1.Preliminary research on determining oxygen components in materials like ferrosilicon powder;硅铁等粉料中氧分量测定的初步研究
2.Revamp of the powder recovery system of ABS Plant;ABS装置粉料回收系统改造
3.Reform in conveying system of powder in production of toothpaste;牙膏生产粉料输送系统的改造

1.Study on the BMC Techniques of Manhole Cover Made by Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Crushing Scraps;电路板回收粉料作BMC窨井盖原料研究
2.Aluminium powder for paintGB/T2083-1989涂料铝粉
3.These include; Fish Meal, Meat and Bone Meal, Blood Meal and Feather Meal.配料包括:鱼,肉骨粉,血粉和羽毛粉等。
4.It is suitable for the quantitative packaging powder-grain mixture material: Feed, Cornmeal, Bean Dregs, Rapeseed Dregs, Cottonseed Dregs.各类颗粒饲料,粉皮混合饲料,柱状饲料,粉状饲料。
5.Suitable for the automatic packing of milk powder, rice flour, milk tea powder, protein, amylum, sauce and such kind of powder materials.适用于奶粉、面粉、奶茶粉、蛋白粉、淀粉、调味料等粉状物料的自动送料提升。
6.Microscopic Test: Other Raw Materials Added, Feather Meal, Blood Meal, etc.显微镜检查掺入原料,如羽毛粉,血粉等.
7.A crayon of this material.彩色粉笔由这种材料制成的粉笔
8.Pak Nai powder, clay, fire-proof material, slag powder processing tanks.白泥粉,粘土,耐火材料,缸渣粉加工。
9.Ingredients: Refined wheat starch,,Refined shrimp,iodine refined salt,purified water.配料:精制小麦粉,特制海鲜粉,碘精盐,水。
10.Ingredients: Refined wheaten starch,,Refined pork,iodic refined salt, Purified water.配料:精制小麦粉,特制猪肉粉,碘精盐,水。
11.powder enamel vase with double ears with floral and relieved border design粉彩料边花卉双耳樽
12.sloshing whitewash on the wall把粉刷涂料泼在墙上.
13.slosh the whitewash all over the floor把粉刷涂料溅了一地板
14.semigloss epoxide-polyester powder coating半光环氧聚酯粉末涂料
15.epoxy polyester powder coating环氧聚酯树脂粉末涂料
16.refractory metals made by powder metallurgy粉末冶金难熔金属材料
17.The materials have been ground up into a fine powder.原料已被碾成粉末。
18.epoxy resin powder coatings涂料用环氧树脂粉末

powder material粉料
1.Safety demonstrations for powder material conveying systems on LLDPE units;LLDPE装置粉料输送系统安全性论证
2.With the change in carrier gas flow rate from high to low in powder material pneumatic transport, gas-solid two-phase flow occurs in a sequence of homogeneous flow, layer-built flow, pulse flow and pushing flow.粉料气动输送中的气流速度由高到低变化时,气—固两相流的流动状态依次出现均匀流,层状流,脉动流和塞状流。
3)powder weighing feeder system粉料喂料
4)powder load粉料加料
6)powder coatings粉末涂料
1.Control of shot blast pretreatment for application of powder coatings;粉末涂料涂装抛丸前处理的控制
2.Preparation of powder coatings and safety management of application;粉末涂料制作与施工的安全管理
3.Formula study of heavy-duty epoxy powder coatings with cathodic peel resistance;抗阴极剥离的重防腐环氧粉末涂料配方研究
