图画书,picture book
1)picture book图画书
1.As a special form, picture book can effectively promote preschool children’s language development in some respects.图画书作为一种独特的读物形式,因其自身具备的诸多阅读特点,能有效促进学前儿童语言发展,如亲子共读图画书时父母的关爱和温暖会有益儿童语言学习能力的发展;图画书阅读对促进儿童语言中枢的成熟起着重要的催化作用;图画书的连贯性画面能促进儿童流畅语言表达;图画书为以形象思维为主的学前儿童提供了便于理解的基础。
2.With the multi-line narration of pictures and words,stories told in picture book and their meaning are multiple.图画书是图文共同构成的一个艺术整体,图像对构造故事、传情达意起着非常重要的作用。
3.The author elaborates the fascination of picture book s literary style in three aspects: the character of main part in drawing, the character of whole visional transmission and the philosophy implicated in the theme.图画书是儿童文学里一个重要和基础的种类,它以独特的文体魅力弥补了文字读本的缺陷,成为儿童文学中最受欢迎的艺术形式。

1.children's picture, drawing or coloring books儿童图画书、绘画书或涂色书
2.Are these your picture-story books?这些是你的图画书吗?
3.It 's amusing .这本图画书挺有趣的。
4.These picture books are for you, Ann.安,这本图画书是给你的。
5.I loved picture books.我以前喜欢图画书
6.How is the picture book ?这本图画书怎么样?
7.From literary works to picture books: an educational meditation on the age of the picture reading;从文学书到图画书:读图时代的教育思考
8.The Dilemma and Opportunities for the Development of the Original Picture Books原创图画书发展的困境与契机——“中、日、韩图画书发展论坛”引发的思考
9.There's a picture book in this photo.这张照片上有一张图画书
10.Shall I buy some picture books for the children ?要我给孩子们买些图画书吗?
11.She can't find her picture book in her desk.她在她的桌子上找不到她的图画书了。
12.Connection of Picture Story Books with Serial Pictures, Comic Strips and Illustrations;图画故事书与插图、漫画、连环画之关系
13.e.g., illustrate a book with drawings.例如用图画图解一本书。
14.We have quite a variety of pictorial story books.我们有许多连环画图书。
15.Children like books with pictures.孩子们喜欢带图画的书。
16.a book consisting chiefly of pictures.主要内容是图画的书。
17.a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving.用来书写或画画或制图的尖端工具。
18.Scribbled pictures and remarks have defaced the pages of the book.乱画的图画和注解使那书上的书页无法阅读。

picture books图画书
1.Through analysis of Arnotd Lobel s I CAN READ picture books,this article attempts to discuss how Arnold Lobel,a great contemporary picture book writer,created his works which are both naive and profound by integrating the basic elements of literature and art.文章通过对阿诺德·洛贝尔的“我会读”系列图画书的分析,试图探讨这位当代图画书大师是如何融合文学与艺术的基本元素并创造出天真与深刻并存的作品的。
2.As a new theory of literary theory in children literature, the theoretical research of picture books is still in its infancy.儿童文艺理论是文艺学发展薄弱的一个环节,图画书理论作为新兴儿童文艺理论,其理论研究仍处于起步阶段。
3.As a special kind of literature which use pictures to express contents,picture books have unique characteristics in story formation,theme pattern and wording,etc.图画书作为一种以图画为主要表现内容和形式的读物,在故事构成、主题形态、文字表达等方面都有特殊的性状;图画书的阅读与欣赏,需要建立在对这些特征的理解和把握的基础上。
3)Comic library漫画图书馆
4)picture-book creation图画书创作
5)picture book reading图画书阅读
1.A Study on Eye Movement in the Context of Picture Book Reading for Mandarin-speaking Preschool Children汉语儿童图画书阅读眼动研究
1.Research on the Development of Comic Derivatives;漫画类图书衍生品开发研究

八相成道图画【八相成道图画】 (图像)有部毗奈耶杂事三十八曰:“尔时世尊才涅槃后,大地震动,时大迦摄波作是念:此未生怨王,胜身之子,信根初发,彼若闻佛入涅槃者,必呕热血而死,我今宜设方便。作是念已,即命城中行雨大臣,仁今知不,佛已涅槃,未生怨王信根初发,彼若闻佛入涅槃者,必呕热血而死。我今宜可豫设方便,即依次第而为陈说。仁今疾可诣一园中,于妙堂殿如法图画佛本因缘。菩萨昔在睹史天宫,将欲下生,观其五事,托生母胎。既诞之后,逾城出家,苦行六年,坐金刚座菩提树下成等正觉。(中略)于诸方国,在处化生,利益既周,将趣圆寂,遂至拘尸那城娑罗双树,北首而卧入大涅槃。如来一代所有化迹,既图画已,白王观其图画。(中略)行雨大臣一如尊者所教之事,次第作已。(中略)王至园所,见彼堂中图画新异,始从诞生,乃至倚卧双林。王问臣曰:岂可世尊入涅槃耶?是时行雨默然无对。王见是已,知佛涅槃,即便号啕闷绝,宛转于地。”是为圆通八相成道之滥觞,世之为涅槃像者,基因于此。