音乐元素,musical elements
1)musical elements音乐元素
1.On the tourism products in the development and application of musical elements试论旅游产品中音乐元素的开发应用

1.Blending of Classical Opera and Modern Music;古典歌剧元素与现代音乐元素的融合
2.Balance – the volume level relationship between musical elements .平衡-各音乐元素之间的音量关系。
3.Brief Discussion on Utilizing Chinese Folk Musical Elements in Film Music;浅谈中国民族音乐元素在电影音乐中的运用
4.Drama Element in Chinese Piano Music Utilization戏曲音乐元素在中国钢琴音乐中的运用
5.Panorama-placing a musical element in the sound field .在声场里面安置好所有的音乐元素
6.An Analysis of Local Musical Elements in Changyang Nanqu长阳南曲中的本土音乐元素实证考析
7.On the tourism products in the development and application of musical elements试论旅游产品中音乐元素的开发应用
8.A variety of popular music combining elements of rock'n'roll and folk music.带民歌色彩的摇摆舞乐曲各种包含摇滚乐与民间音乐元素的流行音乐
9.Application of Popular Music Elements in Solfeggio Teaching Practice;流行音乐元素在视唱练耳教学中的运用
10.An Analysis of The Effect of the Music Element in The travel Culture Construction;浅析旅游文化体系构建中音乐元素的作用
11.On Incorporation of Dramas and Ballads in the Opera of While-Haired Girl;戏曲与民歌音乐元素在歌剧《白毛女》中的吸收与运用
12.They freely took over elements form jazz, from American country music.他们自由地吸收爵士和美国乡村音乐的元素。
13.Brief Discussion on Oriental Cultural Factors of Western Music in the 19th and 20th Centuries;19、20世纪西方音乐中的东方文化元素初探
14.The Multiple Factors of Music and Movement in Athletic Aerobics;浅析竞技健美操音乐与动作的多元因素
15.An Analysis of the Religious Elements in Western Pop Music of the 20th Century20世纪西方流行音乐中的宗教元素探析
16.Overseas Chinese Music, A Result of the Fusion of Multiple Musical Cultures多元音乐文化的融合——海外华人音乐
17.The Development of Opera Music during the Song-Yuan period and Ming-Qing period;宋元戏曲音乐与明清戏曲音乐之发展
18."Languages are made up of two types of sounds: musical noisy. Technically, musical sounds are called vowels and noisy ones consonants. In Chinese the former are heavily used while the latter are very much slighted. "语音有两种:乐音与噪音。语音学家称乐音为元音,噪音为辅音。汉语重用乐音,少用噪音。

elementary music元素性音乐
1.This article introduces AULF teaching method of elementary music, expounds its feature,application in teaching and its effect by teaching practice to propose to popularize this teaching method.本文介绍了奥尔夫元素性音乐教学法 ,并通过实际教学阐述了其特点 ,以及在教学中的应用和所起的作用 ,并倡导推广此教学法。
3)national music element民族音乐元素
1.The use of Chinese national music element in the movies such as the "Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon" to the "House of Flying Daggers" achieved great success.中国民族音乐元素在电影配乐中的使用,在从《卧虎藏龙》到《十面埋伏》等武侠电影作品中取得了很大的成功。
4)the music language of pentatonic五声性音乐元素
5)Nationally music elements民间音乐元素
6)Drama Element戏曲音乐元素

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-