岑春煊,Cen Chunxuan
1)Cen Chunxuan岑春煊
1.Cen Chunxuan and the Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty(1901-1907);岑春煊与清末新政(1901-1907)
2.Cen Chunxuan was one of those who has lorded the political stage over during the transition from Qing dynasty to the Republic of China.岑春煊是清末民初政坛上叱咤风云的人物。

1.Cen Chunxuan and the Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty(1901-1907);岑春煊与清末新政(1901-1907)
2.The Change from Official of Feudal System to Citizen of the Republic臣属向公民的转变——以辛亥革命时期的岑春煊为案例
3.“Announced by all the trumpets of the sky, arrives the snow.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1847)“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。”— 岑参(715-770)
4.1086 cases were examined with stock solution of non-ionic iodinated contrast by intravenous injection.?梅抢胱有偷庠煊凹列杏跋窦觳檎
5.Before the Tang Dynasty (608-917), it was known as Mei'Cheng'Shan or Plum Peak Hill.唐代以前,称为“梅岑山”。
6.an ash of the Western coast of North America.北美西海岸的一种岑树。
7.A preliminary approach on Cen Yuying in Sino-French war试论中法战争中的岑毓英——岑毓英研究之二
8.Cen Cen Has the Thought of Retirement from the World?;岑参避世思想说质疑——读《岑参评传》有感并与廖立先生商榷
9.The Exemplification of the Common Image Structure in Cen Shen s Poetry and the Development of his Novel Poetic Styles;岑参诗歌常见意象营构方式举隅——兼论岑参诗歌新奇风格的发展
10.The award, bestowed in1922, cemented The Story of Mankind's status as a landmark in the field.臧浞⒌恼飧鼋毕罟?塘恕度死嗟墓适隆吩诹煊蚰诘睦锍瘫?匚弧
11.Lawson, white with passion now, began to defend the head.此刻劳森激动得脸都白了,他又开始为那个脑袋来煊染一番了。
12.Semantic Reanalysis on 就 and 才 in Modern Chinese--A discussion with Shen Jiaxuan;现代汉语中“就”和“才”的语义再分析——兼与沈家煊商榷
13.Frenzen's Car is lifted by crane.弗伦岑的车被吊车吊了起来。
14.Cen Shen, the Tang poet famous for his descriptions of scenes on the frontier, had these lines:恰似唐代边塞诗人岑参所写的:
15.A Study into the Epitaph and Funsral Figures of Musicians and Dancers form Madam Cen's Tomb of the Tang Period in Mengjin孟津唐岑氏夫人墓墓志及伎乐俑研究
16.The Realism Characteristics and Tragic Life of Censhen Poetry;论岑参诗歌的写实特色及其悲剧人生
17.Cen Yuying and the Negotiations of Yunnan-Vietnam Border Affair between Sino-French (1885~1887);岑毓英与中法滇越界务交涉(1885~1887)
18.A Brief Discuss on Han-descendant Complex of Cen Yuying;试析壮族的“汉裔情结”——以岑毓英为例

Cen Chunxuan s Fighting against Corruption岑春煊肃贪述论
4)scutellaria baicalensis黄岑
1.The Comparison of Baicalin Contents in Polyploid Lines of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi;黄岑同源四倍体株系中黄岑苷含量的比较
2.Results: It was showed that:MIC minimal inhibitory concentration of scutellaria baicalensis georgi for belamcanda chinensis.方法:本实验应用试管法对射干、金银花、土槿皮、蛇床子、苦参、虎杖、黄连、黄岑等八种中药对9种临床分离的致病性真菌的抗真菌作用进行了研究。
5)Cengong of Guizhou岑巩
1.On Linguistic Features of Cenxi Putonghua岑溪地方普通话语言特征分析
