文艺,literature and art
1)literature and art文艺
1.Problems on nature theory of literature and art ideology;论文艺意识形态本性论的几个问题
2.The literature and art and morals fall into basic concepts of two different subjects.文艺与道德 ,是分属于两门不同学科的基本概念。

1.the Revival of Learning文艺复兴 (Renaissance)
2.Artistic Figure:First Life of Art for Art s Sake;艺术形象:文艺之为文艺的第一生命
3.the art of the Renaissance文艺复兴时期的艺术
4.The Discipline Dividing Line between Aesthetics of Literature- Arts, Sociology of Literature- Arts and Psychology of Literature- Arts;文艺美学、文艺社会学、文艺心理学的学科分野
5.Renaissance literature文艺复兴时期的文学
6.Call for concerted effort to develop Chinese literature掀起发展华文文艺热潮
7.Of or relating to literary Decadence.颓废派文艺的,与颓废派文艺有关的
8.Renaissance art, literature, etc文艺复兴时期的艺术、 文学等.
9.Vanguard of Literature and Arts (1942-1948) and the Movement of Literature and Arts in the Area Controlled by the Kuomintang;《文艺先锋》(1942-1948)与国统区文艺运动
10.Research on Literature and Art: Facing the Trends of Literary and Artistic Production and Consumption;文艺研究:面对文艺生产、消费的潮流
11.Ba Jin s Literary and Artistic Thought and the 20th-century Chinese Ideological Thought in Literature and Art;巴金文艺思想与20世纪中国文艺思潮
12.Border and Surmounting--Discuss the elite art and the masses art too;边界与超越——也谈精英文艺与大众文艺
13.Hu Feng s Ideology on Literature & Art and Marxist Theory of Literature & Art;胡风文艺思想与马克思主义文艺理论
14.Literary History s Thinking to Publications Evolution of Public Art,Southwest Art and Hongyan;《大众文艺》《西南文艺》《红岩》演变的文学史思考
15.On the Effects of Literary and Artistic Communication as a Cultural Medium;文艺传播:文艺价值实现的社会文化中介
16.Thenature of Literary under the Cultural Studies in the New Period新时期文艺学文化转向下的文艺本质观
17.Popularization of Art and Literariness of People:Discussion of People s Literary Thought by Mao Tsetung;文艺的人民化与人民的文艺化——毛泽东人民文艺观刍议
18.A Comparation of the Trend of Thought in Literature and Art in the Renaissance Period and That of the Late Ming Dynasty and the Early Qing Dynasty;欧洲文艺复兴时期文艺思潮与中国明清之际文艺思潮之比较

1.Briefly on relations among literature,aesthetics and ideology;简论文艺、审美与意识形态的关系
2.From the view of shen Congwen s several literature arguments in the modem literature history,literators prejudice is considered as an important factor that determines writers political attitude and the literature thoughts.沈从文的文化偏执、政治态度与文艺思想是密不可分的,三者相辅相成,有机统一。
1.On Discussing the Nature of ‘Three Characters’ of the Natural Characteristics of Art;论文艺本质特性的“三态”构成之内涵
2.Deng Xiaoping's Views on the Relationship between Art and the People邓小平论文艺与人民的关系
3.The most important question of article study is to explain how a kind of art was formed on the base of cultural practice.文艺研究的核心问题是:文艺如何经由一系列的文化实践活动而得以形成;文化研究的宗旨是:研究作为意义主体的个人或群体,如何更有效地自我敞开以获得更多有意味的精神体验。
4)art and literature文艺
1.The ethics of art and literature coexists with the activity of art and literature.文艺伦理问题与文艺活动是共生的。
2.Autocratic monarchy, one of the important characteristics of the feudal society in China, made a decisive impact on the art and literature of the time.实行君主专制是我国封建社会的一个重要特征,这一制度对文艺产生了决定性的影响。
5)literature and arts文艺
1.This paper explores the imitation in the Japanese culture,literature and arts by tracing its origin and proposes a proper attitude.以"模仿"一词的起源为线索,通过对模仿在"文艺"和"文化"两个领域中的描述和分析,来探究"模仿"这一文化现象的特性,并从中获取正确运用"模仿"的态度。
2.Unfortunately, Zhouyang could understand neither the ancient times nor foreign countries correctly because to him,literature and arts were subjected to politics.但由于周扬把两个“伸向”置于文艺从属于政治的前提下,就使他既不能正确认识古代。
3.Qu Qiubai was the first to connect the modernization and popularization of literature and arts in the history of literature and arts when he was talking about deepening the revolution in literature.在中国现代文艺运动史上,瞿秋白第一次明确地把文艺现代化和大众化联系在一起来谈文学革命的继续深入问题。
6)Literary Art《艺文》
1.The Comprehensive Survey of Japanese Colonialism Policy During East Asia War:A Explanation on 1st Volume 6th Issue of Literary Arts;“大东亚战争”时期日本殖民主义政策面面观——《艺文》第1卷第6号读解

文艺文艺  文艺文学和艺术的统称。文学在古代曾指一切用文字书写的书籍文献,在现代则指用语言塑造形象以反映社会生活和表达作者思想情感的艺术,又称“语言艺术”。文学所塑造的形象不同于造型艺术形象,即不具有直观性,而需要借助词语唤起人们的想象才能被欣赏。这种形象的间接性是文学的局限性,但同时也正是它的特点和优点,因为这使文学在反映生活方面具有极大的自由度和在表现手法上具有巨大的可能性空间。因此.文学特别能刻画人物的内心世界,表现作者深邃的思想情感,深刻地震撼读者的心灵,具有其他艺术不可比拟的思想广度和深度以及巨大的感染力。 艺术是以情感和想象为特性的把握和反映世界的一种特殊方式。它要通过审美创造活动的再现和表现思想情感,在想象中实现审美主体和审美客体的对象化。因此,它既是人们现实生活和精神世界的形象反映和再现,也是艺术家知识、思想、情感、理想等心理活动的凝结。艺术的形式很多,依其表现手法不同,可分为表演艺术(如音乐、舞蹈、杂技等)、造型艺术(如绘画、雕塑、木刻等)、语言艺术(文学)和综合艺术(如戏剧、电影、电视等);根据其表现的时空性质,又可区分为时间艺术(如音乐、语言艺术)、空间艺术(如绘画、雕塑)和时一空综合艺术(如电影、戏剧)。艺术作为一种社会意识形式,不仅可以满足人们的多方面审美需要,还可以陶冶人们的思想情操,潜移默化地提高人们的精神文化素养。所以,文学和艺术作品在文化市场中扮演着重要角色。