画风,painting style
1)painting style画风
1.The causes of the difference in style between Suzhou gardens and Yangzhou gardens are different garden owners, painting styles and study styles.究其原因,苏、扬两地园林风格的差异性,是因为两地不同的园主、画风和学风造成的。
2.Wu Bin is late Ming s painter who is one of the representative figures of variation painting style.指出莆田人吴彬是晚明变异画风的画家之一,阐述其山水画学习宋画,但却形成了自己的特点,其细腻的笔触刻画山川、巨石,表现了佛门的清静;其人物使用山水画的笔法,夸张变形,表现了对佛教的深刻理解。
3.By appreciating Chuibai s "Double Happiness"in the Middle of Song Dynasty we have a full understanding of the influence of Chuibai s painting style on the painting domain of this age.通过对宋代中期崔白《双喜图》的赏析,使我们充分认识到,崔白画风对当时画坛的影响,崔白深入写生、大胆独创,把花鸟画提到了一个新的阶段。

1.He paints landscapes but his wife paints portraits.他画风景画, 而他的妻子则画肖像画。
2.She painted landscapes as well as portraits.她既画风景,也画肖像。
3.She is good at landscape and still life.她擅长画风景画和静物画。
4.Cindy: She likes painting landscapes best, but she also enjoys doing still lifes.辛迪:她最爱画风景画,但也喜欢画静物。
5.She learns to paint in the fashion of Picasso.她学着以毕加索的手法(画风格)画。
6.It is by Mr. Zhao, who is skillful in painting landscape.赵先生的,他很擅长画风景画。
7.The painter modeled his style after that of Picasso.这位画家模仿毕加索的绘画风格。
8.The Evolution and Exceeding of the Styles of Modern Block Print Creation Pattern当代版画创作样式画风的演进与超越
9.The Contemporary China Oil Painting Landscape Painting Regional Question Initially Searches;当代中国油画风景画地域性问题初探
10.A Comparative Study of Oil-Landscape Painting and Chinese Traditional Landscape Painting;油画风景与中国传统山水画比较研究
11.Analysis of Wang Wei s Painting Style and Scholar Paintings Cultural Hegemony from New Angle;新视角解读王维画风及文人画话语权
12.a view of Paris, done in oils.用油墨画的巴黎风景画
13.She does lovely landscapes.她能画优美的风景画。
14.The painter rendered the landscape very well.这画家长于风景画。
15.paint flowers, a girl, a landscape画花卉、 女孩、 风景
16.a pastoral scene, poem, painting田园风光、 诗、 画
17.Chinese brush painting can be classified into three main categories: landscape painting, bird and flower painting, and figure painting.国画分为三大类:风景画、花鸟画和人物画。
18.The Comparison in Painting Languages between Chinese Landscape Painting and Western Landscape Oil Painting;中国山水画与西方风景油画绘画语言之比较

