伊斯兰文化,Islamic Culture
1)Islamic Culture伊斯兰文化
1.Islamic Culture Security under the Background of Globalization;解析全球化背景下的伊斯兰文化安全
2.Discussion on the Translation, Introduce and Studies of Ma Zongrong to the Islamic Culture;论马宗融对伊斯兰文化的翻译、介绍和研究
3.Islamic culture is the dominant religious culture in northwest China and also is an import part of Chinese traditional culture1.伊斯兰文化作为西北地区主导性的宗教文化和中国传统文化的重要组成部分,在西北地区的发展大致经过了唐、宋、元和明清几个阶段,对西北地区的民族及其养生健身行为产生了强烈影响。

1.On the Influence of the Arabic-Islamic Civilization on the Renaissance阿拉伯—伊斯兰文化对文艺复兴的影响
2.Influence of Islamic Culture in Arab Upon Eastern Literature阿拉伯伊斯兰文化对东方文学的影响
3.Inspects of Zhang Chengzhi s Literature Creation in the Islam Cultural Context;伊斯兰文化视阈中的张承志文学创作
4.Islamic Culture Security under the Background of Globalization;解析全球化背景下的伊斯兰文化安全
5.International Committee for Islamic Heritage伊斯兰文化遗产国际委员会
6.Formation of the Arabic Islamic Culture System and Its Characteristics阿拉伯伊斯兰文化体系的形成和特性
7.Orientalists’ Research on Arab-Islamic Culture;东方学家对阿拉伯—伊斯兰文化的研究
8.On the Concept of Harmony in Arab-Islamic Culture;论阿拉伯——伊斯兰文化的和谐理念
9.Sense Making of the View of Pure in Arabia-Islam Culture解读阿拉伯——伊斯兰文化中的纯净观
10.On harmonious idea and modern value in Islamic culture论伊斯兰文化的和谐理念及现代价值
11.Islamic Culture and the Modernization Process of the Chinese Muslims;伊斯兰文化与中国穆斯林民族现代化进程
12.Islamic culture in Arab is one of the three culture systems in the east.阿拉伯伊斯兰文化是东方的三大文化体系之一。
13.Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance文化和伊斯兰指导部
14.The civilization based on Islam.伊斯兰文明以伊斯兰教为基础的文明
15.On Cultural Integration--the Islamization of Mongolian and Uyghur Nationalities;论文化整合——蒙维民族的伊斯兰化过程
16.A Cultural Interpretation on the Kazakstanization of Muslim伊斯兰教“哈萨克族化”的文化学阐释
17.Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs伊斯兰经济、文化和社会事务委员会
18.Pan-African Islamic Society for Agro Cultural Development泛非农业文化发展伊斯兰协会

Islam culture伊斯兰文化
1.The Islam culture,centered by mosque,will undoubtedly construct "local knowledge" which belongs to itself.经过对话—适应—再对话—新的适应的过程,以清真寺为中心的伊斯兰文化无疑将建构起属于自身的"地方性知识"。
2.The main purpose was to make orientation on the level of athletics in colleges in Xinjiang, point out the influence of Islam culture and new curriculum reform on athletic events in colleges in Xinjiang.对新疆2000-2006年大运会田径比赛成绩进行分析,旨在为新疆大学生田径水平做出定位,同时指出伊斯兰文化、新课程改革对新疆高校田径项目的影响。
3.The Zhang Chengzhi’s literature creation in the contemporary literaryarena is a cultural phenomenon to think deeply , his multicultural background has accomplished his unique literature style,especially the Islam culture increased more bright colors.张承志文学创作在当代文坛是一个引人深思的文化现象,他的多元文化背景造就了他独特的文学风格,尤其是伊斯兰文化的浸淫更为他的作品添加了一抹亮色。
3)Islamic Culture of Iran伊朗伊斯兰文化
1.The Islamic Culture of Iran and the Sino-Iran Cultural Intercommunication;伊朗伊斯兰文化与中伊文化交流
4)the Hui Islamic culture回族伊斯兰文化
5)Chinese Islamic culture中国伊斯兰文化
6)Discourses on Islamic Culture《伊斯兰文化散论》
1.On <Discourses on Islamic Culture>;《伊斯兰文化散论》题记

伊斯兰中心伊斯兰中心(islamic centre)位于吉隆坡火车站行政大楼背后的山边,正对着国家清真寺,是一栋融合现代立体派艺术和传统伊斯兰教色彩的建筑,有关回教教义、艺术、设计、文化在此皆可一览无遗,常举办当地和国际回教展。