1.Zhima is one kind of artistic form in the Chinese folk printing, Chinese prints are a necessary supplementary but the Chinese folk printing holds the important position in the world printing history.纸马是中国民间版画中的一种艺术形式,是中国版画的必要补充。

1.Research of the Paper-Charms of Yunnan on the Art Styles and the Applications云南纸马艺术风格挖掘与表现应用研究
2.sales book Manila paper营业帐薄用马尼拉纸
3.Manila paper: A strong, buff-coloured paper made from manila hemp, used for making folders, envelopes, etc马尼拉纸:用马尼拉麻造的结实,浅啡色纸张.作档案夹,信封用.
4.The window was roughly patched with cardboard and masking tape.这窗子是用纸板和胶布马马虎虎堵起来的。
5.I'll go right in the house for paper and ink.我马上回家去拿信纸和墨水。
6.Madam Magloire has pulled off all the paper.马格洛大娘撕去了全部的纸。
7.On every piece of paper is a picture of a horse每张纸上都有一匹马的画像
8.I am cutting her out a coach in cardboard.我正在用硬纸板替她做一辆马车。
9.Analysis on beating characteristics and paper properties for abaca pulp马尼拉麻浆打浆特性和成纸性能分析
10.He touched the manila folder which Wainwright had put down.他按了按温赖特放下的马尼拉纸文件袋。
11.Marcus : This! The comb and tissue paper. Stand back, I'm going to tune this baby up.马卡斯:这个,梳子和纸巾。退后,我要演奏它。
12.Must carry a paper goblet next time I go to the trottingmatches.下次去参加小马驾车赛,我得带上个纸杯子。
13.Thomas hesitated, and then took the slip of paper and jammed it carelessly into his pocket.托马斯迟疑一下,接过纸条,不经意地塞在口袋里。
14.It was promptly copied in New York, Boston and Chicago papers.它马上被纽约、波士顿和芝加哥的报纸转载了。
15.Maxwell turned around with his hands full of papers and ticker tape.马克斯韦尔转过身,手中仍拿着文件和电报纸。
16.mosaic cube, ceramic, glazed, whether or not on a paper backing上釉陶瓷马赛克方石,不论是否有纸背衬
17.cube mosaic, ceramic, unglazed, whether ornot on a paper未釉陶瓷马赛克方石,不论是否有纸背衬
18.Muller had a sheet detached from the file in front of him.马勒面前放着从卷宗里抽出来的一张纸。

zebra paper斑马纸
3)yellow straw board马粪纸
4)manila paper马尼拉纸
5)Polythylene Sheeting马路胶纸
6)the paper-charms of Yunnan云南纸马
1.With the development of science and technology, the paper-charms of Yunnan need better inherited and development, which innovate in spirit culture and aesthetics valuable.云南纸马,是云南民间民俗宗教祭祀活动中流传的一种用于焚烧祭拜的木刻雕版印刷品,民间木版画的种类之一,是云南各族人民生活中特殊的艺术形式,也是中国传统文化瑰宝。

纸马纸马  俗称“甲马”。古时祭祀用牲币,后演变为用偶马(即木马)。唐王玙以纸为币,用纸马以祀鬼神。后世纸上画神像,涂以彩色出售,祭赛既毕则焚之,谓之纸马。或谓昔时画神像于纸,皆画马以为乘骑之用,故称“纸马”。《宋史·礼志》二七记契丹贺正使为本国皇后成服后,有焚纸马、举哭事。旧时有专售此类冥器的商店称纸马铺。参阅宋孟元老《东京梦华录·清明节》、清赵翼《陔余丛考·纸马》。