
1.an artist of the Postimpressionist school who revolted against impressionism.起来反对印象流派的后期印象派画家。
2.His way of painting cockscombs and peonies was quite different from that of other artists.他画的蚱蜢,大红大绿,很像后期印象派的油画。
3.Rather, from the beginning, he struck out in a direction close to that of the Post-Impressionists and the Nabis.相反,倒是从一开始,他就朝接近于后期印象派与纳比派的方向努力。
4.New York had its chance at the Armory Show of post-impressionist art, to see the work of the same artists.纽约有幸在后期印象派艺术的“武库展览”中看到了那些画家的作品。
5.What do you know about Post-impressionism?你对后印象派了解多少?
6.His early paintings used a style called Impressionism, but towards the end of his life, he created more abstract artwork.他早期的绘画风格是印象派,但到生命后期,他创作了更为抽象的艺术作品。
7.On Photographing Style of Impressionist Painting--On Effect of Early Photographing Technique on Impressionist Painting印象派绘画的“摄影性”风格——探究早期摄影术对印象派绘画的影响
8.On the Post-impressionist Painting Factors in to the LightHouse;论《到灯塔去》中的后印象派绘画因素
9.An Analysis of the Artistic Features and the Causes of Post-impressionism后印象派的艺术特征和产生原因简论
10.Creation of Abstract Beauty in Post Impressionism and the Victory of the Subject Will;后印象派“抽象美”的初创与主体意志的胜利
11." Following the French Impressionists and postimpressionists, watercolours have been established in Europe and america as an expressive picture medium in its own right."紧接着法国印象画派和后期印象画派,水彩画在欧洲和美国最终成为一种独立的富有表现力的画种。
12.Application of Color in Impressionist Painting and Music;印象派绘画和印象派音乐的色彩应用
13.On the Cause of Lateness of China s Acceptance of the Impressionism Compared with Japan;中国滞后于日本接纳“印象派绘画”的原因研究
14.His early work was impressionistic, but he soon changed to a Fauvist style.他早期的作品属于印象派,但是很快转为野兽派的。
15.Of, relating to, or practicing impressionism, especially in painting; impressionistic.印象派的印象主义的或实施印象主义的,尤指绘画方面;印象派的
16.Works of Art,More of the Soliloquy of Inner Heart--The Painting Psychology of Impressionism vs Post-impressionism艺术作品更应是内心的独白——比较印象派与后印象派大师的绘画心理
17.Vincent Van Gogh was a painting master of later impressionism .文森特·凡高是后期印象主义绘画大师。
18.relating to or characteristic of impressionism.与印象派、印象主义有关或具有印象主义特征。

1.An Analysis of the Artistic Features and the Causes of Post-impressionism后印象派的艺术特征和产生原因简论
2.Post-Impressionism, which emphasizes individuality of art on the art conception, focuses on the expressional consciousness and creational consciousness of painting; It pays more attention to comprehensive use of those painting factors such as figure, color, composition of a picture, brushwork, texture, etc.后印象派在艺术观念上注重绘画的表现性意识和创新意识,强调艺术个性;在绘画语言上,更注重画面的形、色、构图、笔触、肌理等绘画因素的综合运用。
3.With the development of western arts and the emergence of post-impressionism, independent taste of beauty in colors were introduced to the history stage of oil painting and drew a wide attention.西方宗教绘画中的色彩语言简单、刻板;古典主义绘画延续现实主义路线,是西方绘画科学语言的典范,具有“重形轻色”的倾向;直至后印象派绘画彻底完成一场色彩变革,富于精神性的色彩加强画面的张力,色彩效果动人魂魄、历久弥新。
4)post-impressionist painting后印象派绘画
5)Later period impressionism后期印象主义
6)Characteristics of post-impressionism后印象派绘画特点
