文艺理论,literary theory
1)literary theory文艺理论
1.Zhang Yongqing points out that the absence of the Chinese form of Marxist literary theory,especially by neglecting the sense of issues and the principle of context,makes a situation of today s insufficiency in the studies of Marxist literary theory.朱立元以"人学"问题为例,提出对马克思主义文艺理论中国化途径的初步思考:选择马克思经典著作中的相关原理,与中国现实问题相联系。
2.The three speeches Comrade Zhou made between 1959 and 1962 embody Zhou s literary theory in the aspects of serving object of literature and art,adherence to the law of literature and art and development of democracy in literature and art,are of rich and deep thought and great theoretical value,and have greatly infiucenced the course of the Scocialist l.周恩来曾对中国社会主义文艺创作提出过一系列的观点和看法,形成了周恩来的文艺理论体系。

1.Hu Feng s Ideology on Literature & Art and Marxist Theory of Literature & Art;胡风文艺思想与马克思主义文艺理论
2.Deng Xiao ping s Theory of Literature and Art and His Views on Cultural Construction;邓小平文艺理论与他的文化建设理论
4.On the Reform of the Way for AQ on Literary Theory--On the Revolution of Theory of Literature(5);论文艺理论设问方式的转变——文艺理论变革论之五
5.On the Origin of Wang Yuanhua s Theoretical Thought of Literature and Art;试论王元化文艺理论思想的学理渊源
6.Course orientation of literature and art theory --Also on two issues of Marxist development of literature and art theory;文艺理论的学科定位——兼论马克思主义文艺理论发展的两个问题
7.Literary Theory: Reviewing and Thinking at Turn of the Century on a Century for Literature and Art;文艺理论:世纪之交的回顾与反思——评《文艺学百年》
8.The "Culturalism"and "Aestheticism" in Literary Theories文艺理论中的"文化主义"与"审美主义"
9.On the New Subjects of Literary Theory in Consumption Age;应对消费文化时代的文艺理论新课题
10.Is Wenfu the Theory of Literature and Art of Formalism?;《文赋》是形式主义的文艺理论吗?
11.Picture Civilization and Population Evolution;图像文化与人口发展——兼论文艺理论的建构理想
12.The Interpretation of Traditional Poetics by Contemporary Literary Theories;试论当代文艺理论对传统诗学的阐释
13.A Tentative Study on the "Distinction between Word and Meaning" and Its Import to China s Art Philosophy in Ancient Times;简论“言意之辨”与中国古代文艺理论
14.“Mononoaware” in Classical Literary Theory of Japan;日本古典文艺理论中的“物之哀”浅论
15.On the View of Art of a Pragmaticist --A Preliminary Study of the Relationship Between Deng Xiao ping’s Theory of Literature and Art and His Political and Economic Theories;务实派的文艺观——邓小平文艺理论与其政治、经济理论关系初探
16.The Excellent Research Works of Trans-century Literature and Art Theories --Comments onthe Series of Literature and Art Research by Prof.Sun Mingyou;跨世纪文艺理论研究的佳作——孙铭有教授“文艺理论研究丛书”述评
17.Mode Transformation and Reform of Theory of Literature and Art;范式的转换与文艺理论的变革——当代中国文艺理论发展的流向
18.Using Scientific Outlook on Development to Guide Literature and Art Theory Criticism--Reflections on the Research in Literature and Art Theory in the Past Thirty Years since the Opening and Reform Policy being Carried Out用科学发展观指导文艺理论研究——新时期文艺理论研究的反思

theory of literature and art文艺理论
1.The psychoanalysis influenced the construction of the theory of literature and art in new period mainly by the following three aspacts.精神分析学说对新时期文艺理论的影响是深刻的,主要在三个方面:一是批判和改造了新时期文学观,促进了文学观念的多元化;二是改变了过去单一的文学批评模式,提出了心理批评方法;三是将创作心理研究推进到了一个新的阶段。
2.Science has shaped modern chinese literature in the fields of theory of literature and art, literature tide and texts as well as in popular and non-popular literatures.科学这一元素从通俗文学和严肃文学,从文艺理论、创作思潮和作品等方面对中国现当代文学产生了深刻影响。
3.Marxist theory of literature and art is the mainstay and source of China s theory of literature and art.马克思主义文艺理论是中国文艺理论的支柱和来源。
3)Literature Theory文艺理论
1.Jiang Zemins literature theory is the enrichment and development of Marxs literature theory in the new historical era.江泽民文艺论述是马克思文艺理论在新的历史时期的丰富和发展 ,是毛泽东文艺思想和新时期邓小平文艺理论的高度融合 ;“三个代表”的思想是江泽民论述文艺问题的出发点和归宿点 ,是江泽民文艺论述的核
4)Literary theories文艺理论
5)literature and art theory文艺理论
1.The Reception Study of Georg Lukács s Literature and Art Theory in China;卢卡奇文艺理论的中国接受研究
2.Chi is an important concept of literature and art theory in Ancient China.气 是中国古代文艺理论的重要范畴 。
6)theorist of art and literature文艺理论家

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