1."Yiyinizhi" and "No Thorough Interpretation for Poetry" under the Perspective of Hermeneutics;解释学视野中的“以意逆志”和“诗无达诂”

1."Yiyinizhi" and "No Thorough Interpretation for Poetry" under the Perspective of Hermeneutics;解释学视野中的“以意逆志”和“诗无达诂”
2.The Study on Mencius' Theory of 'Attain Will Through Meaning' and Other Scholars' Explanations孟子“以意逆志”说及其阐释的研究
3.Chinese Calligraphy Appreciation and Mencius’ Theory of Poem Interpretation“以意逆志”、“知人论世”与中国书法品评
4.Mencius “Reading the Writer s Meaning into Expression” Taken as a Proposition for Searching Conversational Implication;“以意逆志”:作为探求会话含义的语用学命题
5.On the Theory,Practice and Question of "by the Meaning against the Will";论“以意逆志”的理论阐释、实践操作及问题
6.The Original State of Inter-theory;间性理论的原生态——从孟子的“以意逆志”说起
7.Modern Literary and Artistic Theory in meaning ageinst feeling ;浅谈“以意逆志说”蕴含的现代文艺理论观
8.A Tentative Probe into Chinese Reading Methods in Senior High School;从“以意逆志”到“望文生义”——高中语文阅读方法初探
9.From Mencius' "To Know the Poet's Intension from His Poem" to see the Ideology of Acceptional Aesthetics从孟子的“以意逆志”看其文学接受美学思想
10.On the Influence of "Yi Yi Ni Zhi" on the Hermeneutics of Ci Theory of Changzhou Ci School论以意逆志对常州词派词学阐释学的影响
11.Using the Idea to Meet the Ideal: Teaching Function Words in Their Functions--Explanation of difficulty in the teaching of function words in classical Chinese以意逆志 虚字虚教——文言虚词教学困境破解
12.Zhao Qi's breakthrough in philological study and his misunderstanding of guessing other persons' meanings with his own idea赵岐对章句学的突破及其对“以意逆志”说的误读
13.From "Inferring Willing from Meaning" to "Integrating Emotions by Commenting"--Liu Xie Aesthetic Appreciation of the Emergence and the Evolution从“以意逆志”到“披文以入情”——刘勰审美鉴赏论的产生和演变
14.On the Genesis and Transformation of Mencius Reconstructive Theory of Literary Interpretation;从“断章取义”到“以意逆志”——孟子复原式解释理论的产生与演变
15.On “Meet-Intention-with-Sympathetic-Understanding”:Its Implication, Values and Shadowing Effects on the Readership;论“以意逆志”说之内涵、价值及其对接受主体的遮蔽
16.On the Intention of the Author and the Over-Interpretation --A Comment on HAN Yu’s Preface to Sending DONG Shaonan off;以意逆志与过度诠释——对韩愈《送董邵南序》批评的检讨
17.send someone back to his homeland against his will, as of refugees.逆着某人的意志把他送回他的国家,关于难民。
18.Will can conquer habit.意志力可以克服习惯。

1.Yi-yi-ni-zhi and the Interpretations of Text;“以意逆志”与文本阐释
3)Chinese hermeneutics with "understanding by heart"以意逆志诠释学
1.There are Chinese hermeneutics with "understanding by heart" in the historical hermeneutics of the theory of "understanding by heart",which set up a classical model by the ethics dialogue.以意逆志命题诠释史显示了汉语语境中存在着一种可以称为以意逆志诠释学的学术传统,经典建构、伦理对话是其所具有的汉语文化与思想特质。
4)the theory of understanding by heart以意逆志命题
5)will factors independent of a criminal意志以外因素
6)The unexpected cause意志以外的原因

以意逆志  中国古代文论的一种观念,是一种理解诗的方法。为孟子所提。《孟子·万章上》:"说诗者不以文害辞,不以辞害志,以意逆志,是为得之。"孟子认为,评论诗的人,既不能根据诗的个别字眼断章取义地曲解辞句,也不能用辞句的表面意义曲解诗的真实含义,而应该根据作品的全篇立意,来探索作者的心志。后世对于"以意逆志"中的"意",究竟是说诗者之"意",还是作诗者之"意",众说不一。汉代经学家和宋代理学家普遍认为"意"是"说诗者"之意。如赵岐《孟子注疏》说:"以己之意逆诗人之志。"朱熹《孟子集注》说:"当以己意迎取作者之志。"清人吴淇在《六朝选诗定论缘起》中,则认为"以意逆志"是"以古人之意求古人之志,乃就诗论诗",不然的话,就会造成汉儒说诗那样的牵强附会。近人王国维则将"以意逆志"与孟子的"知人论世"结合起来加以解释:"顾意逆在我,志在古人,果何修而能使我之所意,不失古人之志乎?其术,孟子亦言之曰:'诵其诗,读其书,不知其人可乎?是以论其世也。'是故由其世以知其人,由其人以逆其志,则古人之诗虽有不能解者寡矣。"(《玉溪生年谱会笺序》)他认为"意逆"虽在说诗者,但说诗者在对作品进行解释时,应贯彻"知人论世"的原则,以避免主观武断之弊。这一解释比较合理。