1.Influencing Factors to the Prevalence of Tuberculosis Among College Students in Xi' an;西安市大学生结核病发病原因的影响因素分析
2.Mycobacterium Vaccae Vaccine as an Adjunctive Therapy for Relapsing and Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis:Meta Analysis;母牛分枝杆菌菌苗辅助治疗复治性及耐多药结核的Meta分析
3.Screening and affinity analysis of aptamers to ESAT-6 protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis;结核分枝杆菌ESAT-6抗原适体的筛选与亲和性分析

1.relating to tuberculosis or those suffering from it.关于肺结核,或患肺结核
2.CT manifestations of pancreatic tuberculosis and peripancreatic lymphnodes tuberculosis胰腺结核和胰周淋巴结结核的CT表现
3.A pregnant women complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis,tuberculotic meningitis,spinal tuberculosis妊娠合并肺结核结核性脑膜炎、腰椎结核1例
4.Of, relating to, or affected with tuberculosis.结核病的,结核性的(关于)肺结核的;受肺结核感染的
5.tubercle bacillus结核杆菌[略T.B.]
6.tuberculous enlargement of hilar lymph nodes结核性肺门淋巴结肿大
7.Tuberculous tenosynovitis is an uncommon extrapulmonary tuberculosis.结核性腱鞘炎是罕见的肺外结核病。
8.Association francaise d'etudes et de recherche des nodules法国结核研究协会(结核协会)
9.Of, affected with, or caused by tubercles.(感染)结核节的,结核节引起的
10.a tubercular infection, lung结核病之传染、 感染结核病的肺部.
11.Tuberculosis of the lungs.No longer in scientific use.肺结核肺的结核病,科学上已废弃不用
12.Having or affected with tubercles.有结核菌的,受结核菌感染的
13.constituting or afflicted with or caused by tuberculosis or the tubercle bacillus.由于肺结核结核病而受折磨的。
14.Clinical Analysis of 44 Cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Complicated Bronchial Tuberculosis肺结核合并支气管结核44例临床分析
15.Experimental Study on Antituberculous and Antibacterial Effects of TBQ Injection结核清注射剂抗结核及抗菌实验研究
16.The 4th, take to the patient that already affected n/med tuberculosis bacterium fight n/med tuberculosis medicaments, can come on in order to prevent tuberculosis.第四,给已感染结核菌的病人服用抗结核药物,可以防止结核病发病。
17.Detection of serum anti PPD lgG and tuberculin test in the diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis血清结核抗体检测及结核菌素试验对肺结核病诊断的价值
18.Expression of MPB64 Protein from Mycobacterium bovis in Eukaryotic System牛结核杆菌MPB64蛋白的真核表达

1.Micro-tube drainage and intrapleural urokinase in the treatment of tuberculous loculated encysted pleurisy;微管引流并注入尿激酶治疗结核性多房包裹性胸腔积液
2.The pleural micro-wound drainage through a thin tube and the injection with chymotrypsin in the treatment of tuberculous pleural effusion;胸腔微创置管引流并糜蛋白酶治疗结核性胸腔积液
3.The Prevention Role of Injecting Defibrase into Thorax in Pleural Thickness and Adhesion in Tuberculous Pleurisy;胸膜腔内注入降纤酶对结核性胸膜炎胸膜肥厚和粘连的预防
1.The Analysis on Results of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Entry-exit Personnels at Longkou Port.;龙口口岸出入境人员肺结核检测结果分析
2.Elderly hemeatogenous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis:a clinical analysis of 30 cases;老年血行播散型肺结核30例临床分析
4)TB[英][,ti: 'bi:][美]['ti 'bi]结核
1.Discussion on the control and prevention of TB on community level in Anshan city,liaoning province;辽宁省鞍山市社区结核病防治探讨
2.Investigation on Economic Burden of TB Patients in Sanmenxia City;三门峡市结核病疾病经济负担调查
3.Analysis of TB Prevalence among New College Students in Inner Mongolia Normal University from 2002 to 2004;2002~2004年内蒙古师范大学新生结核病患病情况分析
1.Comparison of the Test of Tubercle Bacillus between Becteriophage Splitting and TaqMan-PCR;噬菌体裂解法与TaqM an-PCR法检测结核分支杆菌的比较
2.The value of multi-slice CT in the judgement of the activity of tubercle多层螺旋CT对结核活动性判断的价值
3.Purpose Set up a quick method to measure tubercle bacillus [MTB] and drug resistance against amikacin [BBK8] by means of phage biologic expansion,and probe into its application value in measuring MTB s drug resistance against amikacin.目的建立快速测定结核分支杆菌(MTB)丁胺卡那霉素耐药性的噬菌体生物扩增法,并探讨其在结核分支杆菌丁胺卡那霉素耐药性测定中的应用价值。
6)nodule and crust结核结壳

结核结核 结核   病名。指核样肿物生于皮里膜外者。《备急千金要方》卷二十三有:“此症生于皮里膜外,结为果核,坚而不痛”。该病因风火气郁,或湿痰凝结而致。初起推之可动,久则推之难移,多不作脓。若因风火气郁结聚,初起伴有寒热者,宜用荆防败毒散解表,继服连翘解毒饮;如湿痰凝结气郁者,可行气化痰,用五香流气饮或千金指迷丸。本病相当于急、慢性淋巴结炎,或淋巴结核及部分皮下肿物等病。