线描,Line drawing
1)Line drawing线描
1.From the T shape painting on silk, we can learn the realistic portrait,color,exquisite line drawing and composition rule.西汉时期的马王堆T型帛画,是中国传统绘画中的一件艺术瑰宝,纵观整件帛画,无论从写实肖像到浓艳的色彩,还是从线描艺术到构图布局,T型帛画承载着汉代悠久的历史文化,渗透着汉代画工高超的绘画技艺,对中国传统绘画的发展产生了巨大影响。
2.This article described the historical development and characteristics of traditional line drawing technique in Chinese art.阐述了中国绘画艺术中传统线描技法的历史沿革及发展特色,通过具体画面图形的设计介绍了线描技法在连环画创作中的运用。

1.diode curve tracer二极管特性曲线描绘器
2.Line Drawing and the Linear Thought Traditional Chinese Drawings --Talk of the Brushstroke of ShiTao中国画线描与线型思维——从线描与线型出发兼谈石涛“一画”论
3.View on the Development Process of Line Drawing of Figure Paingtings of Past Dynasties through "Eighteen Line Drawings";从“十八描”看历代人物画线描的发展进程
4.In, of, describing, described by, or related to a straight line.直线的直线本身的、直线的、描述直线的或用直线描述的或与直线有关的
5.eliptical time base椭圆时基(扫描)线
6.a radar operator, installation, scanner雷达手、 设备、 扫描天线.
7.raster-scan CRT重复扫描阴极射线管
8.cathode-ray tube spot scanner阴极射线管光点扫描器
9.ning X-ray micro-analyzer扫描x射线微型分析器
10.scanning roentgen microanalyzerx射线扫描微量分析仪
11.differential infrared line-scan system差异红外线扫描系统
12.epipolar-scan stereomapper核线扫描立体测图仪
13.linear array ultrasound scanner线性阵列超声波扫描器
14.The path traced by a moving point.直线移动的点描绘出的线
15.Beam Scanning Techniques of Nonlinear Active Integrated Antenna Array非线性有源天线阵波束扫描技术研究
16.To copy by following lines seen through a sheet of transparent paper.描摹通过描绘透过透明纸张的线条进行复制
17.They should draw up their own “road map” to peace.他们得描绘出自己的和平“路线图”。
18.The linear scans in four radial directions were run on each eye at a length of 4mm.每眼均行四个方向放射状线性扫描。

linear sweep线性扫描
1.Although these new sweep techniques were developed,due to their own limitations,linear sweep remains the dominant place in field practice.在可控震源技术发展的过程中 ,许多学者对扫描技术进行了研究 ,提出了几种新的扫描技术 ,但由于这些新技术自身的局限性 ,在实际的野外工作中 ,线性扫描的应用仍然最为广泛。
1.Corrosion behavior of X70 steel in lactic acid solutions with different concentration and different temperature was investigated by means of EIS and Linear Sweep Voltammetry(LSV).运用交流阻抗(EIS)法和单线性扫描(LSV)法研究X70钢在乳酸溶液中的腐蚀行为,乳酸浓度和温度对X70钢腐蚀行为的影响。
4)Wireless scanning无线扫描
5)EDX line scanningEDX线扫描
6)Linear Scanning线扫描
1.Objective To study the principle & application of linear scanning direct digital Xray radiography and its practical value.目的 探讨线扫描直接数字化X线摄影的工作原理与实用价值。

铁线描铁线描  中国古代人物衣服褶纹画法之一。线条外形状如铁丝,故名。清·王瀛:“用中锋圆劲之笔描写,没有丝毫柔弱之迹,方为合作。”从绘画作品看,顾恺之、阎立本、李公麟等画家在作品中的勾线,都誉为“铁线描”。此种描法产生于魏晋隋唐之际。为表现硬质布料重要技法。