创作实践,creative practice
1)creative practice创作实践
1.Li Bais literature affirmation and creative practice on reformation by returning to the ancient came down directly from Chen Ziang,whose poem styles Li Bai actually imitated and whose language skills and design of poem structure Li Bai learned more.李白以复古为革新的文学主张和创作实践与陈子昂一脉相承。
2.Obviously,Lin Su s own creative practice has been affected by his novel translation practice, both in contents and in forms.林纾的小说创作实践显然受到自身小说翻译实践的影响,表现在内容与形式两个层面。

1.Lu Xun s Creation Theory and Practice from His"the Hairart Drawing";由“画头发”看鲁迅的创作理论与创作实践
2.The Research on the New Directors in 21st Century and Their Creation Practice;二十一世纪新导演及其创作实践研究
3.On the Novel Theory of Stream of Consciousness of Woolf and Her Practical Writing;论伍尔夫意识流小说理论及创作实践
4.On the Yuan Fu s Creations Practices of "Absorbing the Essence from the Sao and Fu of Han Dynasty";论元代辞赋“祖骚宗汉”的创作实践
5.On the Practical Education of Producing Documentary Films;浅谈纪录片创作实践教育的三个方面
6.The Interplay between Friedrich Schlegel s Theory of the Roman and His Lucinde;论弗·施莱格尔的小说理论与创作实践
7.Limitations of Liang Qichao s novel theories and creation practice;梁启超小说理论与创作实践的局限性
8.An Analysis of Li Qingzhao s On Ci(Poetic Essay) and Its Composing Experience;试论李清照的《词论》及其创作实践
9.On College Harmonics Teaching and Music Creation Practice;论普通高校和声教学与音乐创作实践
10.The study of Luyou Ci Poems;试述陆游对词的认知态度及创作实践
11.Literary Ideas of Writers in the East Han Dynasty and the Malposition of Their Writing;东汉文人文学理念与创作实践的错位
12.Two Xus Literary View in the Tang Dynasty and Their Literary Creations;南唐“二徐”的文学观及其创作实践
13.Agreement and Disagreement of Xu Wei’s Prose and His Self-persistence Theory;徐渭创作实践与“真我”理论的离合
14.On Relation between Children s Literature Creation and Recreation Spirit;儿童文学创作实践与游戏精神的关系
15.Practical Values of Formulas for Creation --Analyzing the denouncement of creation formulas as a false notion;创作方法的实践价值——创作方法伪概念辨之二
16.Creating and arranging dances are a practice process.编导创作过程是实践性的活动过程。
17.Chou Wen-chung Towards the “Refusion” Theory and Practice of Composition周文中走向“再融合”的创作理论与实践
18.Study on the innovative activities of graduate education in engineering disciplines;工科研究生教育学位工作的创新实践

writing practice创作实践
1.Instead,he has his own theoretical interpretation combined writing practice.朱自清"表现自我"的文艺思想,虽然接受了古代和外国的影响,但却不是盲目照搬,而是结合创作实践做出了自己的理论阐释。
3)creation practice创作实践
1.Lu Xun had realized the advanced thought of going forward with the history by his rich creation practice and social activities.但他的文学作品中还有大量的有关头发的描写,给人留下了深刻的印象,表现了他的创作理论与创作实践的演进。
1.In this paper,the author discuses the same question from the angle of creation,and argues that his poetry is the fruit of inheriting and learning from tradition of the poetical art of all the former dynasties.本文拟从创作实践角度对李梦阳诗歌艺术渊源再行探讨。
2.In the middle of Qing Dynasty,during Qianlong years there was a famous poet, not only he did well in creation ,advocating XingLing poem theory, but also he taught many women pupils .接着,以文本为基础,对随园女弟子的创作实践进行考察,从诗作中体会她们的价值评判标准和独特的艺术风格。
5)Poetic Creation创作实践
1.On Ai Qing s Image Theory from the Perspective of His Poetic Creation;从艾青的创作实践看其意象理论
6)the practice of writing poetry诗词创作实践

"实践"号卫星  中国科学试验卫星系列,已发射4颗。"实践"1号卫星于1971年3月3日发射。卫星重221公斤,外形为近似球形的多面体,直径1米。运行轨道参数为:近地点266公里,远地点1826公里,倾角69.9°,周期106分钟。这颗卫星在轨道上约工作8年,于1979年6月17日陨落。它的主要任务是考验太阳电池、镉镍电池、辐射式主动热控制系统和遥测系统长期工作的可靠性,同时在运行期间对空间物理环境进行探测。卫星上的探测仪器有红外地平仪、太阳角计等。"实践" 1号卫星的运行试验结果表明,太阳电池、镉镍电池、辐射式主动热控制系统和遥测系统能够经受长时期工作的考验,卫星还取得了空间物理环境的数据。"实践"1号卫星为卫星技术,特别是卫星的电源系统、热控制系统和无线电测控系统的研制提供了重要资料。1981年9月20日成功地进行了"一箭多星"发射,用一枚"长征"号运载火箭发射了 3颗"实践"号卫星:"实践"2号、"实践"2号甲、"实践"2号乙。"实践"2号卫星重257公斤,外形为八面棱柱体,其外接球直径为1.23米,高为1.1米。卫星的运行轨道参数为:近地点 237公里,远地点1622公里,倾角60°,周期103分钟。它的主要任务是探测空间物理环境、试验太阳电池阵对日定向姿态控制和大容量数据存贮等新技术。在卫星上安装的主要探测仪器有热电离计、太阳X射线探测器、太阳紫外探测器、磁强计、太阳角计、闪烁计数器、短波红外辐射器、长波红外辐射器、红外地平仪、半导体电子方向探测器、半导体质子方向探测器等。"实践"2号卫星的运行试验结果表明:太阳电池阵工作正常,卫星对日定向姿态控制的精度很高,大容量数据存贮系统工作良好,这颗卫星取得了有关地球磁场、大气密度、太阳紫外射线、太阳 X射线、带电粒子辐射背景和大气紫外背景等数据。"实践"2号甲卫星和"实践" 2号乙卫星借助探测仪器取得了重要的科学探测数据,这两颗卫星还获得了有关技术试验的数据,为空间科学研究提供了资料。(见彩图)