1.Establishment of platelet membrane immobilized chromatography and its application in the analysis of active components of Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae;血小板细胞膜固相色谱法的建立及其对丹参效应物质的初步分析
2.Advances in Platelet and Preeclampsia Research;血小板与子痫前期的研究进展
3.Correlation of Platelet-activating Factor and Bronchial Asthma in High Altitude;血小板活化因子与高原低氧环境支气管哮喘发生

1.Study on the effect of the platelet antibodies on platelets transfusion血小板抗体对血小板输注效果的影响
2.The Meaning of Testing RP and PAIgG to Diagnosis ITP;网织血小板血小板抗体对诊断特发性血小板减少性紫癜的意义
3.the primary form of thrombocytopenia (rather than a shortage of platelets caused by with other conditions such as tuberculosis or chemical suppression of bone marrow etc.).血小板减少的基本形式。
4.primary thrombocytosis原发性血小板增多症
5.functional disorders of platelet血小板功能障碍性疾病
6.determination of platelet aggregating function血小板凝聚功能测定
7.platelet over consumption and destruction血小板破坏消耗过多
8.platelet-producing megakaryocyte血小板生成型巨核细胞
9.platelet derived growth factor血小板衍生生长因子
10.a blood disease characterized by an abnormally small number of platelets in the blood.血液中血小板数量减少的一种血液
11.Apheresis Platelets Stored in Platelet Additive Solutions: Aspects on in Vitro Quality血小板添加液保存血小板的体外质量研究
12.Toll-like Receptor 4 Expression Mediates the Activation of Platelets Induced by LPS血小板TLR4表达介导LPS诱导的血小板活化
13.a disorder characterized by an abnormal reduction in the blood of erythrocytes and leukocytes and blood platelets.红血球和白血球和血小板减少的血液混乱状态。
14.Relationship between Platelet Membrane Glycoproteins and Parameter of Platelet in Acute Cerebral Thrombosis;急性脑血栓形成患者血小板膜糖蛋白与血小板参数关系的研究
15.Study on the New Platelet Additive Solution Substituting Blood Plasma in Platelet Storage;新型血小板保养液组替代血浆保存血小板的研究
16.Relationship between Platelets and Serum Thrombopoietin in Rheumatoid Arthritis类风湿关节炎的血小板计数与血清血小板生成素的相关性研究
17.Research on effects of plasma exchange and platelet washing on platelet and platelet antibodies in ITP patients血浆置换与血小板洗涤对ITP患者血小板及相关抗体影响的研究
18.To Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Recombinant Human Thrombopoietin on Chemotherapy-Induced Thrombocytopenia in Leukemia重组人血小板生成素治疗白血病化疗后血小板减少的初步观察

1.Freeze-Drying of Human Platelets: Influence of Intracellular and Extracellular Protectants;人血小板的冷冻干燥保存:细胞内外保护剂的作用
2.Influence of saccharides and their concentrations on freeze-drying of human platelets;糖的浓度和种类对人血小板冷冻干燥保存的影响
3.Effects of Berberine on the Expression of GPVI on Platelets of Diabetes Rats;小檗碱对糖尿病模型大鼠血清血小板糖蛋白GPVI表达的影响
3)blood platelet血小板
1.Influence of PGE1 on the function of blood platelet in the elder PAOD patients;前列腺素E1对老年闭塞性周围动脉粥样硬化患者血小板功能的影响
2.Analysis of count and average volume of blood platelet and metabolite of Kawasaki s disease;川崎病患者血小板数和平均体积及其代谢产物的改变
3.Performance evaluation on Sysmex XS-1000i automated hematology analyzer in measuring blood platelet;Sysmex XS-1000i全自动血液分析仪分析血小板性能评价
4)blood platelets血小板
1.Their blood platelets count(BPC),mean platelet volume(MPV)and platelet distribution width(PDW)were detected at the acute stage(under three days after birth) and the recovery stage(seven days after birth).目的:探讨新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy,HIE)血小板参数变化及其临床意义。
2.Objective\ To observe the influence of radiofrequency catheter ablation on blood platelets and evaluate its clinical significance.①目的 观察射频消融对血小板活性的影响 ,探讨其临床意义。
3.The blood platelets count in female or male septic rats was significantly positive correlation with the level of serum estrogen and the β-TG expression in female or male septic rats was significantly negative correlation with the level of serum estrogen(P<0.目的:探讨性别差异对脓毒症大鼠血小板活化的影响。
1.The parameters of WBC,RBC,HGB,PLT and the microscopic configuration of WBC were analyzed by the contrasting samples.方法采用迈瑞BC-3000plus全自动血细胞分析仪检测血细胞参数,对83例间日疟患者的白细胞(WBC)、红细胞(RBC)、血红蛋白(HGB)、血小板(PLT)等参数及镜检白细胞形态改变进行分析。
2.Methods Blood platelet counting(PLT)、PT、APTT and fibrinogen(FIB)level were measured in the non-pregnancy women,normal pregnant women and pregnancy women with hypertension.方法检测非妊娠妇女、正常妊娠和妊娠期高血压疾病妇女的血浆血小板(PLT)、凝血酶原时间(PT)、纤维蛋白原(FIB)、部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)的含量。
3.Shengbai oral liquid could accelerantly renew the number of PLT of mice and improve distinctly the rate of survival 30 d of acute radiation injury in mice.结果升白口服液对照射前后小鼠外周血白细胞、红细胞及血小板的影响,与对照组相比有明显差异,可明显加速血小板的恢复,显著提高急性放射病小鼠的30d存活率。
6)platelets transfusion血小板输血
