理识字法
1.Teaching Chinese character by analyzing the method of making Chinese character can improve the efficiency in studying it.字理识字法可提高对外汉字教学的效率,且同时也可于教学中促进中国传统文化的传播。
3)the way of the form of Chinese characters汉字构字法
4)orthography of characters汉字正字法
5)Chinese word building汉字造字法
1.The Six Categories of Chinese Characters is the theory of the ancient scholars studying Chinese word building.“六书”是古人研究汉字造字法的理论。
6)Chinese character-retrieving method汉字查字法

阿弥陀三字法报应三身空假中三谛【阿弥陀三字法报应三身空假中三谛】 (术语)阿字为本不生之义,故是空谛。弥字为吾我之义,故是随缘之假谛。陀字为如之义,故是中谛。又三身者,取阿字第五转方便究竟之义为应身,弥为报身,陀为法身。日本慧心之阿弥陀部心集曰:“阿即空之义也,弥者即假之义也,陀者即中之义也。”