时代背景,era background
1)era background时代背景
1.The era background and artistic soil of Jianan literature建安文学的时代背景和艺术土壤
2.The upgrading of tourism products is required to meet the requests of different era background.旅游产品的开发和提升离不开时代大背景的发展要求,在不同的时代背景中,旅游产品无一例外的带有时代性特征。
3.The nomenclature of the waterside ritual in Lanting,era background of Lanting Preface,the precise place of the waterside ritual in Lanting and the actual participants together with their life experience are respectively studied according to an analysis of the times background,origins of thought and calligraphic origin and evolution.对“兰亭修禊”的名称来源,《兰亭序》产生的时代背景,“兰亭修禊”的确切地点,参与“兰亭修禊”活动的具体人数以及“兰亭修禊”人员的身世考等问题,结合当时的时代背景、思想渊源、书法源流深入分析,一一作了考证。

1.Modern Sculpture Art of China in a Consuming-age Background;消费时代背景下的中国当代雕塑艺术
2.On the Background Conditions Where the Idea of "Three Represents" Comes Up;论“三个代表”思想产生的时代背景
3.Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Background in Which the Thought of Three Represents is Generated;“三个代表”重要思想产生的时代背景
4.The Violence Aesthetics has its special time background.暴力美学的产生有其特殊的时代背景
5.We should judge the past in its historical context.我们应当根据时代背景 来看待过去.
6.We Burn We Burn Out-Analysis on Lyrics of Dak-Ming s Songs;大时代背景下的“达明一派”歌词解读
7.An Exploration of the Background and Realism in Babbitt;解读《巴比特》中的时代背景和现实意义
8.The Era Background and Significance of the Development of Community Music Education;社区音乐教育发展的时代背景和意义
9.On the Background of QiuJin s Thoughts on Women s Liberation;论秋瑾妇女解放思想形成的时代背景
10.What Is Rural Education?--An Investigation Based on Times Background;农村教育是什么?——基于时代背景的考察
11.The Building of a Harmonions World; Background of Era and Strategic Option;和谐世界的构建:时代背景与战略选择
12.Special Background of How the Expression “Eco-environment” Coming into Being;“生态环境”用语产生的特殊时代背景
13.The Influence of Time Background on the Development of College Martial Arts;浅谈时代背景对高校武术发展的影响
14.Book Shaping Trend in the Information Age;信息时代背景下的书籍造型发展趋势
15.On the Teacher s Warm and Fragrant Remarks and it s Background;论班主任评语的温馨化及其时代背景
16.On the Construction of Ciril Servants Ability in the New Era;试论新时代背景下的公务员能力建设
17.Talking Age Background of Giant-Scale Cultural Persons Produced in District of the East of E;略谈鄂东大师级人物产生的时代背景

historical background时代背景
1.With the development of science and technology along the moral choices encountered by biomedicine have been becoming more and more frequent and complicated with the emergence of unmerous new phenomena,In this paper, the historical background, the foundational features and the key principles of moral choices in the contemporary biomedicine are primarily discussed.随着科技的发展和生物医学中的众多新事物的涌现 ,生物医学面临的道德选择日益增多且日趋复杂 ,作者就当代生物医学道德选择的时代背景、基本特点及其核心原则做了初步探
2.Theory on general world situation,an important concept in Hegel s tragedy theory,is the historical background of tragedy figures action and character shaping,which involves education,science,religion,justice,finance,family life,and so on.一般世界情况是黑格尔悲剧理论的重要概念,是悲剧人物动作展开、性格塑造的时代背景,涉及教育、科学、宗教、司法、财政、家庭生活等方方面面。
3.To discuss the basic theories according to the historical background,the authors hold that the category of CTS depends on the correct interpretation of CTS,and that the basic mission of the discipline is to resolve the conflicts that the status of CTS is incapable of fitting with the needs of the development of Chinese society and meeting the people s rising needs.探讨本学科最基本的理论问题应基于此时代背景,从而可知,该学科的研究范畴在于对“民族传统体育”概念的恰当界定,并认为“民族传统体育”特指包括汉民族在内的中国各民族在长期的历史发展过程中逐渐形成、继承和延续的富有民族文化色彩和特征的体育活动;其基本任务就是要解决社会历史发展对民族传统体育运动提出的要求和人们对民族传统体育活动的需求与民族传统体育的发展状况不相适应的矛盾问题。
1.This paper not only presents three main ideas:representative figure,background and ideological system that should be stressed during genetics teaching,but also try to seek some new ideas and methods of genetics teaching.文章突出以代表人物、时代背景、思想体系三条主线进行遗传学教学 ,探索了遗传学教学的新思路、新方法。
2.From the angles of the background,the immigrants in the Ming-Qing Dynasty,the awards from the government and the family education and so on,this paper tries to analyze the backgroun.本文从时代背景、明清移民、各级政府举措和家庭教育等各方面分析了甘肃列女群产生的时代背景及独特原因,以论证理学贞节观对清代社会的深刻影响。
3.This paper makes a simple analysis in its composed background and characteristic so as to study and probe into the composing characteristic and artistic charm, and further more let more people love this outstanding art song.《嘉陵江上》是作曲家贺绿汀的代表作之一,本文从作品的创作时代背景入手,浅析作品的创作特征,以便进一步地研究和探讨《嘉陵江上》的创作特点以及艺术感染力,让更多的人更加喜爱这首优秀的艺术歌曲。
4)times background时代背景
1.With the combination of historical analysis,documentary analysis,experience summary and practical application,this study explores the idea of "health first" and studies the process and times background for Mao Ze-dong s mention of "health first"(1950).通过对"健康第一"的历史溯源,较为详细的分析了1950年毛泽东首次提出"健康第一"指导思想形成过程及实施过程的时代背景
2.According to it, the paper will attempt to prove and unveil the inner law of developing of Party cadres work, through the analysis and study of the cadres working theory and practice in new period, from the perspectives of times background, theoretical basis, historical foundation, practice research, civil service system and the future development of cadres work.本文试图从新时期党的干部工作的时代背景、理论依据、历史基础、实践考察以及公务员制度比较、干部工作未来发展等不同视角,对新时期党的干部工作的理论与实践进行分析和研究,对新时期党的干部工作的来龙去脉、前因后果等进行探讨和揭示。
5)time background时代背景
1.Knowledge-based economic is its time background.毛泽东教育思想是其形成的理论源泉,知识经济时代的到来是其形成的时代背景,正反面经验教训的总结是其形成的理论基础,解决现实问题是其形成的现实基础。
6)background characteristic of times时代背景

时代背景时代背景   1640年开始的英国资产阶级革命标志着世界历史进入了近代阶段。而到了十八世纪末首先在英国爆发了工业革命,继英国之后,美、法、德等国也先后开始了工业革命。到十九世纪,这些国家的工业化从轻工业扩展到重工业,并于十九世纪末达到高潮。西方国家由此步入工业化社会。   这个时期,欧美资本主义国家的城市与建筑都发生了种种矛盾与变化:建筑创作中的复古主义思潮与工业革命带来的新的建筑材料和结构对建筑设计思想的冲击之间的矛盾;建筑师所受的传统学院派教育与全新的建筑类型和建筑需求之间的矛盾……以及城市人口的恶性膨胀和大工业城市的飞速发展等。这是一个孕育建筑新风格的时期,也是一个新旧因素并存的时期。