landscape painting风景画
1.With western landscape painting creation as example, this paper discusses the importance of observation in landscape painting creation and also suggests that a Chinese artist should seek a pleasant blend of traditional emotions and artist conceptions and pur-sue harmonious unification of human and nature.风景画创作是绘画艺术的重要组成部分,风景画创作中不同的观察方式,对个人的创作风格有着重大影响。
2.Landscape painting is an important course in painting teaching and also an independent kind of drawing.风景画在美术教学中是一门重要的专业课程,也是一个独立的绘画门类。
3.The French Impressionism rebuilt the relationship between painting and Nature,represented by the creative landscape paintings in the real sense,based on the pursuit of nature color.法国的印象派绘画重建了绘画与自然的关系,表现在追求自然的色彩,创作了一批真正意义上的风景画,画家不仅在自然中获得了欢乐,而且热情地歌颂着大自然,体现了人的生命与大自然是息息相关的。
1.Research on Contemporary Chinese Watercolor Landscape Painting;中国当代水彩风景画研究
2.His landscapes are amiable and mystic,these always give people uneasy feelings of equilibriums.弗利德里希,是早期浪漫主义风景画的代表人物。
3.the viewof western fine art,a modern Japanese artist of landscape,by traditional painting handling,shows us an oriental art sentiment and depictures us a measured clear and special artistic space.一个当代日本风景画家 ,以西方艺术视角 ,用传统的绘画语言 ,将单纯、简洁的东方艺术情调展现在我们面前 ,并为我们营造了一个有序、明净、独特的艺术空间。
4)landscape painters风景画家
5)pastoral scene风景如画
1.Based on the traditional interpretation mode,this paper analyzes the pastoral scene in The Bor- der Town and Tess of D UrberviUes,known as the typical pastoral works in Chinese and western litera - ture,in the way of eco-criticism.以中外文学作品中极具代表性的有田园文学称号的《边城》和《苔丝》两部文学作品为例,在传统阅读方式基础上,从"生态批评"的角度来解读两部作品中的田园自然环境,分析风景如画的背后其作品中如何呈现难能可贵的生态意识和体现的生态与人文的密切关系,从而赋予作品以新意,丰富作品的内涵,揭示作品的深层价值。
6)painting style绘画风格
1.The Originality of Pan Transhou s painting style;潘天寿绘画风格的独创性
2.Role played by brush touch to painting style;浅谈笔触研究对形成绘画风格的作用
3.In this paper I try to probe into the factors contributing to his painting style such as his family, his collection, his friends , and the background information in order to find some inspiration for our art creators.本文主要从影响其绘画风格形成的家世、家藏、交游、时代背景等方面做进一步探讨,以期对自己和当下艺术创作者有所启示。

被众多国内地质专家誉为江北第一溶洞的“天然地下画廊”旅游风景区位于沂蒙生态第一乡、“红嫂故里”--山东省沂水县院东头乡留虎峪。该风景区由沂水供电公司与院东头乡股份制开发。景区总规划面积20平方公里,项目投资6000万元,其中一期投资2600万元,包括百万年绘就的“天然地下画廊”;按星级标准规划建设的度假村--“怡然居”;以千亩栗园为主的“沂蒙第一生态谷”。是一处集地下奇观、休闲娱乐、居住、餐饮、会议、商务、科普、健身等为一体的休闲游乐中心。尘封百万年的“天然地下画廊”位于九顶莲花山下,全长6600米,一期开发1600米。画廊内钟乳遍布,石笋林立。108处主要景观形态各异,栩栩如生。天河、天瀑、冰川、玉峰、石花、石旗、神龟、游龙等参差错落、千姿百态;数道石门将画廊自然天成“北国风光”、“宇宙奇观”、“南国风情”、“海底世界”四幅百万年从未示人的神秘画卷。“怡然居”依山而建,建筑面积8000余平方米,石房、草屋、亭台、长廊错落有致,购物中心、儿童乐园、ktv、野营帐篷等设施一应俱全,周到的星级服务让您倍感家的温馨。“生态谷”内崖壁石林、山风松韵、绿水长流、鸟语花香,85%的森林覆盖率,使这里常年负氧离子丰富,气候宜人,空气清新,是人们理想的“天然氧吧”,健身旅游的好去处。旅游互联免费预订沂水地下画廊优惠门票( www.nettvl.com)感受北国江南,纵览地下奇观,尽享沂蒙风情,缅怀巾帼风范。天然地下画廊旅游景区董事长、沂水县供电公司经理、党委书记孙培庆诚邀社会各界朋友观光旅游。☆☆☆ 地下画廊交通指南☆☆☆1.沂水县沂水县东2.5公里。京沪高速蒙阴下至沂水县城2.高速:胶州湾高速——同三高速——日东高速 沂南口下右拐北行约30公里,许家湖镇左拐西行一路按照路标指示约20公里或经胶州湾高速——胶州——诸城——沂水马站——沂水县城——西行至龙家圈十字路口左拐——沂水地下画廊,道路状况良好。。轮渡:青岛轮渡转黄岛轮渡——胶南——诸城——沂水马站——沂水县城——沂水地下画廊。地下画廊门票价格60元/会员预订价54元)